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  • Find your Mojo for September

    It’s all about RIO… what an event how fantastic
    was it again last night?

    So exciting and inspirational.

    c2go small infusion

    As we head towards the end of August I hope you are all having a brilliant summer so this weeks newsletter is about
    finding your Autumn Goals, Promoting your
    fitness on social media, Small Group Training with Jay Banks
    and Andrew talks about Rio and sponsorship.

    Tweet me RachelHolmes
    Snapchat & Instagram Rachel L Holmes
    Join me on Facebook Live at 8am
    My Free Webinar for 35 + Females on Sunday 8 – 9pm

    Join me on Sunday 8 – 9pm for my latest webinar for all Women 35 + who want more….

    More information on Health, Nutrition, Sleep, Hormones, Motivation, Stress, Fitness , Business, Time Management and finding your passion.

    If you would like to join me on Sunday grab one of the 500 seats here


    It will be an action packed webinar – I hope you can make it:-)


    If you missed my LIVE chat on Hormones  Click here

    What happens when you get injured Click here

    Passion and Authenticity on Social Media

    You know how much I love social media. I love connecting with people, friends, customers, clients and anyone and everyone, and I feel it’s been such a gift for us fitness professionals and group X Instructors. Generally speaking, we all love people. We enjoy helping, inspiring, supporting and teaching health and fitness, which is why we got into this job in the first place, and now, as social media has become such an integral part of life it’s another fantastic medium for us to reach out and help more people with our messages and skills. So, why are some Fitpros social media buzzing away with lots of interaction, comments, which ultimately turn into super successful marketing for their services and getting people into classes, and other fitpros are just not making it happen on social media?
    It comes down to passion, energy and authenticity. Every single Tweet and Facebook and message that you post has energy behind it that the reader can feel. If someone is down or they are just posting stuff for the sake of it, you can feel that downbeat energy and no one responds. It’s a lifeless post that goes nowhere. Whereas, on the other hand, you can feel the heightened energy when you read a post that the author is literally typing as fast as possible to share a message that they are so passionate about.
    Maybe you experience that when you read an article or even this newsletter!
    When you post about something you are super stoked about, you can literally “feel” that positive energy and that’s what draws people in to interact with you…Don’t you agree?
    Here are some tips to maximise your social media exposure and interaction:
    Post when you are feeling positive, happy, upbeat and energetic – This energy is felt by everyone who reads it and compels them to get involved. If you post when you are feeling bad or negative that energy is also felt, so make sure you are in a good place when you are posting. It really shows.
    1.Authentic -Be YOU on social media. Be authentic and post from the heart, know exactly what your brand is all about and who your audience exactly is. YOU KNOW YOU – people come to your classes because they love you! Make sure that every single Facebook post or tweet is an authentic extension of YOU, that will be picked up by your audience and it will grow and grow. People buy from people and your audience really wants to get to know you, so always be authentic at all times.
    2.Identify your Audience – Do you REALLY know who your audience is? Who are you talking to? Do you have a clear vision of who is connecting with you on Facebook? Well, if you have a page you can see the insights, Facebook is very good at telling you exactly who is reading and interactive with you. You get all of the stats eg Facebook tells me 97% of my audience on my KSFL page is women and 44% are aged between 33 – 45 with 32% 46 – 57, which is a really useful set of statistics to have. This helps me create the right messages for my audience and get more interaction.

    3.What is Your Story?

    People LOVE to know how YOU got to where you are today. Use story telling on social media and tell your audience how and why you created your business. We all have a great stories of how we got into fitness, what motivates us, probably loads of obstacles we have had to overcome to get to where we are today, so use storytelling to build your brand identity. Your audience will love this and really respond to it.

    4.Clarity – Once you have worked out who your audience is then enjoy helping and passing your great knowledge on via social media. This clarity and authenticity on who you are speaking to will really get more and more people to engage and interact with you and ultimately buy your products and come to your classes.
    5.Entertaining – Be entertaining on Social Media, let your personality and humour really come though.
    6.Check your energy and pay attention to how you are feeling before you post.


    Are you feeling motivated and excited about September?

    So my big question of the day is….

    How on earth do you Kick Start your motivation ready for the last 1/4 of the year?
    If you have the best Summer and now starting to feel a bit
    apprehensive about the getting back into work and
    teaching mode I thought I would
    send you a quick motivational 🙂

    In a business where you have to GIVE GIVE GIVE
    it’s so easy to get lost and stale and despondent.
    How do you sustain the passion for your fitness business?

    My immediate answer is
    You have to set BIGGER goals.
    A Bigger, Fatter, Larger, Greater, HUGE goal
    that you’re aiming for.
    That will keep you busy, excited, consumed &
    super uber motivated.


    If you woke up feeling lack lustre,
    demotivated and so uninspired.

    What would be amazing if you could achieve it by Christmas?

