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  • C2GO Instructor Newsletter 25/8/16

    c2go small infusion

    Huge thank to everyone that made it onto my Webinar
    last Sunday it was the busiest
    I have ever done and so sorry not everyone
    could get on,
    but if you want to catch it
    the replay will be up for the last few
    hours today. Click here

    I’m in full creation mode at the moment putting
    together a lot of new content for the
    Kick Start Elite 35 group which is my online coaching
    for Women over 35.

    I’m taking a topic each month for a complete deep dive
    into with videos, webinars and LIVE streams
    and Month 1 we are looking at STRESS – Eating, Exercising, Journaling, Morning Routines, Breathing Techniques and Daily Practice for daily stress reduction and I’m collaborating
    with the worlds most forward thinking
    Dr’s and Clinicians to bring to the group
    the very best information, research and studies.

    For information on the Elite 35
    We are working on a new project for the Autumn
    with Youtube which is quite unique
    You will need to subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel


    My YouTube has tons of great choreography videos, cooking videos, home workouts, business building videos so
    do check it out 🙂

    Are you looking for something new to
    teach ?
    Have you booked onto the BrainFit™
    Autumn Workshop? click here

    The Kick Start 1 Day Retreat is being
    held at

    Champneys Springs on Friday
    9th September and have 5 places available
    click here to book

    I’m of to Devon for the weekend for a typical
    UK Bank Holiday let’s hope the sun comes

    I hope you have a fab weekend and enjoy
    this action packed newsletter 🙂

    Do you want national and local press exposure, for your business for FREE?
    I am hoping that you will help me – help you – make this happen and be a success for all of us!

    Chris 2
    It’s Chris Tuck here, I hope you are well? Enjoying your summer? Ramping up your business for September?

    I don’t know if you know? but I specialise in empowering victims & survivors of childhood abuse & domestic abuse regain back the power and control over their lives through health & fitness. Over the last few years I have had lots of press exposure for my No.1 best seller book “Through The Eyes Of A Child” – my true story of adversity & road to recovery.

    I am really excited to tell you that after nearly 12months of hard word we will be launching our new charity S.O.B on World Mental Health day and would love YOU to be involved, in this national event.
    #WorkItOut is a national fitness event encouraging the fitness industry to support the launch of the new Charity, S.O.B that helps survivors of abuse re-claim their lives through mindset, nutrition and fitness.

    We will have national press coverage, local press coverage and we are currently ‘in talks’ with a major TV network which would result in national TV coverage.

    This will hugely help your local business get press by holding one of our fitness events,

    All you have to do is host a 1 hr fitness session of your choice and donate the proceeds of that session to our S.O.B Justgiving page http://www.justgiving.com/s.o.b.

    This in turn will give you a..

    • Platform to launch your business from the back of the SOB charity
    • Chance for you to get into the press
    • To make good contacts locally
    • To attract more clients
    • To offer a free gift to your clients
    We feel that the fitness industry is a really important key player in keeping our local communities healthy, physically and mentally. 1 in 4 people have suffered some form of abuse throughout their lifetime, and we are here to make a huge difference as an industry, promoting health and wellness for them.
    If you decide to take part – there will be more information available to you soon in the form for the S.O.B Fitpro’s kit.

    All you have to do at this moment in time is say that your in!
    And as a thank you and your clients – we will give EVERYONE a kindle copy of The Breaking The Cycle™ Health and Wellness book. Normal price £7.99. This book will not steal any of your clients away from you I promise! – what it will do is open up everyone’s understanding of the impact of trauma on an individual’s mental & physical health and how YOU can help & support them and how THEY can empower themselves to move on with their lives. In fact you may get more clients because of your new knowledge & understanding.

    Stories of abuse are prevalent in all media at the moment and can be very negative.

    Let’s make a difference on a national scale with this positive story, to help people get their lives back through our amazing industry.

    There will be prizes for the following categories:

    1) The most funds raised by just one class
    2) The most members in one class
    3) The best selfie holding the #WorkItOut #WMHD #SOB banner

    You can download your FREE Fitpro Kit from http://survivorsofabuse.org.uk/ (From Sept 1st 2016).

