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  • Instructor Newsletter 9 October













    I’ll start today’s newsletter with a pinch of gratitude.
    I connect with so many of you over email & social media
    & it’s just awesome to hear from you. I read every little tweet,
    FB message, Instagram or Pinterest comment, so thanks. I love
    to hear from you and what you are up to.

    As usual, and as predicted, Paul’s article last week ruffled feathers.

    But that’s cool. It’s good to have
    differing points of view and see things from other stand points  from time to time.

    Helen’s articles have also been so well received.
    We are operating fitness classes  in a very different economic and technological landscape to that even of a year ago and her comments and insight
    resonated with so many C2GO readers.

    Our local class customers have unlimited amounts of options, choices and variety, at a whole host of price points across the spectrum.
    And I think community classes are evolving and need to tweak & evolve to stay competitive in a fast paced market.

    It’s so healthy that things don’t stand still. It’s all part of being in business. Spotting what’s working and what needs time to grow & be nurtured.

    Last week I posed some interesting questions to Instructors on the
    www.facebook.com/Choreographytogo page and WOW the response has been phenomenal.
    It’s all about pay, community classes, pay as you go, what classes are working, what needs nurturing, what is dying.

    What was a shocker for me was how
    many Instructors are not earning
    even an average wage from teaching and may are supplementing their incomes with part time employment elsewhere.

    What is 100000% definite is that we ALL do it because we love it.

    And just before I dive into the newsletter, a HUGE MASSIVE GOOD LUCK to my good friend, C2GO contributor, and all round fantastic fitness entrepreneur, KATIE BULMER COOKE, who will be on the APPRENTICE on BBC1 starting next week.

    I am so proud & happy for Katie getting on the show, so make sure you are all watching and rooting for KBC. I just know she
    will smash the competition!

    God Luck PAL!!! Love YA xxxx

    Community Class Checklist Changes

    Looking across the pond to our friends in the US, Forbes magazine
    had a very interesting article on Boutique Studios, where the trend is for more high end specialised studios.

    The article said many people are still members of gyms but also join
    studios for specialist classes with excellent Instructors in Hot Yoga, Cross Fix, Indoor cycling, Barre classes, Pilates etc.

    Monthly direct debits and being in fixed term contracts is just not working out and consumers are sick of paying monthly fees for an average service with no flexibility.

    Today’s consumer wants flexibility, they don’t want over priced joining fees and contracts they cant get out of when travelling or school holidays or when schedules change. So, the new breed of fitness studios are offering class passes and block booking, but with higher pay as you go fees.

    Think about what the gyms and competition offers in your area, Maybe it’s time for you to be the specialist, up your rates and provide that flexible service which fits into the lives of modern people.

    With Hall hire fees constantly going up to cash
    in on the amount of
    fitness classes going, it’s worth looking outside the box for other venues –  You could approach local gyms/ nurseries / dance schools / martial arts to see if they could sublet you space or even hair and beauty venues may have space above shops. To sublet in a unique venue could just be the specialised area you are looking for.

    What about your local golf clubs, tennis clubs, football & rugby clubs, restaurants with function rooms – nice venues with nice facilities? Could you sublet? – Have you asked recently?

    I ran Kick Start Classes in a beautiful high end Hair Salon when it was closed on a Monday and to be in a super cool salon with lovely surroundings enabled me to charge a premium and attract a committed clientèle.

    Have a brainstorm. There is a LOT Of empty space around you just have to ask about. Ask on social media and network to find out about some hidden gems.

    It’s changing times, but it’s doubtful any venues will come knocking on your door. YOU have go out and seek out new opportunities and venues.

    There’s nothing like launching a new class, with new pricing, for new customers in a new venue. Start a fresh with your marketing, social media and promotion.

    You can do it!

    Everyone wants to be fit and healthy.

    Quick Tips For Setting Up & Marketing Community Classes

    1: Choose unique venues if possible.

    2: Offer Class pass booking systems.

    3: Run free trial night then sign up.


    5:BUILD YOUR EMAIL LIST – Yes it’s on twice, it’s that important!

    6: Create your social media campaign – including FB/Twitter/Pinterest/Youtube

    7: Email your list at the very least 1 x per week and build up to
    more emails per week to build your online relationship with your customers.

    8: Create your brand your customers can buy into in with hoodies & sweatshirts, DVDS, online packages and services.

    9: To keep community classes going  you have to have an ongoing marketing process that you work on daily or weekly.

