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  • The Fitness Pilates Newsletter 28th  November 2023

    The Fitness Pilates Newsletter 28th  November 2023 
    Good MORNING

    We are so close to DECEMBER and I hope your FP classes have been amazing this year and we look ahead to another successful year of classes.


    Are you planning a 12 Days Of Fitmas?

    This can be a festive promotion over on your socials or a pop up fun challenge to do.

    Here are a few Fitmas Class names to get your started:

    Christmas Core 

    Santas Sculpt

    Christmas Cardio Challenge 

    Calming Class 

    Santas Stretch 

    12 Days Of Fitness Pilates Fitmas Ideas

    You could film a short video for your groups or to add to your website or even do a pop up challenge in a Facebook group.

    Day 1 Shoulder Bridge

    Day 2 Table Top

    Day 3 Superman

    Day 4 Half Roll Back

    Day 5 Swimming 

    Day 6 Swim Legs

    Day 7 Side lying Leg Raise

    Day 8 Back Extension

    Day 9 Thread The Needle

    Day 10 The Square 

    Day 11 Swan

    Day 12 Put all the exercises together.
    This is a great focus and a fun challenge for you and your members.

    5 Minute relaxation script

    0:00 – 0:15

    As we conclude our Fitness Pilates class today, find a comfortable seated or lying position on your mat. Close your eyes and take a moment to shift your focus inward.

    0:15 – 0:45

    Let’s begin with some gentle breath awareness. Inhale deeply through your nose, and as you exhale, imagine releasing any tension or fatigue from your
    body. Let your breath soothe and nourish you.

    0:45 – 1:15

    As you continue to breathe, scan your body from head to toe. Notice any areas that might still be holding tension. With each exhale, send relaxation to those areas, allowing them to soften and let go.

    1:15 – 2:00

    Now, let’s shift our focus to gratitude. Take a moment to think about something you’re grateful for today, something that brought you joy or made you smile. It could be a small moment or a larger aspect of your life.

    2:00 – 2:30

    As you hold this gratitude in your heart, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, imagine sending that feeling of gratitude throughout your body. Let it fill you with positivity and contentment.

    2:30 – 3:30

    Now, let’s practice a few moments of loving-kindness meditation. Begin by directing these wishes to yourself: “May I be happy. May I be healthy. May I be at ease.” Repeat these phrases silently to yourself, allowing them to resonate within.

    3:30 – 4:00

    Now, let’s move into a calming breath technique called Box Breathing. Inhale for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, exhale for a count of four, and pause for a count of four. Repeat this cycle for a minute, keeping your breath steady and even.

    4:00 5:00

    As we conclude this guided meditation, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, gently open your eyes. Carry the sense of gratitude and loving-kindness with you as you leave your mat today.

    We have new programmes coming up 2024. The new Fitness Pilates Corrective Exercise Specialist and you can book for 2024 Fitness Pilates Summit.

    Wishing you a lovely Sunday

    Love Rachel xxx


    JOIN The Rachel Holmes Fitpro Supporters founder members only £3.99 a month including weekly masterclass   click here for details 

    Fitness Pilates Summit  17th November 2024 CLICK HERE for next year and the early early bird 

    Do you need help with your Business?
    Check out this weeks Business Basics Bootcamp Workshops if you feel your not sure what you are doing!

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