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  • Instructor Newsletter 25th June

    -Today I choose to be happy- (1)
    C2GO Newsletter 25th June 2015
    Working in a

    people service industry, plus 24 hours social media
    and iPhones, that never get turned off can be tiring.

    So what steps, tips and strategies can we
    employ to stay uber motivated
    These are my current fav strategies


    I just love reading motivational and self help books.
    I always read last thing  at night and first thing in the morning.
    Even if in a massive rush, upon waking I read something motivational and positive.

    It sets the tone for the day and I never miss.
    I’m also addicted to audio books & podcasts.
    I subscribe to and always downloading
    business, personal development & autobiography’s.


    Taking 5 – 10 minutes out of your day can appear ineffectual in the short term, BUT can have massive long term benefit. Setting your intentions for the day, getting clear about what you want and how you want your life to be is key.

    Observing your thoughts and what comes up can be so helpful when you have decisions to make or crossroads to navigate. YOU always have the answers to  the question if are you prepared to listen to your inner guidance system.


    If you feel isolated, this leads to frustration and despair, which is so draining.
    When you work solo ALL the time you often need the support of a group or
    mentor to bounce your ideas around on.
    You can join a local, live or online group, or find a mentor that can help
    you crystallise your ideas and assist you with a pathway forward.
    Your mentor or business group doesn’t have to be in the fitness industry.


    Is it time for something new?

    Creating a new class, new choreography, new format is always so
    invigorating and gets those creative juices flowing.
    5. ATTEND A CLASS Or Get A Trainer

    I know it’s probably the last thing you feel like but
    Going to other peoples’ classes is such an easy way to
    re-motivate yourself.

    Try a meditation or Yoga class, CrossFit, a dance class, Hot Yoga or Hot Pilates,
    or a group fitness class you wouldn’t
    normally attend it’s a sure fire way to recharge your batteries.
    How Do YOU stay constantly motivated? Please Tweet me @RachelHolmes



    I have held 2 awesome webinars in the last week which
    attracted listeners from all over the world!

    You can listen to the replays here

    Be Your Best You with Greg Sellar – Talking Mindset, Motivation
    & How To show up being the best version of you.

    My nutrition, fatloss strategies , good fats, butter & intermittent fasting webinar on Monday was buzzing & you can catch the replay here  


    Have you downloaded the latest Kick Start Motivation Online Magazine
    Click here for a 5 minute read


    Calling All MY Scottish Friends.
    I am so very excited to let you know about KSFL SCOTLAND.
    I am partnering with Sarah Jane Walls
    who you will know if you are long term follower
    of C2GO.
    SJ has run several highly successful studios & businesses in
    Glasgow, she is veteran Instructor who I have known & worked with for many years.

    SJ is also standing as a candidate for
    the SNP in the Coatbridge & Chryston constituency.
    I have felt for a long time KSFL needs political

    backing & help to get to more people

    SJ and I think the time is right to really make a difference in Scotland.

    We are launching Kick Start Fat Loss Scotland

    in a very special  day on Saturday 22nd August.

    This will be in Glasgow & I will be doing a talk on
    the KSFL Business, Motivation &  How To get Involved.

    WE are looking for Fitpros all over Scotland
    who are ready for more & what to get involved in KSFL.

    There are 91 clubs, classes & franchisees in the UK, Ireland,
    Gibraltar and now a special launch into
    Scotland dedicated to recruiting
    the best Instructors to become franchisees.
    SJ and I think the time is right to really make a
    difference in Scotland.

    The launch will be complimentary.
    If you would like to receive an invitation email me   asap


    So What?
    By Jo De Rosa

    Stuff happens to us all.

    Sometimes it’s the good and fun times, and then there’s the shitty stuff.
    But it has to be this way: we’re human.

    And EVERYONE experiences every range of emotions known to man over the course of their lifetime.
    The Victim Role?

    Do you, however, feel like a victim when your car breaks down
    “Why does it always happen to me?” when you get dumped
    “Why do I always pick the bastards?” or when you drink that drink/smoke that fag/eat that crap
    “Why can’t I be more like Rachel/Jessie/Helen? she’s so strong-willed and I’m so weak”

    Do you pass the responsibility away from yourself and onto someone else?

    “I would eat cleaner if it wasn’t for the kids”
    “I would be so much happier if it wasn’t for my husband/mother/brother”
    “I wish I had more money so that I could give up my toxic classes”
    Can you see how these attitudes are deflecting the blame away from you? They are in fact standing right in the way of you making healthy choices, like a huge barrier between you and contentment.
    And only YOU can make your life choices -no one else should be blamed for what YOU decide to think, say or do.

    So What?

    Your car breaks down. So what? Everybody’s does at some point.

    You get dumped. So what? Who hasn’t?! And you learn so much from it.

