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    C14z“Are you Back on it?”


    Click here to subscribe to get my
    positivity, fitness & business emails

    I LOVE Monday Morning..almost as much as Friday!.



    Its a time filled with optimism, excitement and in-trepidation

    of what the unfolding week week has to offer.


    Everything kicks right of again on a Monday.


    A new project, a new diet, A new workout, A new class.


    Its all NEW, NEW, NEW Today.


    WE are all “GETTING BACK ON IT”


    The minute I  check social media or take a call from a friend the first thing

    she says is.


    “Right Rach, I’m back on it today…”


    I love those words so much.


    All those tasks, jobs, workouts and plans that we didn’t

    quite get round to finishing last week,

    we promise faithfully to crack on with and tick them

    of the list this week.


    I have have a completely, brand, sparkly new Morning

    Routine these days, I’m passing it on

    hoping it may inspire you.


    I wake up early and say a silent prayer for

    everything in my life I’m grateful for.

    I then mentally run though my day with the things

    I want to receive that day & how I want to FEEL.


    Thats the key..Its how I want to FEEL


    I meditate & listen to what comes up, then,


    whatever inspiration comes through, I jump on it there & then



    I always read for 10 minutes. At the moment Im still working

    through The May Cause Miracles Book this gives me a positive mindset

    from the get go.


    I used to be checking social media the minute I opened my eyes.

    Dialling into Twitter and Facebook right away.

    Not any longer, I now write these emails & plan my day hour by hour.




    Otherwise I read FACEBOOK & I take on someones else’s thoughts,

    I’m influenced by someone else’s life & actions, I become REACTIVE

    not PROACTIVE.


    Back in the day I’d WISH to try and manifest a new Porshe 911, a hot new Gorgeous

    Boyfriend, 6 bedroom mansion,150 people to come to my community class

    and of course to lose at least 2 stone…..  on and on


    Of course this didn’t manifest, well, not, quite like that…. I


    It was just was just a wish list or pipedream.


    You have to REALLY FEEL the outcome. Feel those feelings and have such

    unwavering faith that the Universe has your back & will deliver exactly

    what is right for you.


    So, todays message really goes back to yesterdays email,

    listening to your innerguide via meditation & understanding

    what you REALLY WANT.


    I WANT YOU to get so PRODUCTIVE TODAY that you smash

    though all of your tasks.You certainly have enough time.


    Whatever it is you WANT to achieve today You WILL Achieve it.

    Believe and You WIll achieve. 


    EVERYTHING You need, all of the expertise, all of the knowledge is

    right in front of you at your fingertips.


    Listen to your innerguide.


    Ask for help  and then

    get as busy as a bee driving towards the life and

    goals you REALLY DESIRE.





    Be the role model.


    Be the shining light.


    Spread the positivity and SMASH YOUR desired goals…

    Day after Day.

    Inspire others to do the same.

    Crack on my friends. Crack RIGHT on!


    YOU know how much I love you your tweet me or message me @RachelHolmes


    Have the most productive Monday EVER.


    My affirmation is from Lesson 41 of May Cause Miracles

    “I am here to be truly helpful”

    By helping YOURSELF become the best version of you.

    You inspire others to do the same.


    Love ALWAYS RACHEL xxxx



    I have uploaded 2 new Freestyle Downloads on Choreographytogo today

    a new HiLO and new Step You can check them out here


    Step It in https://www.choreographytogo.com/video-detail/?vid=693


    Basic Aerobic Mashed Up https://www.choreographytogo.com/choreography/latest-downloads/



    Pilates is THE still one of the most sought after and popular classes

    to teach. GREAT Pilates teachers are in demand all over the UK.

    Pilates classes are constantly busy.

    YOU can train to teach Pilates with our REPs Level 3 Course.


    The next course dates are Bristol 28 Feb / 1 / 2 March

    Manchester 28/30 March

    London 4/6 July

    Derby 17/19 October

    London 21/23 November


    All courses now have limited spaces as the course is so popular.


    Here are all the details https://www.choreographytogo.com/qualifications/level-3-pilates/






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