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  • 15th October 2015 Instructor Newsletter

         Screen Shot 2015-10-14 at 12.28.28

    Since getting back from Turkey it’s been crazy
    getting everything ready to open the POP UP Studio.
    It’s a daily process with the marketing,
    contacting sponsors, local businesses &
    this week I’m planning a round of lunch and learns.

    This sees me going into local businesses
    with a 30 minute energising talk
    and tons of KSFL food samples.

    Giving employees & colleagues a super fun
    and informative update on easy tips to implement
    into the diet right away,
    to get cracking results.

    (If you are in Nottingham & Derby and
    would like to book a free
    Business Lunch and Learn do get in touch)

    I’ll keep you posted with how it goes.

    In the meantime if you can get to
    to see you.

    I know for many it’s a longish way


    We are bang in the midlands, right in the
    centre of the city and minutes away
    from the Train Station so why not
    have a road trip and come and see me?

    A little trip away, taking a class,
    mixing with like minded positive people
    can be  just the tonic you need if you
    need some inspiration & motivation.

    A very very warm welcome awaits.
    I will feed you great home Kick Start cooked
    food, amazing classes and tons of hugs if required 🙂

    Even if you can’t make it
    I hope the information about
    POP UP inspires you to do something different.

    Push the envelope.
    Try something new.
    Unleash a project / dream / idea and see where it goes?

    Who knows… this could fail or it could be a huge hit….
    who knows
    until you have a go.

    Try something different.

    You can never fail
    only learn.I’d love to get your feedback.


    Workshops at The Kick Start Pop Up Transformation Centre

    At the POP UP I’m putting on fun evening workshops
    so you can see exactly how presenters teach in the “real world”You will gain a ton of user friendly ideas and
    have a great night to boot.

    I’ll be there on the evening hosting and teaching a class before hand that you are welcome to take part in.

    So, Come and Join us!

    Total Abs Workout / Workshop with Kelly Reed Banks 545 – 715pm

    Juice Masterclass with Mairi Taylor 730- 9pm
    ( Want to learn how to juice like a pro? This is an unmissable workshop )

    Wednesday 4th November  Click here to book
    £10 per masterclass or £18 for the eveningPlus complimentary Kick Start healthy super food

    Jayne Nicholls YOGA For ALL Masterclass / Workshop

    I’m so happy my pal will be holding a special and unique
    workshop for EVERYONE – Non Yogis/ Beginners,/Yoga curious right throuhg to regulars & advanced people who want to strengthen their practice.

    Take part in a “Real” class & see exactly how Jayne teaches and
    presents her fabulous concept.

    Wednesday 11th November 730 – 9pm
    at The Kick Start pop Up


    Jayne and I will be team teaching at 6pm
    with HIIT Challenge MAX

    be fantastic to see you – and it’s only £10

    Click here to book you place on Jaynes Yoga Workshop

    Launch Party – Add Your Email To The VIP Guest List

    I’m having a big launch party for the POP UP including Talks,
    Kick Start Food, Motivation & launching our new
    Clean Christmas Cook Book it will be a great evening.

    I’d LOVE you to come.

    If you can make it to Nottingham on the 29th October
    add your email to my VIP list.


    Great new Releases from Pure Energy

    You can now grab my new HIIT 7 CD & the
    super duper popular
    Dance Anthems.
    Both awesome mixes perfect for your Autumn / Winter classes^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    Three Years Sober, Who Have I Become?
    by Jo De Rosa

    Well here I am, three years down the line.
    And who knew that life could get SO good…
    I’ve become the REAL me.
    Who I was always meant to be, before I decided to cover myself up with what I thought I wanted; what my friends and family wanted; and what society wanted.

    I cannot say it often enough to anyone who feels stuck, whether it’s an addiction to drugs, alcohol, sugar, anger or perhaps you are simply just playing smaller than you really are. It doesn’t matter which one, the substances/emotions are simply manifestations of what you believe about yourself and your worth.