    Let me know what you think? Tweet me @RachelHolmes
    or join in the debate on www.Facebook.com/Choreographytogo


    Level 3 Pilates London
    I have 1 place left on the 21/22/23 November
    course. If you want to qualify before the price goes up in 2015
    jump on board as quick as you can.click here

    Fitness Pilates Glasgow – 2 spots left on 15/16 November

    Fitness Pilates Derby  3 spots 6 / 7 December

    Click here to book

    Would you like to host an inhouse
    Fitness Pilates Training Course?

    Email Kelly@Choreographytogo.com for dates,  prices & details

    Meditation and Manifesting Being On TV
    By Jo De Rosa

    Wow! What an amazing few weeks we’ve had! We’ve just finished filming Channel 4’s ‘Three In A Bed’, which is due to be screened in the New

    Watch out for Inner Guidance Retreat Centre on mainstream TV!

    You may be familiar with the daytime show ‘Four In A Bed’, and Channel 4 are bringing back their side-kick program ‘Three In A Bed’, which features slightly quirkier businesses in a one hour program at a peak evening time.

    I put an appearance on the GMTV couch onto my vision board at the beginning of last year….fast track to January 2015 and although the program is different, the TV appearance is happening –and perhaps even better than originally anticipated, seeing as the show will be going out at 8pm during winter when everyone is feeling fat, skint, plus ready to invest in themselves and a new way of living:

    and TRANSFORMATION is what we do…

    You will have to watch the show to find out the result! But it was VERY interesting to serve our full, clean, healthy breakfast, which contained
    NO bread
    NO cereal
    NO greasy fry-up!! Lol
    Clean-cooking all the way, and our guests were also treated to a vegan dinner in the evening prepared by my husband Dominic who cooked healthy pizza and raw ice cream for the contestants: and every mouthful was filmed!
    Do you think they enjoyed eating clean??

    Pinch Me, Am I Dreaming?
    My dreams are all becoming a reality. Last week a photographer arrived to take shots to accompany an article going into the Telegraph about ‘Bankruptcy To Living In A £1.5m House’.
    -All part of my plan to become visible, speak out about HOW to manifest the life / business / relationship of your dreams.
    Last night Dominic found an old vision board of mine, and a detailed list of my 2012 goals.
    On it were the following:
    Write book and get it published = achieved!
    UK & worldwide retreats = I have my own retreat centre!
    Membership/subscription website = we have had a bespoke (back end) system designed for us!
    DVDs and CDs = achieved!
    All my classes held at my own studio = achieved! And we’ve now also got other teachers holding their classes at our studio!
    60k after tax = achieved!
    TV documentary = achieved! (kinda a documentary anyway!)
    New car = this is the only thing that has still not manifested, and the truth be known I keep changing my mind as to what I want to drive! So what I am ‘putting out there’ is a very confused message. Am still working on this one….watch this space….

    Clear Message
    I loved Paul’s article last week: stop following the crowd; zone in on your niche; become exclusive = GO FOR IT!
    I will say the same thing, but in a rather fluffier way (teehee!)…..

    Meditate for 10-30 minutes (depending on how much time you have), then ask yourself whilst in this deep, connected place:
    ‘What is my dream job?’
    See what comes up. Listen to what comes up. Act upon what comes up.

    Recently I coached someone who said when we did this exercise together,
    “I love making jewellery, but I can’t earn a living from it.”
    “Why not?” I asked
    “Because so many people do it” She replied
    “But your jewellery designs are unique to you, no one else does the same, meaning you have potential clients WAITING for you to make them something that they love and will pay big money for” I continued “You OWE it to them to deliver their demand.”

    The same is true for all of us whether its jewellery, fitness or coaching etc…
    There are clients WAITING for your product. You OWE them to STEP UP and deliver it. Believe in yourself, your product, your dream.

    I love what I do, I enjoy it, and I’m good at it. That is not being big-headed, it’s being true to myself and my dreams. And now the press are literally knocking on the door lol!!

    And I will always come back to meditation. I put my success down to it. Because every morning I sit down and connect to myself, and ask myself how I am today. Am I being true to myself? Is the work I am doing, the relationship that I’m in, and my health all in alignment with what happiness and peace look like to me?

    Successful people love what they do. Working is not a chore. Get rid of that toxic class: this seriously resonated with me a number of years ago from one of Rachel’s newsletters when I was teaching yoga in gyms. I didn’t listen at first, but once I did I was amazed at how when you close the door on what holds you back and stagnates you…a whole new wonderful world opens up: follow what makes your heart open and your mind buzz!

    Online Meditation Course
    The 10 week course has now been completed by scores of people, and I have some AWESOME feedback for you!
    80% of the total participants said “I’m LOVING the course”
    100% said their minds were calmer now
    100% said they have noticed changes in their everyday life i.e.: things seeming easier now or feeling more content.
    93% said they would recommend the course to friends, families and colleagues.
    I have also had some beautiful comments and thank everyone that has taken the time to give their feedback x

    YOU can sign up for the online meditation course and get your first 30 minute meditation TODAY straight into your inbox!
    What is to delay?….get meditating today!

