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  • How do I start my group fitness career?

    Starting a career in group fitness can be an exciting and rewarding journey!! Here is how you get started...
    1. Obtain the Right Qualification: To establish your credibility and ensure you have the necessary knowledge and skills you need the Level 2 Group Fitness Qualification to teach fitness classes- ask us for more info!
    2. Gain Experience: As you pursue your qualification, gain experience by participating in group fitness classes and observing experienced instructors.
    3. Decide what classes you would like to teach: Consider developing a specialisation within group fitness to differentiate yourself and appeal to a specific target audience… what type of classes do you enjoy most?
    4. Create a Business Plan: If you plan to start your own group fitness business, develop a business plan that outlines your goals, target market etc. If you want business help get in touch we can help!
    5. Network and Build Relationships: Networking is crucial for building connections within the fitness industry. Attend fitness conferences, workshops, and events to meet fellow instructors, fitness professionals, and potential employers… join our C2GO tour this Summer at a venue near you!
    6. Start Teaching: Once you feel confident and ready, start teaching group fitness classes… practice is key.
    7. Continuously Educate Yourself: The fitness industry is ever-evolving, so it’s important to stay updated with the latest research, trends, and teaching methodologies. Attend workshops, webinars, and continuing education courses to expand your knowledge and skills. Seek feedback from participants and continuously refine your teaching techniques.
    We wish you the best of luck in this exciting career!

    ChoreographyToGo Training and Education

    ⭐️Level 2 Group Fitness Qualification

    ⭐️Level 3 Group Fitness Qualifications

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