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  • 13 October 2011 Instructor Newsletter

    Hello  and welcome to the Choreographytogo Instructor Newsletter. This is a free weekly resource that I designed 8 years ago years ago to provide support, ideas and back up for all Instructors and Personal Trainers. I love to receive your feedback, so if you do have any comments or would like to contribute in any way please email lesley@choreographytogo.com or please use the very lively forum.

    For website/membership/course bookings and general admin email Lesley@choreographytogo.com or call the C2Go office 07854 739285. We aim to answer your emails within 24 hours. Please add Lesley@choreographytogo.com to your address book as mail sometimes can go to your junk/spam mail box. You can also find the answers to many of your questions in the FAQ section and Help section of the site click here for FAQs and Terms & Conditions


    Note from Rachel

    Where on earth are the weeks going? It’s all going too fast. This week  I wanted to include some new VLOGs (Videos ) especially for the newsletter, I really need to know what you think. Do you like to read the newsletter as usual or do you enjoy VLOGs ?  Please email, tweet or FB me.

    First Video is about everything new on Choreographytogo

    Last Night I ran the Fitness Business Building Webinar and if you would like to watch the recording its a full 1hour and 10minutes. Here it is


    Second Vlog is about Creating a Virtual Running Club


    3rd VLOG is 5 Top Fitness Marketing Tips




    I would love to know what you think of the VLOGS email me or Tweet me http://Twitter.com/RachelHolmes of Facebook my on the Choreographytogo Like Page



    Jayne Nicholls

    A cracking weekend in Manchester last week where all of the FFY instructors demonstrated great skills and more importantly an eagerness to learn a ‘new way’ of teaching. We are storming forward with a more mindful approach to teaching both mind body and other classes.

    Why are we doing this? It’s simple, we are paving the way for a new breed of instructor who are seen as leaders rather than followers.

    Lets define a leader:

    A leader is “a person who influences a group of people towards the achievement of a goal”.


    Susan Brown says : What is leadership? A simple definition of leadership is that leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.

    This definition of leadership, I think, captures the leadership essentials of inspiration and preparation. Effective leadership is based upon ideas, but won’t happen unless those ideas can be communicated to others in a way that engages them.

    Put even more simply, the leader is the inspiration and director of the action. He is the person in the group that possesses the combination of personality and leadership skills that makes others want to follow his direction.

    In business, leadership is welded to performance. Those who are viewed as effective leaders are those who increase their company’s bottom lines.

    To further confuse the definition of leadership, we tend to use the terms “leadership” and “management” interchangeably, referring to a company’s management structure as its leadership, or to individuals who are actually managers as the “leaders” of various management teams.

    I am not saying that this is a bad thing, just pointing out that leadership involves more. To be effective, a leader certainly has to manage the resources at her disposal. But leadership also involves communicating, inspiring and supervising – just to name three more of the primary leadership skills a leader has to have to be successful.

    Is a leader born or made? While there are people who seem to be naturally endowed with more leadership abilities than others, I believe that people can learn to become leaders by improving particular leadership skills.

    In order to effectively lead the group to the achievement of their goals and create a more inspired and confident following, we need to stop following and start to create thoughts, opinions and information based upon our own knowledge and experience. Consider all aspects of our clients’ needs and their motivations for coming to us. Only when we start to lead people and take the consequences of our good and bad actions can we change the way that we are perceived, treated and how we shape our income potential.

    j a y n e

    jayne nicholls

    Group X Training Ltd

    www.groupxtraining.com www.freestylefitnessyoga.com

    +44 (0)7989433969 +44     (0)208 488 1451



    Do what you’re passionate about – Sally Ghafoor
    Yep I am a bit excited. After a long time in the planning, on Saturday I finished my cookbook for parents for getting kids to eat clean and healthy food. I can’t wait to unleash it to everyone.
    It’s been hard going, life gets in the way. Recently, in fact,  for the past 3 weeks I have had the hardest time from a personal perspective than I have had in a long time. So, what kept me going, what made me finish my project? – my passion.
    How many times have I started a project and not finished it ?- A LOT   Why, it’s always been things I have not been passionate about. I am passionate about nutrition and kids nutrition. I never get bored. I could talk to people about it forever, I am so passionate about it. I wanted to launch a project, I wanted to give advice to those people who want to learn how to get good clean nutrition into their children and that is what kept me going. Yes, the problems I was facing may have elongated the project, but I knew I would get it done as I felt passionate about it.
    So, what’s your passion???  Find that passion, what makes you tick, what excites you, whatever your passion is there is a way to make a living out of it. I learnt a lot about this just by listening to Gary Vaynerchuck’s audio book “Crush it”  – if you need some inspiration then go download it, stick it on your ipod and get motivated!
    So, after months in the making, after cooking for what seemed like forever, after the dishwasher breaking down through too much cooking, after the children voting for what goes in the cookbook and what doesn’t, here is a little sneak preview of a recipe from it – Give it a go and let me know what you think. Test it on your kiddiewinks or on yourself. Keep checking my websites for more sneak previews and sign up so you don’t miss the launch of the cookbook.
    Lemon Cupcakes (dairy, gluten and wheat free)

    3 large eggs

    4 tablespoons of either Agave nectar or Honey or half and half

    1 teaspoon of baking soda

    1 teaspoon of vinegar

    half a tablespoon of lemon juice

    2-3 oz coconut oil (heat up so it is not solid, but ensure it is not too hot when placing in mixture) or use olive oil

    115grams of almond flour

    For the topping:

    Agave nectar

    Raw cacao powder

    Preheat the oven to 180 degrees Celsius.

