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  • How can pilates help your knees and hips?

    How can pilates help your knees and hips?

    Pilates can be beneficial for your knees and hips in several ways:

    1. Strengthening Muscles: Pilates exercises focus on strengthening the core muscles, including the muscles around the hips and knees. By improving the strength of these muscles, you can provide better support to your knees and hips, reducing stress and strain on the joints.
    2. Improving Flexibility and Range of Motion: Pilates incorporates stretching and controlled movements that help improve flexibility and increase the range of motion in your knees and hips. Enhanced flexibility can reduce stiffness, improve joint mobility, and alleviate discomfort.
    3. Enhancing Posture and Alignment: Pilates emphasises proper body alignment, including the alignment of the knees and hips. By practicing Pilates exercises, you can develop better posture habits and alignment, which can help alleviate any undue pressure on your knees and hips caused by poor posture.
    4. Correcting Imbalances and Weaknesses: Pilates exercises are designed to address muscle imbalances and weaknesses in the body. By targeting specific muscles that may be weak around the knees and hips, Pilates can help improve the overall stability and balance of these joints, reducing the risk of injuries.
    5. Increasing Body Awareness: Pilates encourages body awareness and mindfulness during movements. By paying attention to how your knees and hips are moving and engaging the correct muscles, you can develop better control and stability in these joints, leading to improved function and reduced strain.



    Fitness Pilates Hips & Knees Deep Dive
    SPECIAL OFFER reduced to £27 for 1 day only
    Special Fitness Pilates Course Deal Of The Day

    Fitness Pilates Hips & Knees Deep Dive
    Reduced from £47.00 to £27.00 click here

    A 2 hour Deep Dive with Kelly into Orthopaedic Conditions and the most appropriate exercises to offset muscular skeleton imbalance and common problem and injuries with the Hips & Knees.

    *Identify the common orthopaedic issues associated with hips and knees.
    *Key Fitness Pilates Exercises to avoid and key exercises to include.
    *Managing multi level participants s with hip and knee problems
    An important workshops for all Pilates Teachers looking to create progressive and inclusive Fitness Pilates classes.

    Ideal if you are planning a Knee friendly Fitness Pilates Special

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