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  • The Fitness Pilates Blog

    Fitness Pilates Instructor Newsletter 13th March

    Good Morning 


    Do you work for local authority, leisure trust or a corporate and they will fund you attending one of our qualifications or workshop?  
    You can now set Choreographytogo Training & Education as a supplier and get your employer to pay for your training.

    Are you a Studio Manager or Fitness Manager? 
    We have numerous Aqua in-house training courses booked from various Leisure centres around the UK  (as there is such a shortage of aqua Teachers) and Fitness Pilates courses, so if you have a minimum of 6 staff members who need training please get in touch.

    Love Rachel xx

    Have a great weekend
    Any questions drop me a whats app 07976 268672 or if it is an admin question pop a message in the Choreographytogo messenger.

    I am sending you out some FREE Resources today and letting you know about the FP Posture Project sale and the new Seniors Strong Teacher Training.

    FREE 7 Minute Get active Workouts For Beginners
    I am passionate about getting the inactive active this is a free series of workouts I created. Please feel free to sign up and it may inspire you to create some new beginner programmes. click here

    **Free Goal Setting & Business Planning Webinar **
    Get ready for the week ahead with my Sunday Session
    *How to Prioritise your tasks in line with your goals.
    *How to get clear on your weekly and annual goals
    *how to create a simple road map for success.

    Fitness Pilates Posture Project
    HALF PRICE from £70 to only £35
    Fitness Pilates Posture Project Pilates workshop with Rachel & Kelly
    How To Construct a 4 / 6 week Fitness Pilates Posture Course
    The Fitness Pilates Posture Project is a new Fitness Pilates class format concentrating on offsetting musculoskeletal imbalances and improving posture.

    *How To create a group FP Posture class
    *How to assess Posture in a group.
    *Key exercises to include in your class
    *Sample 4 x 30 minute FP Posture Classes with Rachel & kelly
    *How to price, market and promote your FP Posture Course


    Seniors Strong™ TEACHER Training
    Are you ready to launch a new programme for Active Seniors?

    Join the very first Seniors Strong™ Teacher Training with Rachel & Kelly
    Seniors Strong™ is a functional strength, cardio, and mobility class designed to improve cardiovascular fitness and functional fitness for older adults.

    Learn new formats, class design and plans for Seniors Strong classes™
    Identify common orthopaedic conditions and how to adapt exercise and routines using a chair, wall and stick.

    Seniors Strong™ is a modern, inspiring and fresh class for older adults thatch be taught in person and online

    Full Teacher Training is LIVE on ZOOM or get the recording if you cant make it live.

    click here



    ChoreographyToGo Training and Education

    ⭐️Level 2 Group Fitness Qualification

    ⭐️Level 3 Qualifications Online


    ⭐️Instructor Training and business development

    ⭐️ALL Delivered Online

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