    This is a fantastic opportunity for the fitness industry to show how we work tirelessly to improve both our client’s mental & physical health. It is going to create a buzz due to it being publicised nationally and more importantly it will raise the awareness of the importance of physical fitness on our mental health & vice versa.
    Fitpro Industry Leaders Backing #WorkItOut so far: (your name will be added when you come on board)

    1) Rachel Holmes – Founder & Director of KSFL (Kick Start Fat Loss) http://www.kickstartfatloss.net/

    2) Jacqueline Hooton – Founder & Director of WIFE (Women In Fitness Empowered) http://www.wifeevents.com/

    3) Andrew Crawford – Founder & Director of Fitness Industry Accountants http://zlogg.co.uk/

    4) Christianne Wolff – Founder & Director of Body Rescue http://www.thebodyrescueplan.com/
    [if !supportLineBreakNewLine]
    5) Katy Barrows – SOSA Dance Fitness http://www.sosafitness.co.uk/
    If you want to interview me about the event or want me to write an article for your client list I will be more than happy to do so. Please just let me know.

    If you cannot take part for whatever reason I thank you for your time :O) and cheekily ask you if you would consider making a donation!

    TEXT WIOE01 £1 to 70070 

    For this event to be truly successful in terms of raising awareness & much needed funds for the charity to be able to do its work – I really need your support!

    Thank you for reading and if you want to get involved please let me know and I can start promoting you & send you further details.

    Health & happiness.

    Much love,
    Chris xx

    5 Tips To Boost September by Kelly Reed-Banks
    Screen Shot 2016-03-15 at 13.48.59
    So with bank holiday looming this weekend, everyone starts to focus on the next quarter with regards to their fitness business & September can almost be like the new January with classes rammed, PT sessions being booked up & generally a real buzz back in business but don’t be alarmed if your feeling a little overwhelmed with being prepared!
    It’s natural to feel a bit out of the loop after holidays & then not knowing where to start!
    Dare I also talk about the C word which is only 12 weeks away so here’s my 5 top tips to make sure you are making the most of this busy time & preparing for the downtime which will come over Christmas

    Both myself & Rachel love listening to Gary V & his words of wisdom with regards to business, the other day he did a great vlog on August and his to really utilise this time, if you missed it maybe give it a listen and apply it to Christmas!
    Ok here we go!!!

    1- As I said its 12 weeks to Christmas or 3 months – whatever way you think of it, this could be 3 monthly courses, 2x 6 week courses or better still a 12 week course that you could run to ensure people attend right up to the Christmas break or if they don’t, then at least they’ve paid for it, covering your costs! So I have monthly kick start courses starting but if people sign up for 12 weeks it works out to be over £50 cheaper than what it would be to pay for 3 months in a row!
    Let people know what they are saving and I can guarantee they will go for the 12 week option

    2 – start all these new courses on 12th sept not the first week back as this gives people a week to get over the kids going back to school or they may even be on holiday that first week to avoid school holiday prices! Then you have 6 weeks to take you up to half term & 6 weeks after! – you then either have half term off or run taster weeks that week, free trial sessions or special masterclasses when you know numbers will drop

    3- Run a ‘like & share’ campaign on your social media for all your regulars – so the person who shares your business page the most times for a set period of time gets a freebie- it could be a free place on a course, a free 6 week sign off sheet, free t-shirt / water bottle/ sweat towel with your branding on it -anything to get them to get their friends to like your page & promote what you do!

    4- Offer loyalty cards with incentives to keep coming! – This is old skool but I still love it!
    so I have a loyalty card that has 20 stamps on it, every time they come to a class they get a stamp, when it’s full I give them a free week or a free t-shirt!
    People love a freebie, they love the fact you are rewarding them for coming & love a free t-shirt that then they wear to help promote you!

    5- organise a fitness event in sept or October as people are so up for getting back on track! I run a calorie burner day every quarter & my next one is start of October where I put on 4-5 classes, I invite local instructors to teach with me to promote them, but also they will advertise to their peeps & bring some of their following to your event!
    we offer classes that are not on my timetable to give people something different & we total up the minimum calories burnt over the classes! We run challenges & give prizes out & its great fun! It will attract new business to you & your regulars will love it!
    It could be a wellbeing day, a dance day, or a fat burner day!
    These are really successful & brilliant to do at this time of year! Give yourself enough time to promote it so October is perfect timing!!!

    Hope that has inspired & helped you put into action a couple of things to make the most of September!!!

