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  • Are You Ready For Pinterest










    It is an exciting time to be developing
    & creating your online fitness business.

    Harnessing the power of the various
    social media platforms is key to
    getting your message out to
    more people.

    They ALL don’t have to be a massive
    time suck if you use them correctly.

    So, are you looking at INSTAGRAM

    Have you had a look around PINTEREST

    PINTEREST used to be the platform
    for home redecorating & swapping

    But that has all changed.

    It’s driving more & more traffic
    to YOUR website.

    More eyeballs looking at YOUR
    products & services.


    It’s no where near as involved & time
    consuming as Facebook.

    Therefore, if you are planning
    to create an online service, product
    or programme.

    Pop over & set yourself up
    with a business account.

    Get a feel for what is going down
    over there.

    I’ll be back with some hot
    PINTEREST tips to get your
    hot of the blocks.

    But in the meantime….

    Join up & have a play…

    You can find me, my pins
    & boards if you search

    It’s a fantastic way to get new

    Happy Pinning & Happy Friday!

    Love Rachel xx


    I will be opening up my Fitness
    Business Academy Coaching Programme
    very soon.

    All social media platforms will be covering
    in depth.

    #excitingtimes for Fitness Entrepreneurs

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