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  • Are you going to join the positivity train?




    As a creative spirit striving to build a fulfilling

    life & business pursuing your goals and dreams.


    Fostering a miracle mindset, confidence & having

    a positive, loving outlook at times is not always easy.



    You have to make decisions & get clear.



    KNOW what you want & how you want

    your life to look is KEY.



    KNOWING when you have outgrown situations,

    people,jobs, classes, circumstances &

    getting out, chucking the towel

    in and moving on.


    I’ve had to ditch a few things

    recently & at the time its bad.


    It’s rocky.


    but as soon as you have…..


    WOW you feel A-M-A-Z-I-N-G



    Deep down YOU know when the time is right.



    Getting in touch with your ~ING (Inner Guidance system)

    is vital so you can totally FEEL what is best for you

    at any given moment.



    When that inspiration hits you – however it comes – act

    on it quickly, change course, ditch the toxic situations, stop

    eating the shit food, listening to negativity and get flippin…






    I am obsessed with possibility. I love that feeling of optimism.



    It’s so exciting, living for the rush of turning a thought –

    or an abstract idea into something real, tangible, touchable,

    readable, effectual and profitable.



    That will serve more people and help others


    It makes you feel sooooo EMPOWERED (word of the day!)

    generous & HAPPY.



    We all LOVE getting things done so again today

    lets get soooo busy and keep pushing forward

    on those big dreams and goals.



    Use & spend your time wisely.


    Do your meditations & as its HUMPDAY

    completely love yourself for making these radical

    changes with your thoughts.



    A simple affirmation from Gabby B today


    “I LOVE ME”


    Keep it top of mind all day TODAY!



    Have a wicked wicked Wednesday I’m just of to the gym

    to train & teach then back to the lap top for some

    serious work on a few big ole lofty old projects.


    What are you today? Id love to hear from you

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes.



    Lots of Love Rachel xxx



    PS Loving that so many of you are getting right into JUICING

    WE are sharing Juice ideas over on my FB & Twitter page.




    My Kick Start Fat Loss Lifestyle Business is growing?rapidly.?

    All of the Franchisees are offering LIve Clubs?& sessions,?PLUS working with local hair & beauty salons,?Juice bars, Coffee shops,?schools, the NHS, local businesses.

    Online KSFL programmes as well, as our new KSFL/Fitness Pilates 28 day Detox packages.


    I coach, mentorm support & advise the team every?day with new ways to push? their individuals businesses forward.


    I am looking for MORE entrepreneurs to join the team.

    Could this be you??


    If you would like to get involved in a rapidly? expanding business talk to me.


    Lets make it happen.

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