    You pig out on Chinese and a bottle of wine. So what? You fell off the wagon; do you think you’re the first? Dust yourself off and get back on.

    LET GO
    of the drama
    of the storyline
    of the habit
    of the attitude
    of being the victim

    One of my teachers says, “Everything starts with an intention”

    What is yours?

    To be happy, to be healthy, to do your best for your family and friends, to do your best for your clients perhaps? These are basically mine.

    Let go and start afresh from today, from right now.
    Believe that anything is possible, if you just trust your heart and go for it.
    How To Do It….
    = Meditation
    In meditation we watch our thoughts pass through the mind, and rather than getting caught up in them we LET THEM GO. Over and over again. And that is actually it, it’s no more complicated than that, obviously not easy though!
    But it gets easier the more you do it, and the more the brain gets into the swing of doing it!
    This is the whole reason we meditate:
    Because if we can do it in our meditation, then we can take that ability and use it in our everyday life.
    ‘Stuff’ just doesn’t seem to affect us so much, and as Rachel was saying earlier this week when someone wrote negatively about her, you can’t let it get you down and hold you back from your full amazing potential.
    Through my own deep meditation practice I’ve met who I really am and learnt to leave behind what others want me to be. Those that don’t like it leave, and good, and what’s left are only those that support your growth and want to see you flourish and succeed.
    Hello Peace

    Once connected to who you really are, you convene with peace. ‘Hello peace, how very nice to meet you, where have you been all my life?’ And once joined there is no going back. How could you ever return to a life of disconnection, struggle and disappointment?

    Let me know if you are going to give up the victim in you, and take responsibility for being the absolute best version of you possible!!

    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2014


    Why would you teach Super Senior Fitness classes?
     Kelly Reed-Banks
    According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), exercise and physical activity are some of the best things older adults can do to stay healthy. Even moderate exercise can improve the health of those who are frail or who have age-related diseases.

    Some seniors are concerned that physical activity or exercise may be too strenuous or may do them more harm than good. In fact, it’s an inactive lifestyle that proves to do more harm than exercise does.

    Without physical activity, older people tend to grow weaker in four areas important for staying healthy and independent: strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance.
    Running specialised classes for the older adult will help them:
    •    Increasing strength and endurance make it easier to climb stairs and
          carry groceries.
    •    Improving balance helps prevent falls.

    Being more flexible may speed recovery from injuries.


    Programme Design – know your participants. In many of the standard fitness programmes offered in clubs today, the class descriptions are so specific that participants know what to expect before they enter the room. Make sure this is the case:

    •     Find out what types of exercise they do and don’t like.

    •     Determine what they hope to gain from the class.

    •     Stay flexible; be ready to change or modify moves.

    •     Be aware of goals not related to physical conditioning; social   interaction is an important desire for many participants.

    •     Keep It Safe and Simple (KISS): You can provide a great workout just by walking in squares, triangles, circles, lines and squares. Basic moves work well in this format and help with injury prevention.

    •     Think “Good, Better, Best”; the best movement choice is one that everyone can perform well and that is easy on the joints. And be careful about sudden direction changes so that you decrease the potential for falls.

    •     Plan for longevity; this group of loyal participants will stay with you for years, so plan moves they can perform and perfect for years to come.

    •     Incorporate exercises that mimic or assist with the activities of daily living; for example, squats help people get in and out of chairs.

    •     Ask for feedback from the group.

    •     Remember that choreography isn’t the goal; improved health is.
    The rewards of teaching super seniors far outnumber any extra effort involved. This is a group of people who are grateful, consistent, loyal and supportive and who truly want to learn. So if you would like some new choreography ideas for your Super Senior classes then check out our brand new online Super Senior workshop available at

    Much Love Kelly x
    Check out our ONLINE Super Seniors Workshop Package click here

    Follow me – Twitter @kellyreedfitnes

    facebook – kelly Reed’s fitness / Kelly Reed-Banks


    35 Years’ Experience In The Fitness Industry…….You’re A Bona Fide Consultant…Dharling…Play It Forward….!!!!
    By Andrew Crawford

    How long would it take you to gain 35 years’ experience in the Fitness Industry?

    It’s alright…….I’ll wait….!!!  Tee Hee

    If your experience spans a few decades in any working  environment you can surely consider yourself an expert in your  field and are certainly qualified to lead, teach and mentor  the Newbies.

    Thus today I sat in the presence of an absolute legend, 35 dynamic years in the bag, sun basking down on our delicate frames,, a warm breeze stroking our faces, sun rays caressing the curls of my tightly dark locks, the sound of laughter filling the Orangery, ideas from the ether flowing like free spirit doves … was lunchtime….the Fitness Consultant had fish & chips…..delicate little old me … corn feed, hand reared chicken.

    Anyhow… of the many conversations was the realisation that she, the Fitness Consultant, could offer more to Newbies just beginning their journey into this small industry. All that was needed was to get the words ‘Fitness Consultant’ printed up on some business cards. Ka –BOOM….!!

