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  • Menopausal Symptoms And What To Do About Them

    Menopausal Symptoms And What To Do About Them

    Check out for Menopause: diagnosis and management Guidelines


    Menopausal symptoms can be very different from one woman to another, and may include hot flushes, night sweats, changes in menstrual cycle, vaginal dryness, changes in mood, difficulty sleeping, and changes in sexual desire. Some women experience few or no symptoms during menopause, while others may find the symptoms to be extremely severe.

    There are several things you can do to manage menopausal symptoms:

    1. Exercise regularly: Physical activity can help reduce hot flashes and night sweats.
    2. Eat a healthy diet: A diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can help reduce menopausal symptoms.
    3. Get enough sleep: Good sleep habits, including going to bed and getting up at the same time every day, can help manage menopausal symptoms.
    4. Manage stress: Stress can worsen menopausal symptoms, so finding ways to manage stress, such as through relaxation techniques, exercise, or counseling, may be helpful.
    5. Use hormone therapy HRT: Hormone therapy, which can be taken as a pill, patch, or cream, can help reduce menopausal symptoms by replacing the hormones your body is no longer making. It is important to discuss hormone therapy with your GP to determine if it is right for you.
    6. Try alternative therapies: Some women find relief from menopausal symptoms with alternative therapies such as acupuncture, herbal remedies, or dietary supplements. It is important to talk to your healthcare provider before using any alternative therapies.


    Train to Teach Menofit™

    ⭐Are you a Fitpro and would like to offer your own MENOFIT Programme?

    ⭐Train to Teach MENOFIT™

    ⭐Join for Rachel for the MENOFIT™ Teacher Training Course

    ⭐Work with Rachel and make a plan with how to create, deliver and market your own MENOFIT™ programme.

    ⭐Plus online prerecorded Workshops to help you.

    Create Menofit Programmes for online, in person or Corporate.

    Book now to start right away:


    click here To join our January MenoFit programme


    January 2023 Menofit™ Kick Start   30 Day Programme 

    Join The Menofit™ January

    Commit To Get Fit Kick Start

    4 Week programme 5th January to 12th February

    Are you Peri or Menopausal or Post Menopausal?

    Do you want get fit?

    Do you want to lose weight?

    Are you struggling with weight gain, low energy, feeling unfit?

    Are you struggling with time and fitting in training?

    Is your nutrition haphazard and you need a reset?

    Join a specific programme for Midlife Women all online delivered via my website, email and optional Facebook group.

    Preparation starts

    Thursday 5th January Goal Setting, Getting mindset right, Planning your food and nutrition, easing back into exercises, Understanding hormones,

    Official Start Sunday 8th January 2023

    830am LIVE TALK


    Daily 15 minute Walkfit™ –

    Daily 15 minute Menofit™

    Walkfit™ and Menofit™ workouts are for you if you getting back to exercises and want to start gradually

    Weekly Talks Every Sunday – Available on Catch up

    Daily Motivational talks in the Facebook group.

    *Daily Recipe

    *Meal Plans

    *30 minute Interval workouts as a bonus optional.

    *Stress management.

    Week 1 All New workouts


    Monday Menofit™ Full Body Mobility

    Tuesday Menofit™ Cardio Express LIIT

    Wed Menofit™ AbS & Arms

    Thursday Menofit™ WALKFIT

    Friday Menofit™ Slow Strength & Conditioning

    Saturday Menofit™ Masterclass

    Sunday Menofit™ Masterclass

    Talks and Q and A’s

    Menofit™ Weightloss – Safe and effective weight loss strategies.

    Menofit™ Nutrition – What to eat during menopause.

    Menofit™ Motivation – How to stay on track

    Menofit™ Midsection Meltdown – How to combat belly fat

    Menofit™ Symptoms and Solutions- Are you symptoms getting your down

    Menofit™ Healthy Tips & Habit Change – How to make new habits stick

    Starting Thursday 5th January – all in the online studio live group with Rachel Holmes

    • Daily 15 minute Menofit‹™Workout – Can be done at any time
    • Food List, Meno Menus, Recips,
    • Weekly Check in and Accountability
    • Bonus classes, Workshops and Talks.
    • Menopause Updates and Information.
    • Understanding Macros and Calories
    • Midsection Weight Loss Focus.

    Content is delivered online on my members area and in a Facebook group.

    Limited spaces on this course.

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