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    5 ways to market your face to face pilates classes

    5 ways to market your face to face pilates classes


    Digital advertising is one of the questions that I get a lot from my Pilates studio owner clients. It’s an important part of growing the business and finding the right clients to walk through your doors but there are other ways too.


    • It used to take between 7 and 12 touch points to warm up to the idea of doing business with you. Because of how many interruptions there are today, it takes much more than that to acquire a new client.
    • Your audience needs to remember the name of your business and your offer. You can remind them using digital retargeting and careful planning.



    What are the best social media platforms for your pilates business?

    • FB, IG, Tik Tok and Youtube work well for fitness businesses.

    What ad formats works best?

    • Having a video will help you put the face with the name of the business. Share snippets of your pilates classes and choreography.
    • It is all about YOU share who you are to help promote your classes and why people should come and join them.
    • Become the trusted professional in your area- people will come to you as you KNOW how to help them and they will trust you.
    • Image ads can still work, but video is getting higher reach. Make sure you grab that team picture at the end of your classes.


    What is the best conversion goal for your ad?

    • Warm up your leads with a lead magnet (free informational offer of great value that would introduce your brand to a new visitor.)  Leave your email and get a FREE pilates class pass for example.
    • Then retarget with your main offer like your monthly class subscription.
    • Ask for as little information as possible for the free offer (name, email) to increase conversions.



    How to write emails that your subscribers actually open?

    • Email is not dead. Everybody checks their email daily.
    • If you have good content – people would read it.
    • The #1 skill you can have as a business owner is copywriting.
    • You OWN your email list. You don’t own your Fb users, IG followers etc. Those platforms can shut down your page/account at any time. However, nobody can take away your email list, so you always have a way of connecting with your followers by sending them engaging emails and your class offers.
    • Aim to send out a newsletter minimum once a week, ideally at least twice a week. Emailing once a month is almost like not emailing at all.
    • Infuse some personality in your email, don’t keep it “strictly business”.
    • Weave some education with some information to make your emails stick out.
    • Subscribe to other professionals in your field and see how they communicate with their subscribers. How does their personality come through in the newsletter?


    • Make leaflets/ banners for your local area and promote in coffee shops/ door to door. Sometimes the old way is the best way!
    • You can easily make free banners /posters on and get them printed for minimal price.
    • Offer referral offers and first class free.


    • Corporate fitness is a massive opportunity, you could offer weekly classes in office spaces or even online for their staff. Pilates is great for all levels and a great class to offer this sort of client.
    • Make a list of local businesses and approach them with a proposal!


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