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  • What do you call your Fitness Business?

    It’s the C2GO Newsletter aimed to motivate and
    inspire you to take action!

    Today I have a list of event I have coming up for you plus some handy tips on how to catch more information then an article on “What to call your Fitness Business?”
    Catch me LIVE every morning talking food, nutrition, health, wellness and mindset at 8am on my Live page and I’m going to be doing a Fitness Business and Motivation Live stream for Fit Pros and Entrepreneurs on the page.

    So,make sure you are subscribed to get notifications of when I’m on and broadcasting 🙂 and get involved.

    Have you booked your The Brain Fit Workout ™ Training yet ?
    It’s my new Movement and Meditation Group Exercise class with great music, movement and mindfulness.

    It’s the conscious way to workout reliving stress, anxiety and building self esteem and confidence with positive
    affirmations and Brain Training.
    Bristol 11th September
    Manchester 8th October

    Click here to book

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    Kick Start Discovery Day

    I’ll be in Manchester at the Premier Inn on Saturday doing
    my 2nd Discovery Day for those people interested in becoming
    a Kick Start Franchisee – If you would like to come along It’s a FREE afternoon click here
    Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 07.59.22

    Your Fitness Business Name, Your Domain Name and Your Brand Name – What Should YOU call them?

    Your Own Name or A Brand Name?

    I think you may have noticed a pattern in my recent articles. Ive been writing down and saving all of the emails and questions instructors ask me on a regular basis creating articles from them for the newsletter.

    This topic always comes up, either on Facebook, Twitter and email and always on every business talk I do.
    This is another one of those questions that so many people cant get past!!!

    They cant decide what to call their business, website or product, so what do they do…

    They let that stop them in their tracks and they don’t design the business they want to create. Simply, because they cannot decide on the right name!!!

    Is this YOU?

    Should you website be called your name or a brand name? Should your business be a brand name or your own name?……

    Decision Decisions…

    Here is my take on this and some pointers to help you decide.

    When you are thinking about what to call your business you need to know what your long term game plan is and that means what is your vision for your fitness business. Where are you headed with it all?

    If YOU are your business, you do the teaching, you want to create the workout, You star in your online fitness videos or be an author, speaker, coach, mentor or consultant then call you business by your name. You are the commodity and as you are no longer confided to your teaching hours or your local area because you can film your information, your workouts or talks and get them online reaching more and more people. In effect you can now “scale you” and create a personal fitness brand so call it

    The benefits to launching a business or website with your own name is that you can launch different brands, classes, and variations under your own name and you are not stuck with a name that may date or you want to change at a later date.

    But on the other hand if you want to create a product or service that other Fitpros may want to teach or its something that could be sold one day then call it by a brand name. De-personalise it so to speak for example my new The BRAINFIT Workout ™

    All of my fitness business coaching, personal teaching, mentoring etc is under name name RachelHolmes but underneath that I have for Training, Educations & Qualifications, Fitness Pilates, Kick Start Fat Loss , The Brain Fit Workout ™ are all brands I have created but are stand alone products and services that sit underneath my name and personal brand.

    The bottom line is you can be super successful whatever your call your business just think about your long term goals and objectives. Be clear about what you want and where you are going.

    I hope that helps you make a decision if this is something you have been procrastinating about for a while Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    How To Trade Mark Your Brand Name
    Since launching The Brain Fit Workout ™ I have had a lots of messages from Fitness Professionals and Entrepreneurs about how to Trade Mark the name of a class or brand they have created.

    This is a relatively simple process, of course there is a cost attached and quite a few forms to fill in but for all of the information and how to do this yourself check out this website

    The Brain Fit Workout ™ is a class Ive been working on for months and months but it went through numerous name changes until I came up with a name that could be Trade Marked correctly.

    I wanted to launch it a long time ago but getting the name trade marked and the legal music all prepared really takes time, and I wanted to make sure it was all done correctly before launch.

    These are things I didn’t do when I launched my other brands many years ago so this time I wanted to make sure it was all protected before launch.

    As your customers are buying into your brand in this day and age I think it’s important to get these legal things all sorted out before you launch your product or service.

    I hope that helps.

    How to Kick off your Online Fitness Business when you have no spare cash or are a technophobe!

    This comes up all of the time whenever I lecture or do talks on creating your fitness business online.

    I get it!
    We love fitness and teaching and not websites and understanding Aweber and imovie BUT if you truly want to break away from the hamster wheel of too much teaching and PT’ing check out my 3 simple solutions.

    Techie Issues – If techie issues are driving you round the bend then you have to harness the power of YOUTUBE. There is a step by step video tutorial for EVERYTHING from How to tie your shoelace to changing your website banner, understanding wordpress, aweber tutorials and every other single thing you need to know that’s technical.

    Anything that has you stumped will be there in its full glory on youtube just waiting for you to find it, watch it and then take action.

    Cash Issues – If spare cash is holding you back then you can get a Free blog/website from then follow Youtube videos to show you exactly how to update it, and believe me it is really simple. By the way and are wordpress blogs. You can also get a free email marketing service – MailChimp which is all you need to get your offers and newsletter sent out to your clients on a regular basis.
    Mindset Issues – I think this is bigger than the previous 2 points and it appears prevalent amongst Fitpros.
    Are you constantly telling yourself. “I’m just no good with computers” “I’m such a dunce when it comes to anything techie” “I can’t……….”
    NEWSFLASH… the more you tell yourself & speak to yourself that way that then that becomes the truth. Stop the negative self talk and wise up right away.
    Hundreds of Fitpros & C2GO members who viewed themselves as a “technophobe” have set up wordpress blogs, got their head around Mailchimp and cracked on.
    I love this quote by Tony Robbins

    “It’s not about your resources, it’s about your resourcefulness”
    Please don’t let a lack of resources and lack of cash stop you achieving and creating the online business you want then.

    Come on team seize the moment.



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