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  • What are the benefits of Hot Fitness Pilates?

    The Benefits of Hot Fitness Pilates 

    It is important to note that it is not advisable for an instructor to just ‘turn up the heat’ in their normal studio to make it HOT.

    This can cause the spread of germs and infections, so all HOT STUDIOS’ must be fitted with the correct infrared radiant heating panels or heating system.

    Far Infrared Rays (FIR) are part of the sun’s invisible spectrum. FIR radiant heat is a form of thermal energy.

    This is the warmth you feel penetrate your skin when you are outside in the sun. FIR light should not be confused with ultraviolet light which causes sunburn and damage to your skin. Far infrared rays do not cause sunburn or skin damage.

    You can purchase the Far Infrared Heaters as stand alone heaters that can be free standing, wall or ceiling mounted and there are many suppliers around the UK.

    So what are the benefits?

    1. Increased Flexibility: The heat in the room helps to warm up muscles and connective tissues, making them more pliable and allowing for deeper stretches. This can lead to improved flexibility over time.
    2. Enhanced Detoxification: Sweating can aid in the elimination of toxins from the body through the skin, promoting a sense of purification and well-being.
    3. Improved Circulation: The heat can stimulate blood flow, which may help with better oxygenation of the cells and removal of waste products from the body.
    4. Strengthening and Toning:  Regular practice can lead to improved strength, toning, and overall body conditioning.
    5. Increased Heart Rate and Cardiovascular Benefits: The heat and intensity can elevate your heart rate, providing cardiovascular benefits and potentially contributing to improved heart health.
    6. Stress Relief: Fitness Pilates emphasises breath control and mindfulness, which can help reduce stress and promote relaxation.
    7. Weight Loss: The combination of intense physical activity, increased heart rate, and the heat may contribute to burning calories and supporting weight loss efforts.
    8. Mental Focus and Mind-Body Connection: The challenging environment can require greater concentration and presence of mind, fostering a deeper mind-body connection.
    9. Joint Health: The heat can provide temporary relief to individuals with joint discomfort, making movements feel less strenuous and more comfortable during the practice.

    Like A HOT Yoga Class we have devised a set protocol of Fitness Pilates exercises that are suitable to teach in the HOT Studio which include 5 phases:


    Phase 2 – BALANCE,

    Phase 3 – STRENGTH,

    Phase 4 – CORE


    If you are Pilates trained and you would like to do the training please book on to get your spot.

    Join the Hot Fitness Pilates Instructor training live on Zoom 5th August  with Tutor Kelly Reed


    • Live training on Zoom 5th August 10am-2pm
    • Manual
    • Certificate

    If you are Pilates trained and you would like to do the training please book on to get your spot:

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