    So Andrew…

    What has 35 years’ experience got to do with Accountancy & Tax Dharling??

    My aim in this article is to get you thinking in terms of what you could offer the Newbie as a Consultant, in terms of advice in relation to costs they can claim when starting out.

    Play it Forward…!!!

    The first thing to tell them is to keep accurate records of what those costs can ease their tax burden. The ultimate goal is to have more money in your bank account to buy shoes and bags..!! Innit??

    Let us look at some of the costs involved.

    You may wish them to consider Personal Accident Cover Insurance as well as Public Liability and Professional Indemnity Cover. These policies will cover protection in the event that they sustain an injury, which may last for more than 8 weeks.

    The policy will state how much of the lost income it will pay per week. Again it makes sense if they were dependent on their business to pay their mortgage they should take steps to insure any loss of earnings. Carefully check the policy to see exactly what it covers and be sure they have accurate records of their income, as this will be crucial in settling any claim they make.

    Oh……….and make sure to check the small print…!!
    If they are a freelance instructor they may have made the investment in a sound system and radio microphone. If they are a personal trainer they will have invested in equipment for monitoring, such as a heart rate monitor, blood pressure monitor, or body composition monitor. They may also have acquired various pieces of equipment to aid in the development of their client, such as steps, weights, tubing, core board or a Pilates mat. Whatever the equipment requirements may be, they will need to be paid for and the cost factored into your overhead cost. All these costs are claimable.

    If they had to stay away from home in a hotel, motel or holiday inn,….say what….. for a course, update or convention then the costs of hotels/ bed and breakfasts needs to be taken into account. Make sure that they get the receipt recording the costs of the stay for their records!

    They will also need to eat whilst away from home and the expense of Breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks need to be added into the cost of the educational event. Socialising is included here, as that expense would not have occurred but for the training course. Again they will need to keep receipts for accurate records!

    There are books and monthly publications on the market, which are essential tools in our profession in terms of updates and awareness. They may also be building a comprehensive video library to keep abreast of new training concepts and choreography ideas. All these tools are a relevant business expense and need to be considered. Don’t forget the choreography download costs.

    Business travel means that they keep a record of the miles they travelled to and from the venue whether they are going to a course, teaching a class, or training a client. Recording the odometer reading at the start of your journey and the reading at the end of the journey is important as the allowance is up to 45p per mile!

    Don’t forget to inform them to keep track of the miles they travel to different venues around the UK to see your favourite presenter on tour or at a convention. Travelling to and from clients’ premises the gym or fitness studio will involve the consumption of petrol. Their car, van or 4×4 doesn’t run on air so a little bit of record keeping can help make sure they get the credit for this expense on their tax return.

    Working in fitness means that they must look the part and make the most of their body by wearing the appropriate workout clothing and footwear. They need to keep track of the expense of their workout wardrobe. It is a fact that to look good for their clients visual pleasure costs money and to get the deduction as a business expense they need the paperwork to claim it!

    What about their mobile, telephone, android, ipad and iphone? These are essential tools for communication with their clients and other business purposes.

    Again, these are legitimate business expenses but will require that they can separate what is business from what are personal telephone  or mobile calls.

    Freelance instructors will have a variety of venues to offer their sessions. If they are going to rent alternative space such as a village hall or gym time at a health facility then they need to keep record of the costs. Contracts will be part of the rental agreement and should be carefully considered. Certainly the cost of renting a venue or space needs to be part of their overhead figure.

    If their business is run from their home, they will consume the extra charge of electricity, lighting and heating. Not forgetting the additional costs of installation of new telephone, fax lines or Internet facilities. Although these are claimable costs against the business they must be separated from personal everyday use.

    So now we have itemised most of the costs that are fixed, insurance, licensing, equipment, hall hire or gym rental, let’s move on to the direct costs.

    Becoming a fitness professional meant that they would  have invested in a training qualification, which may have been an Exercise to Music, Gym Instructor or Personal Training Certificate or walk fit, chair fit and whatever kind of fit programmes  that are conjured up to entice their money from their purses and wallets.

    Ensure they keep a receipt for any courses taken.

    Promoting their business through the different types of media will have varying costs. They need to keep records of any production costs for business cards, flyers/handouts or advertisements placed in newspapers etc. but also cost in any free demonstrations or giveaway sessions as these do have a value!

    OK….You can put it in your own words and sprinkle it with your personality…help the Newbies…..!!                                                                                                                            
    Are you going to Glastonbury?

    Personally  I’ve never had the inclination to venture to that event…..Yet.

    Glamping seems more up my road now ……If only I was 35 years younger…!!

    I would have to Play It Backwards….!!!

    Andrew James Crawford

    Have A Wicked Day
    Love Rachel xxx

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