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  • Menopause Information

    There are some wonderful people to follow online and subscribe to their newsletters and information

    Please subscribe to Dr Louise Newsome newsletters, blog and here

    Follow Menopause Doctor on Instagram. click here

    Megs Menopause great website, Blog and podcast  Follow Meg Matthews on IG for interesting and informative blogs and interviews.

    Jane Dowling Meno and Me – Menopause Advocate and Fitness Professional  

    Dr Heather Currie Chair of The Menopause Association – Fantastic Website

    Current NICE Guidelines on Menopause  

    Podcast with Jane Dowling the Menopause, HRT, the NICE guidelines and managing the Menopause with Guest Jane Dowling Of Menoandme

    I was so excited to have Jane Dowling of Menoandme on the podcast. As a Fitness Professional and Clinical exercise specialist, I reached out to Jane to discuss the updated research on the Menopause, HRT, the Nice guidelines as managing the Menopause.

    Click here to listen

    Sign up for Janes newsletter

    There is a lot of new information and drugs like HRT are evolving. HRT can be a lifesaver for so many, so please don’t rule it out because you want to tackle this with “natural” remedies.

    Lifestyle factors – improving your nutrition, cutting back or cutting out booze, limiting sugar and strength training can dramatically improve symptoms by up to 40%.

    I have recorded a simple podcast on how to improve your sleep so if you are waking up in the night with hot sweats have a listen to my tips. CLICK HERE

    Hopefully, this will educate and empower women to seek out the best treatment for them.

    Menopause Part 1 Symptoms

    There are many symptoms for the Menopause and every woman has a different combination of symptoms to varying degrees. These can include anxiety, night sweats, fatigueandjoint pain but for some, it may be trouble sleeping, hot flushes, headaches, tender breasts, mood swings, weight gain, dry skin or difficulty concentrating for others.

    1. Hot Flushes
    2. Night Sweats
    3. Loss of Libido
    4. Vaginal Dryness
    5. Irregular Periods

    6. Anxiety
    7. Irritability
    8. Panic Disorders
    9. Difficulty Concentrating
    10. Mood Swings
    11. Foggy Brain
    12. Depression

    13. Fatigue
    14. Hair Loss
    15. Sleep Problems
    16. Dizziness
    17. Weight Gain
    18. Bloating
    19. Allergies
    20. Brittle Nails
    21. Osteoporosis
    22. Irregular Heartbeat
    23. Changes in Body Odour
    24. Bladder Problems

    25. Breast Pain
    26. Headaches
    27. Joint Pain
    28. Burning Mouth
    29. Electric Shock
    30. Nausea and Digestive Problems
    31. Dental Problems
    32. Muscle Tension
    33. Dry and Itchy Skin
    34. Tingling Extremities

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