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  • Everyone Is Watching YOU – Have you Noticed?

    Everyone is watching you.Have you noticed?Your class members, family members,
    friends (enemies!)

    Folk you don’t know,
    are all watching from afar.Social media has opened
    that little window & everyone is
    having a peep.You know the score.

    Your minding your own business,

    away in Sainsburys &
    class members spot you.
    They can’t wait to bounce
    over & spy whats in your trolley.
    Captured.They saw your Hobnobs :-)Everything you do is a signal

    to someone else.

    When others see you being super positive,
    exercising when you really don’t feel like it
    & eating a healthy diet 90% of the time
    they realise they can do it too.

    When others  see you make

    the best of a situation
    & smile through.
    It radiates confidence & calm.

    YOU are inspiring all day every day.

    Operating at your highest level is not just for you.It REALLY helps others around you.
    Let your actions inspire others to
    Be more.
    Do More.
    Learn more.Keep leading & Keep inspiring!Happy Tuesday- Do YOu agree???

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes
    Instagram RachelLHolmesLove Rachelxxx^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    KS Extreme Workshop – LONDON
    This Saturday 29th November 1 – 530pm
    Tons of ideas for your HIIT & Conditioning
    classes click here to bookIt’s a WICKED workshop so do
    come & join us!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    HOT Fitness Pilates

    Nottingham 5/6 December
    with Rachel & Kelly click here to book

    HOT Fitness is going  to be massive in 2015

    Do you OWN or run a HOT
    YOGA studio? We can run our HOT
    FP course in your studio. Get in touch asap


    Facebook Adverts For FitPro
    Video course
    Click here for all details

    Social Media IS the best way to advertise
    & market your future classes & programmes


    Fitness Pilates For Kids
    Training Course

    2015 Course dates Click here for details

    Another HOT niche for 2015


    Do you want to become a Kick Start Fat Loss
    Business Owner in 2015?

    Click here to join the fastest growing
    lifestyle club in the UK


    IN House Fitness Pilates?

    Can you get 10 Instructors together?
    Do you want to offer FP on your timetable?
    Email Kelly@Choreographytogo.com

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