    And whatever you are using to hold you back, why are you preventing yourself from living life in top gear? Why are you not allowing yourself to have the best experience possible? It doesn’t make sense….

    And don’t you worry I have been there!
    – Laying in the street crying because the bar just closed.
    – Risking everything but not caring as I bought large amount of drugs (in Thailand) and drove with them in my shoe.
    – Kicked out and barred from a bar because I attacked someone.
    – Woken up swollen eyed from crying and having no idea why.
    – Driving drugged up to the eyeballs through London.
    – Teaching yoga while still drunk.

    None of it am I proud of. In fact I recoil with embarrassment, shame, and disappointment that I wasted so much time having ‘fun’.
    But I do not regret any of it as I fully believe that it was all for a reason, and that my purpose was born that day three years ago that I had my last drink.

    People are often worried about leaving the ‘old’ them behind when they walk away from an addiction. Fear of being ‘boring’ or of what life is going to look like. Why not look at it from the other side; it’s time to build the life of your dreams, time to become the person that you always dreamt you could be, achieving your goals and dreams.

    Today could be the first day of the rest of your life.
    Are you ready?

    ‘When one door closes, another opens’ sounds corny but boy it’s true!
    I’m just back from my ten day retreat to write my book about HOW I found Freedom In Sobriety, and it is such an honour to share my journey and assist others who realise that there can be more than mere mediocrity.

    I experience magic in my life everyday these days, and when I compare this to where I used to be and what my life used to look like, it’s actually like I’m a different person. And YOU should befriend magic also; you deserve to feel it’s presence woven into the very core of your life.

    Now a book has been half written and a method, that anyone can follow to become free, birthed.
    I am not going to say anymore for now because the words are all contained in the book (30,000 words written in 10 days!). Announcements coming very soon with a new website, new name, watch this space!

    This week we have our residential addiction retreat running and a VIP guest who is the very first person to receive the new post-writing-retreat coaching from me. I have returned from Scotland with such clarity and know exactly HOW I am to show those that are ready, become free. The eight chapters in my book have become the subjects for this weeks sessions, each one progressive with the power building, with none of them being more important than the next, yet magically linked to enhance my guests evolution.

    I am so excited for him.
    On the path.
    With freedom looming as the delicious prize up ahead; our residential retreat a five-day taste of the sweet honey of sobriety.
    The ultimate gift you can give yourself; whether it’s booze, cigarettes, drugs, sugar, anger, sex, fast-food or self-harm.

    Every morning is so perfect when I wake up knowing that I can treat myself kindly today; no more self-abuse, no more self-loathing, no more dread of what I was going to end up doing by the end of the day.

    Every morning so perfect when I wake up knowing that I am going to love my body by feeding it nutritious foods, lots of water, and exercise.

    Every morning so perfect when I wake up knowing that I am going to love my mind by feeding it uplifting and positive messages; belief that anything is possible and that I am capable of achieving my dreams.

    Do you want that?
    Is it time to let go of who you have pretended to the world (and yourself) to be so that the REAL you can step forwards and claim the life you deserve?
    Are you going to ask that imposter to leave?
    Like NOW!

    Let me know if you would like more information, and if you too would like to be free from struggling and suffering.
    The grass is greener guys, come and join me!

    Click on the link below to follow my vlogs about my ten day Scottish retreat on an island with no roads/cars, it was an epic and magical journey….
    See you very soon,
    I cannot wait to share more with you!!
    And I’m off to celebrate my 3rd sober anniversary with my favourite drink: sparkling water with a dash of organic fresh lemon!! xxx

    Web:  http://innerguidance.co.uk/new-project/
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2015


    1,000,000 Men March & …oh….And Ebola
    By Andrew Crawford

    The 20th anniversary of the Million Man March came and went this past weekend without so much of a splash in the media. They kept quiet.


    As I was driving back from Knaphill Woking last night, this came over the radio news.

    “…2 divorcees win court battle to get more money from their husbands….”

    Oh my gosh….!!

