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  • Instructor Newsletter 30th January 2014

    Nova_Day03_Track01_02_0004THANKS a million to everyone who has responded to my positivity emails.  I’m LOVING writing them and so happy that they appear to be inspiring you.  That’s wonderful and I’m so glad you enjoy them.
    In this week’s newsletter I’ve written about how to grow your email list.  If you REALLY want to create an online fitness business and a passive income stream, then you have to be serious about growing your email list and here are my top tips, plus, going back to basics and looking at launching new community classes. If your community classes need a revamp then do have a skim read over this one.
    You can now book onto Kelly’s Fitness Pilates Pre-Hab Tour and I will be announcing a new LIVE 1 Day EVENT with me in Nottingham on Saturday 10th May.  I’ll be looking at how to create an online fitness business, branding, video production, fitness trends, positivity, meditation, living in abundance  & the law of attraction and how to make more money from the fitness industry. It will be AN ACTION packed day and bookings will be open from next week.
    PLUS, have you ordered my MASHED UP 3 Mix from Pure Energy?  It totally and utterly rocks and is perfect for all style of freestyle class from Step, to conditioning, to the faster B side. Order your copy from Pure Energy here.

    Are you ready to teach something new?
    Myself and Marvin created 4  x new 6 week programmes including a workbook, DVD and PPL Free HIIT Music and today I am offering the Kettlebell Programme and Stability Ball Package at half price. So, if you are reviewing your classes ready for half term and would like offer something fresh and new, you could organise a course and get your participants to bring along their own Kettlebell or Stability ball to save you lugging then to the class and sell the course as a package. The Stability Ball &  Kettlebell Programmes originally sold at £67 + VAT I am offering them at a huge 50% discount which includes the music CD, Workbook and DVD. To view the packages and get more information CLICK HERE

    Are you ready for the next phase of your fitness business – whereabouts are you?
    I think there are 3 stages to most community fitness businesses:
    Stage 1 – Setting up community classes – building your name, your brand, your business.
    Stage 2 – Employing other Instructors to teach your brand and expanding your business whilst you teach AND focus on building an online and passive income.
    Stage 3 – Phasing yourself OUT of the majority of teaching and concentrating on online opportunities and managing your business rather than working in it constantly

    Where abouts are you? Tweet me@RachelHolmes

    My Favorite Books and Audio Roundup

    You know how much I love a good self-development book and audio so here are my current fave raves!
    I do tend to listen and read the same books several times, as I find every time I revisit each book I’m in a different mind space so I learn and pick out things I didn’t hear/read in the first place.

    The Desire Map – Daniel LaPorte – Just loving the whole concept of this.

    Money A Love Story by Kate Northrup – Really interesting about delving into your money fears and desires.

    May Cause Miracles – Gabrielle Bernstein. I am going through this workbook & audio again for the 3rd time.

    Jab Jab Jab Right Hook – Gary Vaynerchuck – JUST GOLD

    I’d love to hear about your current books and audios. Tweet me@RachelHolmes

    2014 Conventions

    Which Conventions are you attending in 2014?  I’ll be speaking and presenting at the following top events:

    Jenny Burrell’s Women’s Wellness Event London 1 – 2nd March

    IFS Blackpool – Blackpool   21 – 23rd March 2013

    Fitpro – Breaking the Rules London 18 – 19th July

    Living the Dream Fitness Business & Focus Seminar with Rachel Holmes 10th May Nottingham

    Fitness Pilates Pre-Hab Tour with Kelly Reed

    Bookings have gone through the roof on this tour, so much so we have had to add another date for Guildford. Fitness Pilates goes from strength to strength and classes all over the UK are busy and buzzing. Many of you will know Kelly experienced terrible back issues last year almost to the point of her having to give up teaching her beloved freestyle classes. So this tour is especially insightful and Kelly has learnt some great techniques, tips and updates for your clients experiencing back pain and various niggley conditions.

    To book onto The Fitness Pilates Pre-Hab Tour https://www.choreographytogo.com/workshop-booking/fitness-pilates-focus-2013/

    New Downloads on Choreographytogo

    If you cast you eye over to the New Downloads section you will see 4 new downloads with Marvin Burton. These are all mini workshops that contain theory and practical ideas. Ketllebell ideas, Strengthening the wrist and shoulder, Kettlebell Clean & Jerk and Ideas for Chair based workouts. I’ve put these all on offer for only 1 token or £1.99 so have a look and learn with Marvin.

