Are you a busy Aqua Instructor
needing some ideas for your Aqua Classes?
Launching TODAY on a special offer
£24.99 + VAT
Workshops and training courses are often
at the weekend & you might be teaching or
maybe its family time or YOU time.
Well, in 2016 we can do SO Much more via
online training, virtual workshops & social media.
Therefore Kelly and I have created our first
ONLINE Aqua Workshop Package.
YOU get:
4 mini content videos:
Videos between 5 – 12 minutes long with the
essential moves & ideas, so your
not wasting time watching
videos with filler moves.
Kelly teaches:
Deep Water Aqua
Functional Aqua with the mini ball
A Workshop Manual
A C2go / Aqua Certificate
And its all on the new
C2GO Workshop Membership Website
which is a super cool site with all your content
sitting on one place.
No Downloading & saving big files to your memory.
All of the workshop is there when you log in.
Watch everything on your iphone,
ipad, laptop, desk top or Smart TV
Its the future!
me on Snapchat RachelLHolmes