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  • Would anyone really want to do a training course on a Friday? Ummm, that would be a ‘yes’ Rachel

    “Would anyone really want to do a training course on a Friday?

    Ummm, that would be a ‘yes’ Rachel.”



    Today we are sharing a fantastic blog sent in by Fitness Pilates Instructor Carmell!

    “My journey with Fitness Pilates started back in 2000 I had already done several Pilates courses, my first with a Californian Pilates school, where I instantly knew that Pilates was something I would want in my life forever. 

    Fast forward maybe five years and I was co-ordinating for a health club in Northampton, UK, and was keen for Rachel to bring Fitness Pilates Instructor training to our club. 

     When Rachel and I were going back and forth with dates, bearing in mind that instructors were used to being on the road, travelling miles to up skill, I ‘categorically’ (a real Rachel word) remember she asking ‘would anyone really want to do a training course on a Friday?’ We were the first of many.  

    What did I initially love about Fitness Pilates?  I loved the obvious feeling of the classical Pilates exercises, the re-enforcements of technique and anatomical importance, laid out in a way that fused well with the knowledge, experience and understanding that fit pros had already gained in industry education.  It was another beautiful layer.  

    Pilates in clubs and in the community, had already been attracting a new clientele into classes, and of course we had our pre-class script engrained in our minds and vocabulary, but we were starting to see more participants with issues coming to class, wanting to ‘be fixed’.

    Best news ever, the Fitness Pilates direction was simply If someone has issues, that you have concerns with, you re-direct them to the relevant medical practitioner.  I know this seems obvious but as Pilates was gaining in popularity, there were a few awkward conversations had.  

    You can say it out loud, you don’t have all the answers.  If you are not comfortable with a participant’s participation.  Say it.  Phew. It’s OK to not have the answers and refer them to a practitioner specialising in the field.  

    Fitness Pilates is a brand which is so giving.   You can upskill, take deeper dives, revise, enjoy an abundance of class material and ideas to refresh your sessions.   There are so many opportunities to access learning.  

    I presently teach Fitness Pilates Online in all worlds, online, IRL (in real life) and just yesterday presented FP at a Barre, Pilates & Yoga event, which was just magical. 

    So in closing just to say, to all instructors who get to train with Rachel and Kelly on Fridays (or other weekdays) leaving weekends free to enjoy with friends and family……… ‘You’re Welcome’

    I teach Live at Embody Fitness Studios, Limerick.”


    Thank you to Carmell for the wonderful blog you are a star!

    For more information on our Fitness Pilates courses and training see the drop down menu at the top of the page or get in touch via our social media!

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