    Growing your list – If you truly want to create a passive income stream

    Over on one of my Facebook groups 100 Instructors wrote down their goals for 2014. Nearly everyone said they would like to develop a passive income stream that works with their off line business (perhaps not in those words).  Many Instructors dream of starting a membership site, or selling workout downloads online but where do you start? The first thing to do is start to grow your list. Your database or list is your lifeline and is the key to developing an online business whatever it may be.
    You must begin today, growing a list of people with whom you regularly share your expertise.
    Firstly, you need 150 people you communicate to regularly. You then need to grow that list to 1500 and then to 15,000. Be careful though, simply growing the list volume is not the key. It’s about people who know you and care about what you say. Internet marketers with 150,000 strangers they send unsolicited email to is not the goal. Brilliant Fitness Marketers who have super successful online businesses, help people on their lists with free information, support, help and advice. They build relationships with the people on their lists, which I feel is where many Internet Gurus fall down. There is no relationship; it’s plain to see they have no interest in the people they mail.
    Fitness is a people business and that needs to be reflected in your online business however small it is right now. If you want to grow, then be yourself, be genuine and promote that aspect.
    The two simple ways to get people on your list:
    People swap their contact details for a high value learning gift  (eg. They download an eBook from your site or a free download workout or a free class pass or a 10minute phone coaching call).
    People give you their contact details after listening to you speak live or teach, via webinar or through some video cast (eg. You tube).
    When you grow your list from these genuine touch points your list is educated, engaged and likely to come to your invitations and do something with an open mind.

    Four keys to growing your list:

    Keep creating fans. You don’t own subscribers and people always move in and out of your world. Always grow your list. Don’t be offended if people unsubscribe. You don’t want to be sending newsletters to someone who isn’t interested.

    Seed value all the time. Send out high quality communications with rich, usable content.

    Be consistent. If you say your newsletter comes out every Thursday then make sure it does.

    Stay on message. Don’t communicate whimsically about your Uncle Luigi’s gout because it’s on your mind. Stay on message.

    And a bonus thought…
    Most of all, have fun honouring the relationship.
    Enjoy growing your list and enjoying writing articles and newsletters. It really shows in your writing when you clearly enjoy sharing and helping others.
    Your  Marketing Message – THINK before you update your Facebook status, Tweet or send an email newsletter

    Whether you think about it or give it that much thought, everything you write on Facebook or Twitter is shouting and promoting your personal brand. So, the next time you update your status or tweet on Twitter or send your newsletter out, think about it carefully. Your marketing message is the bridge that connects your business to the outside world. Even on your busiest, craziest day, you must filter out the madness happening behind the scenes and deliver your message in a clear, compelling way that gets results.

    So, how can you do this in a quick and easy way? The next time you sit down to craft your next marketing message — whether it’s for an email broadcast, a Tweet, Facebook update or a video, ask yourself these FOUR questions.

    QUESTION 1: “Who is your audience?”

    Have you ever heard of a business owner who didn’t want everyone to love their product? Even when we know we should have a target market, it’s tempting to want to cater to the masses and eventually win them over. But usually when you try to please them all, you end up engaging no one — and this rings especially true when it comes to marketing copy.
    Before you write down a word, you should know WHO your audience is. Many writers, dancers, singers and actors — those in expressive, creative fields — are often advised to zero-in on one person in the audience and perform for that individual. That way, you know you’re connecting with one person, and there’s a good chance others will perk up for your message as well. Try this exercise for yourself and see how much it helps.

    QUESTION 2: “What do they want?”

    Once you’ve got an image or idea of that one person reading your marketing message, try to think of what they need. And think outside of your product on this one ;). If it’s Monday, maybe they’ve got the post weekend blues and need some inspiration. A new mum might need a laugh. Think of all types of needs that this person might have, like assurance, relief, hope, fun, connection, to name just a few.
    Don’t limit yourself. Even just having a few different needs of your audience floating around in your head while you write will help.

    QUESTION 3: “How can you meet their needs?”

    Brainstorming potential needs of your target market can make it easy to come up with your “angle” — the decisive way in which you’ll appeal to your audience.
    From a marketing perspective, you want to be able to match your audience’s needs with your product/services/classes. But if you can’t set up a perfect match, its okay — just be sure to satisfy the need.  So, if you like the idea of offering a little inspiration to your readers in your Monday morning broadcast, be sure to deliver inspiration.

    QUESTION 4: “What next step do you want them to take?”

    It’s funny how many people forget to make this part clear in their marketing messages. As much as you want your readers to opt-in to your ezine, become a fan on Facebook, attend your class and buy your product, you MUST focus on only ONE “call-to-action”!
    Good luck with your writing and make sure your personality shines through on all of your marketing messages Tweet me, I LOVE to hear your views and opinions @RAchelHolmes

    Top Tips for launching  a successful community class business.  
    I’ve used Fitness Pilates as an example but you could use any class

