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  • It’s the season for Aqua 5 reasons to take an Aqua Instructor course

    It’s the season for Aqua

    Summer is here in full swing and it is the perfect time to be launching your Aqua classes.

    There are so many opportunities with this qualification… teaching abroad or at home retreats, holiday camps, in leisure centres indoor and outdoor and so much more.

    teach aqua


    5 Reasons You Should Take An Aqua Instructor Course

    This could be one of the best career moves you make! You’ll be keeping fit, inspiring others and having fun at the same time. What’s not to love? Read on to find out the 5 reasons why you should train to be an Aqua instructor, and then the answer to the question that I am often asked: ‘Which Aqua Aerobics Qualification do I need to teach Aqua Classes?’

    1. There is so much work out there and opportunity, I am forever being asked do I know any qualified Aqua Aerobics instructors. Health clubs, leisure centres and gyms are often looking for cover or regular Aqua Instructors to take classes. As more and more people discover the benefits of working out in water; swimming pools, health clubs and community centres all across the UK are offering an ever-increasing variety of specialised classes, from Water Running to Aqua Yoga or Aqua Dance. Shallow water classes are a great option for people who aren’t strong swimmers or may be afraid of the water. This gives instructors massive potential for employment! So it’s a great way to increase your earnings as a fitness instructor.
    2. Regardless of their fitness level, you will give your participants a great workout in the water. As an Aqua Instructor you will offer plenty of modifications to increase or decrease the difficulty of the moves, and participants are always free to go at their own pace. In deep water using a flotation belt will help people to stay afloat, or they can go without to really keep their heart pumping throughout the class.
    3. Aqua Aerobics classes are not just for the older adult or retired individual. Younger people who are extremely fit can also reap the benefits of participating in aqua fitness as it is a challenging whole body aerobic workout with less impact on the joints which will also help prevent injury. So it can appeal to any type of participant and instructor.
    4. Aqua Aerobics, like any other group exercise programme can be very sociable. So as an Aqua Instructor your participants can be loyal and return to your classes week after week, giving a real community feel and sense of belonging.
    5. It can also be very rewarding for you personally, as there are so many benefits to your participants, such as improving performance in high-impact activities including running, dance, or team sports such as football or rugby. Thanks to the buoyancy of water, participants strengthen their muscles and improve their cardiovascular fitness without subjecting their body to additional wear and tear. Also, it’s not just the heart and muscles that stand to benefit from an Aqua Aerobics class. Working out in water is also fantastic for the internal organs and lymphatic system. Hydrostatic pressure, turbulence and buoyancy assist in venous return (the flow of blood back to the heart) and lymphatic drainage. These extra benefits help explain why participants feel so good after a class – the body is refreshed rather than exhausted.

    So what qualification do you need to teach this class?

    Here at Choreographytogo we offer the Aqua Certification CLICK HERE to find out more and it is all online!

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