    Much love

    Kelly xx

    Kelly Reed-Banks


    Jay Banks Small Group Training
    Blog 4
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    How to add extra value to your SGT groups
    Hopefully by now you know the clients you want to work with by working out you aviator and niche or niches

    You have an idea of the content your are going to be delivering
    Now it’s to make your SGT seem the most appealing to anything else your competition
    So how can you add value without spending more money, which in turn put your over heads up


    Here are my top 5 things to add extra value

    #1 Bolt on a class package for an small extra fee
    If your clients love training with you then they will love the idea of getting even more session with you at a lower price. And if you have these class already running it is at NO extra cost to you.
    #2 Take some time to film some extra workouts so they can do them at home.
    You can host these on YouTube and set them to private so only your clients can view these when you send them the links.
    #3 Set up a community communication group between you and everyone in the group so that they can ask questions, chat and feel they have constant support
    I used to do this with a private Facebook group but as things have moved on I now find a “What’s app”‘group works best and it’s still free
    #4 Make sure everyone gets a starter pack when join with key information so they get the best out of your program
    This can be something you type up and hand them and as the groups grow you can always get something more professional designed and printed
    #5 Finally a free gift
    I always factor these into the price so it’s not really a free gift but looks great.
    For my Pinkbelt kickboxing program everyone gets a t shirts to start as a free gift, then as they continue to book the courses they get pink hand wraps, pink boxing gloves, pink jab/hook pads ect
    It would be great to hear your ideas for free gifts and remember if you have any questions I’m always happy to answer them

    You can contact me through
    Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, snap chat and email.

    Bronze, Silver, Gold & Diamonds
    By Andrew Crawford
    Well……didn’t we do well?

    A record number of medals were won and we came 2nd behind the USA but in front of China….what a marvellous achievement in this recent Olympics.

    Yes…I was up every night until about 5am for the last 2 weeks watching with interest as medal after medal were won by our Champions.

    I also listened closely to their stories. It’s amazing. Nearly all of them have been training for the last 4 years. They have sacrificed themselves, committed themselves and dedicated themselves to training and focusing on Gold.

    My eyes were hardly dry as I cried happy tears for them as the GB Team won each game and moved through to the next round to eventually win their medal…emotional or what?

    Yes………..Real men cry….!!! Sniff sniff

    That’s when my sensitivity gets in the way..!!

    All that glitters is not all gold…remember the fake gold rings which left a blue mark around your fingers, especially when wet or that big dodgy fat 18 inch gold plated belcher chain swinging back & forth around your neck …don’t forget the sovereigns…..!!

    It took me back to when I used to run and won my first gold and silver medals….it became addictive…you kept on training to keep ahead because somewhere someone was training harder than you…!!!

    So Andrew, what has Bronze, Silver & Gold got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well….I want to give you some Diamonds…!!

    Nowadays its strictly white gold, platinum and diamonds.

    They’re not just for you ladies….they’re for us geysers too…!!!

    The diamonds I’m talking about are ‘nuggets of pure information’…that will save you tax which you can use to buy your own chunk of bronze, silver or gold!!

    Here is a selection of my Tax Awards……………


    Example 1 – Have a Partnership Agreement in place

    I have been contacted many times about people wanting to work with other people. The first thing I advise is to have a proper Partnership Agreement in place from day one…!!!

    Amongst the agreement you may want to also have a partnership bank account, letterhead and invoices,

    Remember in a Partnership you are all ‘jointly and severally liable’ for all the debts. So just be careful who you go into business with.

    Example 2 – Working Tax Credits

    Working Tax Credits are payable whether you have children or not. If your income is low enough you can receive payments directly from the HMRC.

    There are different elements to this credit depending on your marital status, the hours you work, your age and whether or not you are disabled.

    Depending on your particular circumstance, the scenarios will differ, so not everyone would be the same.

    I was contemplating on laying out the different ways here but there are so many combinations you would get bored reading them…so call this number and let them tell you – 0845 300 3900.

    Example 3 – Child Tax Credits

    I couldn’t talk about the above tax credit without referring to the Child Tax Credit. You can receive this tax credit even if you have income.

    There are different elements which make up this tax credit, which are ; the family element (basic element), child element (paid for each of your children), disabled child element ( extra payment for each disabled child), severely disabled child (an extra payment for each severely disabled child).

    Again, this credit will depend on a lot of variables…instead of me boring you with the details, you can discuss your individual circumstances on this number –

    0844 856 4312


    Example 1 – Rent a Room in your house for additional income

    If you are struggling for some funds and have a spare room to let in your house or flat, you could rent out the room and claim ‘rent a room relief’.

    You are allowed to earn £7,500 per year under this relief without incurring any tax. If you already rent a house or flat yourself, you can also benefit from this relief as it also applies to you.

    The downside is that anything over and above the £7,500 is taxable….but I’m sure you can find expenses to reduce this..!!!

    Oh….and there is no capital gains tax when you sell the property.

    Example 2 – Sell assets for less than £6,000 to avoid Capital Gains Tax

    You can sell jewllery, pictures, furniture and other assets under £6,000 without incurring Capital Gains Tax. Get rid of the gold belcher & sovereign rings..!!

    So if you have a bulk of items you want to get rid of, consider breaking it up into individual items and sell for under £6,000..at different times…of course..!!