    “…The judgement is being hailed as a landmark as it confirms the right of a former spouse to challenge an earlier settlement…”

    I feel sorry for the men behind this because they are definitely going to be ‘taken to the cleaners’. They kept quiet on their ‘hidden wealth’ but alas, they forgot that their wives knew everything.
    Watch out for other similar cases coming forward and other past cases being opened following the ruling.

    “…The ruling means husbands who try to hide their wealth from their ex-wives in future – or have in the past – could be dragged through the court and made to pay-up….”

    So Andrew,

    What has the One Million Man March & the 2 Disgruntled Divorcees got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well…one was an historic important event which the media completely ignored and kept quiet about, the other was that the men hid their wealth and evidently to their Layers they kept quiet about it.

    Where I am concerned if anything is important and can create wealth for you, I am NOT going to keep quiet about it.

    We all go to many workshops and courses but how do you determine whether they are claimable or not.

    Well…..Workshops are like mini courses. Some are claimable, others are not.

    The area of ‘Training Courses’ is an area which the HMRC looks at with a magnifying glass.

    I want you to remember this……..Courses which ‘Enable’ you to do something is recognised as the initial course and referred to as ‘Capital’. They are disallowable expenditure so you will not be able to offset the cost.

    Example: A student leaves school and wants to take up Accountancy.  Good gosh.

    Since this course will ‘enable’ the student to become an Accountant the course and all other related costs will be classified as Capital. Therefore disallowable.

    A student leaves college with a few A levels. They want to teach aerobics…freestyle….!!

    Whatever course this student takes to ‘enable’ them to become a Fitness Instructor again will be recognised as an ‘enabling’ course…therefore Capital.

    Once qualified, however, subsequent courses will be recognised as ‘revenue’ expenditure……………therefore allowable.

    My Tip: Ensure courses, workshops or training that you attend are classified as either ‘Updates, Ongoing or Development Training’

    Why? Workshops or courses which fall into the above criteria will be classified as Revenue expenditure, therefore fully claimable. (Don’t forget all the ancillary costs associated with the main cost.)

    So in your business you would claim the workshop as an expense along with the travel (Petrol or Diesel), teas, coffees, lunch & dinner, hotel, motel or holiday inn.

    Hey….don’t forget those workshops and training courses are now called Retreats, Spas Holidays …..whoops…I mean. training abroad, i.e Club La Santa, or International Aerobics and the such like.

    Nowadays we seem to be hopping on a plane for a week in the sunshine to update our training …..true??

    Thanks Andrew…..What about if I was employed and enjoyed some ‘work-related’ training??

    I’m going to hop over to the Tax Law for this part…….

    “work- related training” is defined as any training course or other activity which is designed to impart, instil, improve or reinforce any knowledge, skills, or personal qualities which:
    are, or are likely to prove, useful to the employee when performing his/her duties or

    will qualify or better qualify the employee to undertake the employment, or to participate in charitable or voluntary activities arising through the employment.

    The training must relate to the employee’s current employment or to a “related employment”
    In other words…….if you went on a training course as part of  your job and it falls within the gobbledeegoob as above and you paid for it personally…………then claim the mofo..!!

    In addition…………

    “….There is no restriction on the way the training can be delivered. Self-tuition packages, computer based training, distance learning, work experience or work placement and informal teach-ins are all acceptable as are more formal classroom based methods. It does not matter whether training is delivered internally or externally, or on a part-time or full-time basis…..”

    If you own the business….then claim this on behalf of your staff.


    Where has that been?

    It was an epidemic a few months ago….then….it went silent…….no more worldwide panic…until today…!!

    If you watched X Factor on Sunday you would have seen Mason Noise drop his mic and ‘walk off’ the show but hang on……..my mind reminds me that this is a ‘show’ and the ratings compared with Strictly come dancing are pretty low.

    In the media, nothing is as it seems. So time for some drama me thinks. So watch for the twist & turns on this ‘entertainment show’. I’m sure there is one.

    It doesn’t matter what others think of you, as long as you like yourself…. AJC

    Andrew James Crawford


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