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  • C2GO Newsletter 6th July

    Are you ready to take a well earned break and get some time away from classes and teaching?

    These final few weeks before we break up for the holidays are always fraught with school activities, sorting out class cover, re-modelling your timetable for September to Christmas and everything else that needs to get done before summer officially starts.

    It’s always a fantastic time to congratulate yourself on how far you have come and do some goal setting for the remainder of the year.



    For Your Fitness Business

    Thinking of Planning Your Own Fitness Retreat??

    Fitness Retreats and Getaway

    Have you thought about organising your own fitness/health/fatburning getaway?

    It really doesn’t have to be overseas or some exotic location, it could be anywhere in the UK or even in your own town.

    You could make it as simple or extravagant as you please, cater for a small group of 5/6 people or a much bigger group, depending on your audience and customer base.

    I run retreat days with Champneys, Sindy Matthews hosts a retreat days in Banbury with

    talks, motivation & clean eating,
    Kelly Ravenscroft hires a cottage in Derbyshire every year end takes a group of ladies away.

    You will see so many Fitpros, Bloggers and run very successful retreats.

    The health and fitness consumer of 2017/2018 and your class members are looking for “more” then just a weekly class.
    Have a brainstorm and start planning your retreat.





    Repackage and Rejig your Community Classes


    Summer is coming so it’s the perfect time
    to repackage and rejig your community classes.

    Being marketing savvy, using social media
    properly and creating a strong online presence is key to growth in the community class market.

    Local authority leisure centres, council gyms and the emergence of low cost clubs, PLUS church halls and community venues have jumped on the bandwagon and jacked up their prices, not to mention with PPL cost rises, insurance and the time spent on marketing and PR, you have to be pretty darn committed, have a plan and be able to take the rough with the smooth to survive and make a living.



    But YOU CAN DO IT!

    Know your market.

    Work Your Social Media.

    Offer classes and packages that are DIFFERENT to the local

    leisure centre/low cost
    gym etc.
    So, what does the discerning Community Instructor do in these changing times?




    I’ve created an ideas list because I do truly believe that with a few tweaks and changes you can turn things around, and I have said in past newsletters we need to be flexible in how we offer our services to cater for a modern and changing market.





    One thing to always keep in your mind is that we all have an amazing product, our classes are life changing, results led, social and fun and provide such value for money it’s incredible.

    Don’t lose sight of that.

    Here are my ideas, I hope they spark your inspiration and motivation to keep teaching in the community.



    *Change and Repackage.

    *Rebrand your Conditioning classes

    * Give it a new logo, a new colour, new brand, new strap line and a slightly different description.

    For example for Kick Start Fat Loss classes we now have a 90 day programme, an 8 week programme, 2 week SPRINTER Programmes
    plus I’m working on a new Lift Lean Programme. These are all under the Kick Start brand but they appeal to differnt markets and keep everything
    fresh. You have to keep updating to start fresh and relevant.

    Classes do have a natural shelf life so when the numbers drop, It’s not you….It’s the life of a community fitness class and it happens to everyone.



    Ring the Changes

    Launch specials to coincide with term time so you may do Stability Ball for 8 weeks as a paid course, have a break, then market Kettlebells for 8 weeks then something else etc, etc. This keeps it fresh and exciting and every time you advertise a new workout it will attract a new demographic of people. If you do something with equipment get people to bring their own rather than you shelling out for equipment.



    Profit Share

    If you have your own brand or style of fitness class then set up a meeting with all of the local leisure centres and council run gyms and see if they would do a profit share with you. Take all of your super professional promotional material, talk about your client base, how you market and explain you will sort out the cover and be prepared to take any dead slots of empty spaces in their centre. You can then advertise your session to their customers and provide them with a ready made plug in package that they don’t have to manage, work out a profit share deal and give it an 8 week trial.

    Above all keep it fresh and exciting in the community. Keep repackaging and changing the style of your classes and ring the changes to keep the locals interested, excited and inspired.


    Are you a Community Instructor or Community Bootcamp Coach?

    How are your numbers?

    What are you doing to keep the numbers coming through the door?

    Are you interested in running Kick Start Fat Loss Classes

    I am keen to expand the team for September launches
    If you are looking to expand you business then
    email me.

    Upcoming events:

    • MIND.BODY.FIT LONDON event will be held on 17th September
    Jayne and Rachel are reuniting for an afternoon of wellness, masterclasses and talks. Did you used to come to the Athletes in Action events?
    Join us for an informative and jampacked afternoon in LONDON.
    Book here: www.rachelholmes.com








    •POW WOW WOW Mixer Events are a chance to chat about digital marketing with a group of like minded professionals and training from myself and Yvonne Radley:
    Nottingham THURSDAY 3rd AUGUST

    With Rachel Holmes and Yvonne Radley
    Book at www.rachelholmes.com/pow-wow-wow






    •Fitness Pilates Summit with myself and Kelly Reed-Banks

    Venue: Central LONDON

    Topics Covered:
    •Fitness Pilates in Pregnancy – Workshop
    •Understanding Nutrition, Health and Lifestyle Suitable For Pilates Clients – Talk
    •Motivation and Mindset For Fitness Pilates Teachers.
    •Specialist Focus Session – Shoulders and Hips – workshop
    •Fitness Pilates For Older Adults – Practical Masterclass.
    •Advanced Sequences and Functional Movement Patterns – Practical masterclass
    •How To Create a Back Care Programme – Workshop
    •Looped Resistance Band Masterclass



    Book here: www.choreographytogo.com/fpsummit2017

    There are so many opportunities for you here, visit www.choreographytogo.com for more information and I hope to see you at one of my next events!

    Have a lovely THURSDAY.

    Have a wonderful THURSDAY

    Love Rachel xx


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