Sit Fitness Teacher Training UPDATED


Are you a qualified Group Fitness Teacher or PT and would you like to offer Sit Fitness Classes.

Join our new Certification Course to teach Sit Fitness.

Learn How To Teach Seated Fitness, Chair Based Classes including Seated and supported classes.

You will learn everything you need to run inclusive exercise sessions which have a real impact on improving the quality of life for adults with limited mobility or injury.

*Understand physical, mental and social health benefits of chair-based exercise,.
*Appropriate Exercises and class planning to improve cardiovascular, muscular strength, mobility and flexibility and how to adapt exercises for individuals needs.
*Choreography, sequencing, exercise selection
*Orthopaedic conditions.
*Adapting chair based classes for special populations
*Seated CV Choreography
*Seated strength, mobility, band and weighted exercise.
*Class plans for assisted classes.

Plus Extra Bonus
The Original Sit Fitness Workshop with 4 Sit Fitness masterclass for Choreography ideas.

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