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  • Fitness pros wanting to optimise their business listen up

    “Will you just tell me what to do?”

    A question I often get asked by Fitpros wanting to learn how to optimise their business online and bring in new clients Face to face too.


    • You know you want to go online…
    • You want to get more clients in your face to face…
    • You are trying to manage your time effectively…

    But after months of posting on social media nothing is working?


    • Does tech freak you out?
    • Do you not know where to start with mailing lists and campaigns?
    • Do you want to know how to convert your online stuff into programmes you can re purpose and get that passive income you always dreamt of?

    You need a coach and a proven system to show you the way, because the knowledge you have is important and you could be helping MORE people.


    Consider this my personal invite to show you just how you can get set up with your online fitness business in my next Fitness Business Academy intake starting 13th June.


    I will show you how to: 

    1. Get clarity on your niche
    2. Put together a programme for your clients online or face to face
    3. Pick the tech platforms and how to use these to successfully market your programmes
    4. The winning formula to make your programmes fly
    5. How to use your time effectively for a positive work life balance


    My live training is interactive in a small group for the best results and personalised training.

    Find out more: 

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