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  • Big UP The POSITIVITY PASSIONISTAS – Rachels Saturdays Inspiration

    Saturdays inspiration with love from me to you.

    HOLA Rachel

    Morning Passionistas!

    OMG The wind.
    It  woke me up at 3am & I couldn’t get back
    to sleep.

    I tried to use it as extra “meditation” time but
    my mind went into overdrive, racing off with crazy ideas,
    plans, todolists, places to go, people to see, countries to visit,
    languages to learn (Yeah right!) holidays to book
    and things to do, like …IMMEDIATELY..right that second

    Why does that always happen when you cant sleep?

    I never get THAT sense of urgency at 2pm sat at my desk!

    I kept thinking Rach it is TOO early to get up.
    NO Don’t do it!

    But I did …I got up…so hence this email.

    Does that ever happen to you?
    Cant sleep then get all inspired
    & a bit nutty…..???

    Anyhow, How was V day did it you spread some love?
    I bet you did if you were teaching your classes.

    Your class members without doubt, love you for your
    passion, talents, expertise & dazzling personality.

    All those fabulous compliments they say to you
    about why they attend your sessions.

    I bet you just shrug it of, though.

    If you REALLY are ADAMANT that it is time
    to step UP stop & playing small.

    If YOU are ready to make a commitment to your
    business & life in general…

    Then we have to take those wicked, cool,
    unique attributes that make you
    YOU and get YOU “Out There”

    Leveraging the POWER of the internet
    & social media is a DREAM for everyone wanting
    to reach more people and build a bigger
    more successful

    Say, for example…
    Do you want to get into corporate
    fitness, teach classes or lead lectures than
    grab on to  LINKEDIN.

    Corporate Health & Wellness is GROWING
    like WILDFIRE and tbh
    no one is really tackling it properly
    theres some huge opportunities in this sector.

    LINKEDIN (And Twitter) will GET YOU IN
    Front of local businesses without
    having to “pop in” “in person” or cold calling
    hundreds of businesses
    in your town….and tbh who has the time
    or even wants to do that….? No one ever.

    You can do it all virtually…..if you make a plan.

    If your know your market is on Facebook then rev up
    your page (Business page) Get the
    Likes UP with ENGAGING content.
    Interesting & informative info that can help
    people solve their Fitness, Weightloss, Health
    & Happiness issues, concerns & of course,problems.

    Exciting, Captivating, Problem Solving, Feel good
    info that GRABS FOLKS ATTENTION and is

    not the usual, regular
    boring old hat, Health & Fitness stuff
    they can see

    BE BOLD and be YOU is the key on all SM platforms.

    YOU are your own your own one man band
    PUBLICIST. So work it girlfriend!

    Social media isn’t this huge time suck.
    or monster. You can sooo harness the
    power and sooo use it to your advantage.

    In quick & easy ways.

    HOW Rachel?

    By Using MODERN marketing and MINDSET.

    Coming from a feeling of LOVE and wanting to share
    your expertise.

    Marketing is an art & a science & anyone can do it
    Even if you feel like you a complete TECHNOPHOBE

    Although, we got to change that negative thought right
    here and now because you are not a TECHNOPHOBE…
    (thats an affirmation
    in its self)

    You are already on social media.
    YOU are already reaching
    & touching hundreds of people you have never
    MET in person
    Maybe you need help with some structure & focus?

    So you’re half way there…you can see that.

    I also know you have some great ideas that you are excited
    & PASSIONATE about.

    These need to become reality or you will
    kick yourself if you don’t crack on.

    YOU are NOT stuck.
    You can turn the page and write a NEW chapter
    for your life & business.

    It’s about having confidence & clarity.
    Working out exactly what you want, how you want it to
    look, then having the courage to go get it!

    I saw on the cover of US Marie Claire a new word
    and I fell in love with it.

    The Passionistas  – I think that sums all lot of us up!

    So here is Saturdays affirmation…. Usual story.
    Plug it into your phone. Sing it in the car.
    Keep it top of mind all day & when/if negative street
    starts dragging you in. Keep saying it & believe it.

    Lets bring some magic into Saturday as its the weekend.

    “ I See Magic today” and enjoy every magical moment
    today will bring. Say it with a smile.


    Click here to subscribe to get my
    positivity, fitness & business emails

    I’ll be examining how you can leverage social media
    in 2014 and modern, magical marketing that wont take you
    hours on the MAKE IT HAPPEN SEMINAR
    PLUS loads of so simple meditation ideas for nutty fitpros
    (like me!) who can’t sleep at 3am and feel compelled to get
    up & start writing.

    The workshop is 3/4 sold out now so jump on if it
    tickles your fancy.


    The £10 DVD offers are still on for this weekend. Ive taken some
    DVD’s down as they have sold out & put a few new ones up

    Heres the collection


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