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  • FITPROS Are you USING Social Media Correctly?

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here










    The time is upon us when EVERYONE
    is a media company.

    Whatever classes you teach, if you are
    full time, part time, teach 1 class or 45.

    If you teach KSFL, Bootcamp, Fitness Pilates
    Piloxing, HIIT, Insanity or anything else.

    Like it or not.

    Social Media is such a HUGE part
    of popular culture that if you
    DON’T utilise it you will fall behind.

    It’s the Social Media Industrial Revolution.
    & It’s time to REALLY get on board.

    Last weekend at the #IFS14 Convention
    in Blackpool. Social Media played
    the biggest role yet, spreading the word about
    the weekend via Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

    The amount of videos, pictures, FB posts,
    blogs, tweets, spreading the word, communicating,
    story telling, tagging, posting & uploading was IMMENSE.

    Social Media is NOT about posting
    what time your classes are every 2 hours.

    If you are not getting your desired results, from SM you are probably doing it wrong.

    There’s an art & a science to it & each platform
    is totally, and I mean totally different.

    My goals with my own business,
    Kick Start Fat Loss is to rival the major
    players – Weight Watchers & Slimming World.

    It’s an EPIC goal… I know…
    & of course I can’t compete on a £ 4 £
    marketing level. I can’t take out
    adverts in the SUN, or TV ads in between
    Coronation Street……
    But I CAN compete on a Social Media.
    By understanding how every social media platform
    works & how to harness that power.
    By understanding how customers are CONSUMING
    social media.
    By understanding when to post, what to post,
    By understanding how to build a brand, correctly
    on social media.

    If you want MORE bums on seats in your classes.
    If you want to create a super successful local fitness business
    If you want to get into local businesses.
    If you want to create more strategic partners.
    If you want attention, publicity & PR

    Understand how Facebook is different to Twitter which is different
    to Instagram which is different to Linkedinn
    There are unique strategies to be applied to each platform.


    It’s super exciting times & we are going through a
    major cultural shift in how we communicate & market
    our fitness products & services.
    I’ll be hosting a social media webinar & online training
    for Fitpros very soon.
    Tweet me and let me know if this excites & interests you.
    PLUS of course if you want to get involved in KSFL®
    working with an existing Business Owner or having
    your own KSFL® Business getting coached by me daily.
    Get in touch ASAP

    It’s exciting times! Have a wicked Tuesday.

    Love always Rachel xxx

    I would LOVE Your thoughts on Social Media so please comment below or tweet me or FB me


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