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  • What is the best time of day to teach a pilates class?

    What is the best time of day to teach a pilates class?

    The best time of day to teach a Pilates class can vary depending on several factors, including the preferences and schedules of the participants, the location and setting of the class, and the demographic you are targeting.

    Here are a few considerations to help you determine an optimal time:

    🎯Morning Classes: Many people find that exercising in the morning helps them start their day with energy and focus.Early morning classes, such as around 7 am or 8 am, may attract those who want to exercise before work or other commitments.

    🎯Lunchtime Classes: Offering Pilates classes during the lunchtime hours can appeal to individuals who have a flexible work schedule or can take a break during the day.

    🎯Evening Classes: Evening classes can be popular among those who prefer to exercise after work to unwind, relieve tension, and improve sleep quality. Classes scheduled around 5 pm to 7 pm might be suitable for those with regular work hours.

    🎯Weekends: Offering Pilates classes on weekends can cater to individuals who may have more free time and flexibility in their schedule.

    We suggest you trial class times to see what the uptake is- and why not ask your clients? A survey will help you find out when your clients would could and would like to attend


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