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  • Are you Feeling Stale? Have you Lost Your Passion? Motivational From Rachel













    I’ve just done 2 webinars for “my people”
    ( I love it when fitness folks say that….)

    One for the Fitness Business Academy gang
    and the other is my regular updates
    for the Kick Start Franchisees.

    Afterwards one of of the group members
    emailed me and said

    “How on earth do you keep up your motivation”

    she went on to say……

    “Especially when you are feeling unconfident,
    stale & a bit lost”

    It got me thinking – well, over thinking in fact.

    In a business where you have to GIVE GIVE GIVE
    it’s so easy to get lost and stale and  despondent.

    How do you sustain the passion for your fitness business
    when the passion has popped out for a bit???

    My immediate answer is

    You have to set BIGGER goals.

    A Bigger, Fatter, Larger, Greater, HUGE goal
    that you’re aiming for.

    That will keep you busy, excited, consumed &
    super uber motivated.


    If you woke up feeling lack lustre,
    demotivated and so uninspired.


    I just did that &  I feel a new person.

    LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS quote from Zig

    “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” (Zig Ziglar)
    Ready. Aim. FIRE!
    Happy Monday
    Love Rachel x Tweet me @RachelHolmes


    I am holding a FREE Kick Start Fat Loss
    WEbinar ON Thursday 2nd October 8 – 9pm
    I’ll be chatting nutrition, fatloss, wellness & exercise
    there are 100 available seats – Come and join in the chat
    Registration Web Link: https://www3.gotomeeting.com/register/759649198


    Join my 7 day Kick Start Indian Summer Online Detox
    Starting Next Monday 6th October
    Click here for all the information and to sign up

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