    Take 15 minutes and write down those big ideas and
    then reverse engineer
    the steps to get there .

    “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” (Zig Ziglar)
    Ready. Aim. FIRE!

    How to add extra value to your SGT groups by Jay Banks
    Hopefully by now you know the clients you want to work with by working out you aviator and niche or niches

    You have an idea of the content your are going to be delivering

    Now it’s to make your SGT seem the most appealing to anything else your competition

    So how can you add value without spending more money, which in turn put your over heads up


    Here are my top 5 things to add extra value

    #1 Bolt on a class package for an small extra fee
    If your clients love training with you then they will love the idea of getting even more session with you at a lower price. And if you have these class already running it is at NO extra cost to you.

    #2 Take some time to film some extra workouts so they can do them at home.
    You can host these on YouTube and set them to private so only your clients can view these when you send them the links.

    #3 Set up a community communication group between you and everyone in the group so that they can ask questions, chat and feel they have constant support
    I used to do this with a private Facebook group but as things have moved on I now find a “What’s app”‘group works best and it’s still free

    #4 Make sure everyone gets a starter pack when join with key information so they get the best out of your program
    This can be something you type up and hand them and as the groups grow you can always get something more professional designed and printed

    #5 Finally a free gift
    I always factor these into the price so it’s not really a free gift but looks great.
    For my Pinkbelt kickboxing program everyone gets a t shirts to start as a free gift, then as they continue to book the courses they get pink hand wraps, pink boxing gloves, pink jab/hook pads ect

    It would be great to hear your ideas for free gifts and remember if you have any questions I’m always happy to answer them

    You can contact me through

    Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, snap chat and email.

    By Andrew Crawford
    Need I say anymore?

    What an exciting one and a half weeks we have had already.

    At this moment of time our small island of United Kingdom is 2nd in the medals table….in front of China. Absolutely Amazing.

    19 Gold, 19 Silver & 12 Bronze as at 5.00am on Thursday morning. Any more to come??

    Gold has been coming from all directions. The Olympics is a special spectacular occasion, thank goodness it’s only every 4 years…..


    Because I am absolutely shattered…!! I was gonna use the word knackered but some people don’t like that word..!!

    Thank goodness there’s only a few days left.

    I ain’t been to bed before 5am in these 2 weeks …YET..!!

    The BBC have been fantastic in covering the Games, their interactive programming was easy to use and allowed you to flick & choose the sports you wanted to see.

    So…Beach Volley (Brazil vs Germany) is coming on so I must fly and wrap this up…

    Sorry it’s short.

    So Andrew,

    What has Rio got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well Rio is where the Olympics are held this year, this special event is transmitted to MILLIONS of people around the world. It is a stage where you can do all or any of the following:


    You will notice that branding & advertising is everywhere you look. Is it worth it?

    Once you expenditure is wholly & exclusively made for the purpose of your business then any type or form of advertising will be allowable:

    Well…Supposing 1 million people watch an event and you have your advert constantly in their faces. If you only get 1% of those people buying your product or service for £50 a pop, then income is half a million pounds.

    Opps….Germany just won the first game. The Brazilian crowd are quiet.
    Mens Indoor volleyball ….Brasil just won.

    Any how….

    I have used those big figures as an example. You would look at the cost of advertising on such a platform and work out what you would expect to get in return for your investment.

    This investment will be a claimable expense.

    What about Sponsoring?

    If you wanted your brand on any of these Rio teams with worldwide TV exposure you would definitely be advised to go down the sponsorship route.

    This is an excellent way to get your brand or business in front of an audience you would not necessarily get access to.

    This is where you would purchase all the teams training kit (Home & Away) and equipment and may possibly have a space in their programme or magazine.

    I would also go to the extent of being a VIP at the teams meetings or Christmas parties (Did I just mention that word???) or annual breifings

    Talking about briefings….I think Germany will beat Brasil. One set up and 14-9 in the second set…!!
    But Brasil are fighting back.

    Any form of sponsorship will involve you forking out ‘advertising’ money, again this would be fully claimable for you.

    You would need to run your numbers to work out the return on your investment. For example, imagine if you had sponsored the UK Hockey team?

    Germany win Gold in front of the home crowd.

    How about handing out free samples?
    With samples there is going to be a cost.

    The cost of designing, producing, printing and distribution. All these costs will be claimable even though you are giving it away. You have to ensure you have your logo or business details on the sample.

    What about Donations?

    Unfortunately these are not claimable, even if you are donating to a political party or for charity purposes.

    The only way to claim to do this is to Gift Aid your donation. In that way the charity can claim back some money.


    For those with teenage kids, it is RESULTS day…!!

    I suspect you will be taking them to school to pick up that slip of paper. Will it be tears of joy or just tears??

    Two words…..

    Beach Volleyball…..!! Thank you Rio.

    Destination Gold.

    Andrew James Crawford


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