    Fitness Pilates is a progressive and functional form of Pilates. FP takes the brilliant theory and techniques of Joseph Pilates and combines it with functional anatomy and physiology. Fitness Pilates utilizes tri plane movements and exercises, which ensures the client gets a fully functional and 3d conditioning class.
    How to organize and run your FP Classes
    I would recommend running your classes as 6 – 8 week course where clients pay up front in blocks that run concurrently with school holidays and term times, OR run your classes ongoing but operate a monthly direct debit option. This works if you are running on going classes throughout the year.
    You know exactly how many participants you are having and the income it generates. Pay as you go can be much hit and miss. Some weeks busy, some weeks quiet. It will help you plan your finances, plan each session in advance more effectively and  prevent burn out!
    How to kick off your Fitness Pilates class
    1. Use your Facebook account – Start using Facebook as a business tool to promote you, your brand and your business.
    2. Open a Twitter/ Instagram/ Youtube account and begin working each platform in conjunction with Facebook.
    3. Get a website or blog and  a web account to capture everyone’s email that comes to your classes and visits your website. Update this with tons of great information pertinent to your demographic.
    4.Send a text to everyone in your phone about your new class. Invite friends and family.
    5.Have a free taster session and invite everyone.  At the end, sign up clients for your following course.
    6.Promote like crazy in all of your existing classes.
    7.Posters/leaflets everywhere
    Network and word of mouth. Google local business groups,  Women’s groups, WI and go along and network every week.
    Make a list of ALL local businesses and pop in and leave flyers and posters.

    Embrace Social Media but don’t neglect marketing basics…….
    You know I am a massive advocate of employing social media to help promote you and your personal brand but don’t neglect basic tried and tested marketing techniques. Ensure you get out and talk to prospective clients, network with groups and use leaflets and posters to get your launch right in front of EVERYONE!!!!
    Factor in Bank Holidays
    Give yourself 4 weeks to promote your new class or course.

    Ladies & Gentlemen…Boys & Girls…Babes & Sucklings including Fellow Accountants……Lend Me Your Eyes….!!
    By Andrew Crawford

    I am one tired mofo …….to all those fellow Accountants out there are you?

    Sleep pattern is out, diet is shot…..eyes are deep red from lack of sleep. My bottom is no longer perky round and plump but flat from all this sitting ..

    Since Christmas (seems far away now doesn’t it??) We have done a 29 days straight, staying up late, dealing with questions, queries, opening packages, signing for letters, emailing, faxing, totalling, multiplying,  black coffeeing, adding, subtracting, high fiving, hardly eating, stressing, sitting, meeting, no time to play with the crewing, greeting, no TV watching, bloating, red eyeing, bubble bathing and submitting the yearly Tax Returns.

    It’s a lonely place….!!  But only 2  days to go…….   !!

    So Andrew…………..

    What has all this ‘Lending you our eyes’ got to do with Accountancy & Tax?
    You know that if we did we would not be able to SEE….!!

    I was only trying to give you an  INSIGHT of things that have comes to light these few weeks… Lend me your eyes and cast them over the following..

    LOOK OUT for when there’s an issue as to whether something is allowable or disallowable. Where there is a dispute in your mind just take half. As  I mentioned in another article.

    Well, if you were to take 100% of this particular item, then the Inland Revenue will have the power to disallow ALL of the expenditure. By claiming only half you have demonstrated that you understand there would be an issue if you were to take the full amount and that there is a personal element to the item.


    WATCH what you are putting in your paperwork. Keep your records up to date. I have found some interesting magazines and photos which upset the karma of my environment…….in fact…in a very exciting way. Nuff said.


    Be EXTRA VIGILANT from all the strange wacky and utterly ridiculous emails being sent to you. I have been sent allsorts this week. Especially ones with attachments and zipped files. Use your middle finger and  Delete.

    Oh…….have you seen that one where your friend is ‘Stranded’ in a foreign country, lost all their passport and wallet??

    LOOK FOR ways to legitimately reduce your exposure to tax. No….not by concealing crinkely cash notes in your sock or knicker draw but utilising all the available claims and elections used by many tax avoidance veterans. Also LOOK OUT for when the powers at be change the tax rules. Usually read through the Budget Statement.


    INSPECT your Tax Return before you ‘Push That Button’ as when it’s gone and it contains a mistake……certain fine…!!!

    Here is the link to pay HMRC online. You will need your UTR (Unique Tax Reference Number).

    If you are having problems paying your tax bill then call 0845 366 1204

    You don’t have to pay your Tax and Payment on Account all in one go. Ask to pay it over 6 months, they may try and make it shorter but insist.
    If you can, make a payment on the day to show ‘Good Faith’

    SCAN the HMRC website for relevant documents, commentary and examples. They are trying to be more ‘friendly’ with us civilians.

    SEARCH the website available at www.fitnessindutryaccountants for relevant resources, information and useful tools. If something is not there that you particularly need, let me know so that I can update it.

    Finally………Look here………..

    There were still people who I was in conversations with these last few days who were operating a sole-trader business who were not registered yet……!!!

    Here are some details to help you along.

    Newly Self Employed helpline: 08459 154515
    Notification of Self-Employment: http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/forms/cwf1.pdf
    Application to pay Class 2 NIC by Direct Debit:  http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/pdfs/ca5601.pdf
    Online Registration: www.hmrc.gov.uk/selfemployed/register-selfemp.htm

    I come out of hibernation on Saturday.. So keep your eyes open for me…!!

    Andrew James Crawford


    Have a wonderful Thursday
    Love Rachel xxx

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