    Manifestation Retreat
    As this newsletter goes to press, there are 2 spaces on our Yoga, Meditation and Manifestation retreat this weekend. Want to manifest yourself a place?
    Call / email / facebook / tweet me today!
    We are going to be creating some magic, and I’d love you to be part of it…

    Press Dates
    The Telegraph article is due out in the property section at the end of October / beginning of November.
    Look out for me also in the December issue of Top Sante magazine ?

    Now go out there yourself and manifest YOUR dreams X

    Web:  http://www.innerguidance.co.uk/shop
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2014

    Alternative Route

    By Andrew Crawford

    Do you take the SAME route to work every day?

    Have you ever considered that you may be followed and that your route is known??

    Break your habit………Take an Alternative Route.

    I did just that.

    I have been in London for a few days and decided to do break out of my ‘Comfort Zone’ and orchestrate a completely different alternative route (which I had never taken before)….although a ‘Born & Bred Sarf Londoner’

    Well…………What happened??

    Delays…..that’s what…!!! Stress as well……

    The overhead lines were not working so the trains stuck at Blackfriars.

    I had 20 mins to rush to Kings Cross…

    Time to jump off the stationery train and plan yet another alternative route ……In comes the District line to Monument then change for the Northern line ……

    Sweaty as a mofo running up those stairs, heavy luggage in tow…

    10 mins left….

    Rush to the concourse….BOOM.

    Announcement…..” We’re sorry for the inconvenience but my train going to Newark is cancelled…” what the…..!!!

    You couldn’t make this up…!!!

    I had to take an alternative train. Thank goodness for choices and being able to think on my feet.

    So Andrew…….

    What the……..has Alternative Route got to do with Accountancy & Tax??

    Well….with all businesses there will be alternative ways for you to trade and alternative ways in which you can transfer those funds into your bag and shoe fund alternatively your house and play boy/girl fund.

    Alternative Ways For You To Trade
    Whilst contemplating your alternative income stream options, you could adopt one or various ways of operating your business.  The main ones are:
    Sole Trader


    Unlimited Company

    Company Limited by shares

    Company Limited by guarantee

    Limited Liability Partnership


    Alternative Ways To Take Your Income

    I call this ‘Profit Extraction’
    Once you have different streams of income, you may want to set yourself up with a small company. In this way, as well as multiple income streams, you will have multiple ways to extract the profit from your company.

    The alternatives I offer here may suit some of you or may be something you may think about down the line when the dosh is flowing in abundance…!!
    You’ll know when the time is right….”when your purses or wallets are too small for your money

    I will not bore you here and go into detail on each one of these ….I just wanted to make you aware of what is possible, so you will have a variety to choose from…..

    Stocks & Shares
    Company Car
    Mileage Allowance
    Use company Assets
    Childcare provision
    Medical expenses
    Family dividend
    Selling to the company

    Alternative Ways To Get The Job Done

    In come Outsourcing

    VA (Virtual Assistant): A virtual assistant can save you hours and hours of time on the mundane tasks that are required to be accomplished in order to run a successful business.

    Ghost writers s: Writing articles and books is always a big part of business development. You will need to have website content and you will also need to submit articles.

    Ghost writers will post to blogs and forums for you above your own signature file that includes your name and website. Some ghost writers will also submit articles  and repositories for you. If the ghost writer that you employ


    Remember, you can hire alternative workers for your business. Subbies..!! (Part timers….Earn a little from their efforts)

    Don’t forget the National Minimum Wage (NMW) is a minimum amount per hour that most workers in the UK are entitled to be paid. NMW rates increases came into effect on 1 October 2014:
    The main rate for workers aged 21 and over will increase to £6.50 (currently £6.31)

    The 18-20 rate will increase to £5.13 from £5.03

    The 16-17 rate for workers above school leaving age but under 18 will increase to £3.79 from £3.72

    The apprentice rate will increase from £2.68 to £2.73 per hour.

    Alternatively, you can offer a percentage split or a basic plus commission….it’s up to you.

    It’s all about those Alternatives.


    There are many ways to skin a cat…..So the saying goes ….

    As many as those to reach your goal. This week we see this in it’s glory.

    Congratulations to our Cute Little North East Bird Katie Bulmer-Cooke for realising her dream of getting on TV. She is one of the 2014 Apprentices.

    This could only enhance the Fitness Industry..

    I’m waiting for other Fit Pros to appear on TV by an Alternative Route.

    Have a Wonderful Day
    Love Always
    Rachel xx

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