    Example 3 – Ever consider Fostering?

    When I was younger, my friends mum use to foster 8 kids….goodness knows why.!!!

    Now that I‘m older and wiser, I can see clearly now…..(not that track..!!)

    If you love looking after these little cuties….or beasts in some cases, you are allowed to earn £10,000 tax free plus £200 per week for each child under 11 and £250 for each child over 11.

    This is not for everyone…its just an option.


    Example 1 – Selling your car to your business

    If you have a small company and possess 2 cars, consider selling one of the cars to your company. It will even work if you had one car…!!!

    If you remember, one of my previous articles, my company bought my expensive car, then a few years later (when the car had been fully paid, I bought it for £1 from my company. Nothing wrong with that. The Academy in Brixton was bought for £1…!!!)

    Example 2. – The company paying the cost of a Personal Trainer

    Some of you may be members of a gym or you may Personal Train clients yourself. If you run a small company and it pays for the membership, you will be taxed personally on the cost of the membership and your company will have to pay additional national insurance.

    However, there is a way to organise your affairs so that the cost of the Personal Trainer is paid for by the company and there will be no more additional national insurance to pay by the company or yourself.

    How? Have the Personal Trainer as part of your remuneration package..!!!
    Example 3. – The company paying the cost of a Nanny

    More and more ladies are having children then going back to work. One of the biggest costs apart from the mortgage is nanny fees..!!!

    Supposing the nannies fees can be a deductible expense to your business…,would you be interested?

    Here’s how…..have it as part of your remuneration package.

    Once the appropriate paperwork is in place, the cost is deductible by the company in full.

    So there you have it…..my mini Olympic Tax Advice Awards.


    My heart goes out to Italy at this moment of time as they come to terms with the latest earthquake that hit them and the many family losses. Also for the swimmers that lost their lives at home here in Camber Sands.

    My gosh …wasn’t it hot yesterday…..?? Proper Summer..!!

    And if you’re out and about in London, the Night Tube has been launched. That’s a 24-hour service on Fridays & Saturdays…..about time too…It’s got to be a Winner..!!

    Andrew James Crawford





    Menopausal Meditation
    by Jo De Rosa

    I loved Rachel’s webinar for the over 35’s on Sunday and what a huge response she got. As a 44 year old who experiences hot flushes (I had one ovary taken out in 2009 which forced me into early menopause), I am always on the look out for the latest cutting edge information on the subject.

    As a meditation teacher I know the importance of relaxation and how this affects the hormone response and I literally cannot imagine going even one day without sitting on my cushion and balancing my whole system before I start the day.

    I’ve always been one to get up late with 8am being a push to rise but 2015 saw me making changes so that I could make the commitment for a more regular practice. I found that I was forever chasing my tail with overwhelm biting at my heels, and enough was enough. I’d never cracked early mornings but with the onset of hot flushes it became something that I had to conquer for my own sanity and so with a bit of training my new best friend is 5:30am.

    I NEVER thought I’d hear my alarm at that time and ENJOY getting out of bed and into my gym gear! I spend the first 10 minutes of my day lying in bed listening to inspiring music with my eyes closed playing out my day the way I want it to go and visualise myself getting back into bed feeling inspired and content with the way the last 17 hours ran.

    Journalling is next, and then it’s time to get on my cushion.
    I’m now livestreaming my own personal meditation practice each morning so you can join me at 7:15am everyday here: www.facebook.com/groups/quantumsuperpowers
    Why not join a growing community who commit each day to 5, 10, 20 or 30 minutes and ask me any questions you have about your own practice.

    I can literally feel my cortisol levels dropping as my mind drops into a quieter space, and doing this everyday without fail for the last year has had explosive results in my life.

    I get SO MUCH MORE done
    I feel happier
    I am EASILY sober from drugs and alcohol
    I get on with my family better
    I am more successful
    I have MORE time
    And of course menopausal symptoms are eased

    And these effects are literally WAITING for you.
    But don’t give up at the first hurdle,

    “I can’t meditate as my mind is too active”

    As that is an excuse.
    Mo Farah wasn’t a record breaking Olympic champion the first time he entered a competition; he had to work and train at his sport. And meditation needs commitment. It won’t happen overnight but if you make the commitment to meditate, even for just 5 minutes each day, for 3 months you are going to see a difference. Journal about your first meditation so that you have a reference point and see for yourself how your experience changes!

    What if I told you that one year from now your life will be very different; more positive; more inspired; more successful, and all you had to do was meditate everyday.
    Would you do it?

    And if you need morning motivation then please join me live each day.
    Happy meditating!


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