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  • Blogging for your Brand

    Are you ready to start Fitness Blogging

    Blogging has been around for years but suddenly we are witnessing the explosion of the Fitness Blog. Every man and his dog is starting a Blog and there are some BRILLIANT, useful, informative and fun Blogs out there and its probably about time you got your finger out and started a blog too.

    This Blog post (!) is going to arm you with loads of practical tips and advice when creating your Blog, what to write, how to to write, when to write and who to aim your Blog at and how a good Blog can elevate you onto the expert platform and drive traffic to your website HURAH!!!

    What can a Blog do for you, your brand and your fitness business – I know you understand all of the following points but setting it all out in black and white can help you understand WHY you are blogging!

    1. It can elevate you to becoming a famous, well known, Fitness expert.

    2. Build your unique brand and cultivate a loyal band of customers.

    3. Showcase your knowledge and expertise.

    4. Help your customers with problems, offering them solutions, advice and help.

    5. Position you as a some one to be TRUSTED online – Blog regularly to build online consistency and loyalty.

    6. Help you bond and build a long term relationship with your readers and customers.

    I LOVE writing Blog posts that help Choeographytogo members. I can’t tell you the amount of joy I get when people comment and say my Blog post has helped them or gave them a kick to move their business forward.

    Connecting with your readers and customers is PARAMOUNT to your fitness business success.

    Blogging doesn’t have to take your hours every week. In fact writing a 30minute Blog post every day  is like training for a marathon. To begin with you may find writing quite difficult but keep writing and blogging every day and it becomes easier and easier, you get faster and better with every post you create PLUS there is so much you can do with your finished blog posts 🙂

    1. Recycle them – Send them to magazines, offer them to publications, other Blog, newsletter promotions, turn them into Press Releases.

    2. Break up your posts into a series of key points and tweet them through the day.

    3. Publish them as notes on Facebook to drive traffic to your Blog.


    Do you dream of writing a book? Your Blog posts could be turned into a book when you have enough of them.


    I hate writing

    Use your web cam or get a Flip video and talk! All Fitpros are brilliant at talking, practice talking to camera and upload to Youtube and put it on your Blog. You can create Video Blog posts or VLOGS in 5 minutes.

    First things First

    As in everything to do with your fitness business you have to work out your client profile. Who is your target market? Your client profile? or as Morty says your client avatar. There really is no point churning out Blog post after Blog posts if you haven’t nailed down your audience…..


    Ask yourself some basic business questions:

    1.Is your Blog aimed at your current offline customers? e.g Your class members, PT clients etc – to help them, give them advice and create an online community.

    2.Are you trying to build a new community for a potential membership site or new online business.

    3. Are you trying to build customers to potentially launch online products?

    4. Are you blogging to become an EXPERT in your area or Nationally or Globally?

    5. Would you like to potentially write articles for the press or even write a book?

    6. Who or What is your Niche?


    Once you have answered these questions then Blogging becomes a whole lot easier as you always have that “person” in mind when you are writing.

    A good Blog positioned on your website will drive traffic to the site, will increase your page rankings and google rankings.

    I will be holding a webinar on Blogging in the next week so stay tuned and keep reading and commenting on this Blog!


    Have a wonderful day and please comment below or comment to me via Twitter http://twitter.com/RachelHolmes or Facebook Choreographytogo Fan Page http://www.facebook.com/Choreographytogo

    Love Rachel xx

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