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  • 5 Tips to writing articles for your Blogs, Articles and Newsletter

    5 Top Tips to help you write better articles!

    We all know that to get your message across you need to write. You need to supply copy for your websites, blogs and of course Facebook and Twitter updates. But what if you are not a confident writer and writing doesn’t come naturally? Well, you need to not panic there are lots of tricks that can help you write interesting articles that will help you get your message across. Writing will help you get attract followers, new business and new clients but it doesn’t have to be hard work.

    Here are some ideas for writing interesting articles that will help solve problems for your clients and position you as a voice of authority.

    1.Write a list – My Top Tip.

    Everyone can write a list! List s are super easy to read and great for newsletters where readerds may only speed read and glance down. Its quick info to digest.

    Give a short one or two paragraph intro, then launch right into your list. Keep each item to a few sentences max. People love numbers, so number your list and give your total number in the title. (You may have noticed that the article you’re reading right now is following the LIST format.)

    5 Top Ab Exercises…… 10 Ways to lose Fat this Summer……My 5 Best Cardio Workouts………5 Exercises to improve your posture……Get the idea?


    2. The Real Life Case Study

    How Jean lost 1 stone in 3 weeks after attending Zumba/Bootcamp/Fitness Pilatres etc

    These type of articles are really inspiring and motivating to your audience, you can even get your featured clients to contribute to the article.

    3. Interview

    Choose an expert or client to interview for your article. Present it in either a traditional article format or do a Q&A.

    For example. Jean has now left her full time job in xxxxx and gone full time in the fitness industry – You can then interview Jayne and write the answers to your questions in an article.

    4.Be a trend setter

    Trends aren’t just for fashion! Whenever a trend sweeps health and fitness ( and there are many on a daily basis), you’ll see Blogs and Facebook all commenting on the newest/the latest/the most hip and happening. From the latest class to the latest piece of gym equipment, people want to know all about these trends—their origins, benefits, and drawbacks. Easy to write about!

    5. Studys show…..

    Brilliant for fitness and weight loss as you can always find on the net studies that show  ………..xyz……..These articles report the results of a study or survey. If you do a bit of research, you can probably dig up a recent study on which you can base your article.

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