    1. Firstly separate the egg whites from their yolks.
    2. Whisk the egg whites with the vinegar until they form stiff peaks and place to one side
    3. The Yolks that were put to the side,  add the honey or agave nectar, baking soda, and coconut/olive oil, and whisk until blended
    4. Add the lemon juice and beat the mixture until blended.
    5. Fold in the almond flour and then blend.
    6. Fold the stiff peaked egg whites into the above mixture.
    7. Place into cupcake moulds.
    8. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
    9. Wait for the cupcake to cool
    10. Whilst cooling mix some agave syrup with cacao powder, so that it creates a chocolaty syrup. Once the cupcake is cool add this to the top of the cupcake and enjoy without worrying about your kids eating things they shouldn’t be!!!!

    follow me on facebook www.facebook.com/sallyghafoor or Twitter @sallyghafoor or sign up to my blog (and coming very soon newsletter) www.gethealthsavvy.co.uk



    How to celebrity network! Christianne Wolf


    I hope you have enjoyed boosting your confidence and changing your mindset to market yourselves to celebrities.

    This week you are going learn how to network with celebrities!

    A bit of celebrity networking always helps.

    Networking is a vital component to raising your awareness, influencing people and making the right connections.

    You can build awareness through social networking sites like twitter and face book and more professional networking sites such as linked in. You can also join local networking groups, some of which will be for very small local businesses and some will be more expensive and for the bigger boys.


    BUT more than that it is up to you to network with everyone! Connections are made through talking to people, adding in the conversation what you do and where you want to be without being salesy. If you are likeable people will want to help you grow, people love to feel needed and helpful, so do not feel like you have to slog it alone. Just have a very clear idea of where you want to be and people will help you get there.


    So what’s  an example of this?


    Well I got a sponsorship through Elle Sports a few years ago- and funnily enough it happened as a result of my Yoga class being empty. Only one lady showed up!


    It just so happened this lady worked for Elle Sports clothing and they were looking for people to sponsor. I happened to mention my local press that I had received and she was really interested and took it to the MD. Who took me on, despite them already closing the applications a week earlier!


    Now, this search for people to sponsor was actually advertised in a health and fitness magazine, which I did not read, so make sure you scour in-house health and fitness magazines for this type of vacancy. The same magazine also advertised posts working at Pinewood studios, which I got, and which ultimately lead to a break in Television. SO talk to everyone!!!


    So how can you Mix with the Elite and what are their hangouts?


    YES, you also want to network with celebrities themselves!


    As well as all the well know nightclubs, bars and hotels also think of tennis clubs, polo events, golf clubs, places you can go to regularly and start chatting and becoming friends with the inner circle. I used to work at the Harbour Club in Fulham, which is a famous tennis club turned gym. Princess Diana was a member there back in the day and it still holds prestige on the back of that now. There were many celebrities and royalty frequenting their membership and it was easy to get into conversation with them.

    I now belong to Champneys and every time I walk through the door I see a celebrity-I even shared a Jacuzzi with Jason Orange once, who lived there for 3 months- we got chatting for about 30 minutes and my skin turned into a prune 🙂


    Even if they are not interested in your services they may take your card for a later date.


    Or alternatively work in a gym that has prestige around it. Boutique gyms are the best as they attract a small number of high profile members that you will get to know and may train.


    If you want a comprehensive list of all the celebrity hangouts in the 10 main cities in the UK, get my 10 step manual on www.celebritytrainercoach.com


    Are there any websites you can advertise on where celebrities can find you?


    Yes there are some key websites you can advertise on that are a  definitive source of contacts within the film, TV, video and commercials production industries. So, for a fee you can advertise your services and can be found!  I advertised on one  and as a result trained Dougray Scott on a film called ‘The Poet’ You can also get many more contacts on my 10 step manual.


    What about Networking groups?


    Networking groups are a fantastic way of making great contacts. You can find out invaluable information that has helped other people in their business’.


    I remember the first networking group I went to where a yoga teacher mentioned she used www.expertsources.com and how it had been useful for her as the press and radio stations had contacted her through there. I had never heard of them, and even if I had, I would not know if they were any good; inside information like this is really useful. So, I joined expert sources  and have received a great amount of press through this source, including a daily mirror item I was asked to write on Pippa’s bottom.

    On another occasion at a networking meeting- a holistic masseur mentioned that BBC 3 counties radio were doing a feature on a lady wanting to lose 5 stone, and she was asked to help, so I made quick fire contact to the radio station too, to help her and gain exposure.

    So, we have covered gaining confidence, marketing and celebrity networking. How else can people who work in the fitness industry work with celebrities?

    Well, getting into TV and on radio can certainly help!, find out how to be the next fitness guru on TV and radio next week.

    And in the meantime download my free CD on www.celebritytrainercoach.com







    Have a fantastic week and do let me know what you think of the VLOGs


    Love Rachel xx

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