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  • The Fitness Pilates Blog

    Fitness Pilates Instructor Newsletter 26th September 2022

    Fitness Pilates 25 September Newsletter

    Quick FP Updates


    Do you want to attract more clients to your Face to Face Classes?

    *Use the FP Events app
    *The Next Door App
    *Go to local take away and pay for their menus that go through the door. Put your add on the back of the tri fold so people see it when it drops though the letter box.
    *Run mini workshops – Last weeks Crunchless Core mini workshop I held to help Fitpros use mini workshops to attract new people. This weeks it’s Healthy Backs join in and see how it runs.

    October is Menopause Awareness Month
    A huge month if your audience is midlife women. Join my Menofit™ teacherTraining Course next Friday and offer FP & Menofit™as a package.


    YOGAFIT Retreats Ibiza
    Is coming up so fast 23rd October. Why not join in for 3/4/5 or the full 7 days for an amazing holiday. Use my code: RachelHOLMESYOGAFIT


    Fitness Pilates with Ankle Weights.
    While running the MENOFIT programme the feedback coming back was “bad knees” and so many ladies not being able to squat and lunge without pain. So, Ive taught a few purely mat FP using ankle weighs and wow is it effective.
    If you have some ankle weights gathering dust get them out and give it a go.


    I am love the Pure Energy Smooth Jazz it’s incredible check it out on Pure Energy Music


    Have a great week and look forward to seeing many of you on a LIVE, MASTERCLASS  or training course very soon.
    Love Rachel xxxx


    Questions? Whats app 07976 268672

    Join the SUPPORTERS for help with your marketing
    Rachel Holmes Supporters Link
    Daily business and social media coaching every day at 730am get it live or in catch up plus Free weekly masterclasses


    Note: You can only subscribe from a browsers on a computer or a mobile app. You won’t be able to subscribe on Facebook mobile through a web browser.
    *Free business training every day
    *Free masterclasses and training
    *Discounts on everything.
    *Amazing group of Fit Pros

    Level 4 Pilates 4/5/6 February
    £900.00 click here

    L3 Pilates 28/29/30 October
    £860.00 click here

    View Product

    MENOFIT™ Teacher Training Course
    £147.00 click here

    Fitness Pilates Refresher Workshop
    Bring your FP up to date – recorded start right away click here

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