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  • C2GO Newsletter 11th May 2017

    I had such a positive response about the fitness mums in business in last weeks newsletter that I decided to continue with the theme…


    Are you going to BodyPower this weekend?

    I’ll be there on Saturday

    speaking at 12 and teaching Kick Start Womens Health Class at 4.

    Do head over and say Hello if you are 🙂 I’ve never been before

    and not quite sure what to expect.


    Are you in OXFORD I’ll be doing a free Kick Start Talk and Launch

    with James on 31st May and you can book for FREE here






    Heather Pring Owner of HP Fitness and KSFL West Somerset as well as a Mother of 5.

    1: Are you introducing any new classes this month if so what are they?

    This month I have introduced smaller group training for woman who don’t like the idea of large class workouts , making it more personalised and really working which each clients specific needs physically and nutritionally !





    2: How are you advertising and marketing your classes – Are you working with a particular niche.

    My main method of advertising is really good old word of mouth with a little boost from Facebook to sow the seed of interest.





    3: Do you offer any other services apart from group X eg – massage/PT etc.

    I prefer to work with smaller groups and really cater for women’s needs , Pilates is a huge hit with woman .




    4: What is the biggest competition to your business – Is it local live classes/gyms/slimming clubs or online programmes

    My biggest competition doesn’t come on the the exercise form , but  from diet clubs out there especially  slimming world , but knowing  the impact that Ksfl has health wise word has gone around and people are understanding I am not a diet club !!!!




    5: How are you developing your business and what is you big business goal for this year.

    Business goals this year are about stepping up the services I already offer providing an even stronger solid package for woman .


    Life has it’s ups and downs but knowing the difference I make to so many woman’s lives on many different levels keeps me going and guess the drive to provide that personal experience in health and fitness ,should you wish more information or am informal chat to help you decide your starting point please contact me on hpfitness023@gmail.com.


    My name is Paula Thompson and I run Kick Start Fat Loss Stockport & Keep Fit with Paula. I’m a single mum with two children Ryan 14 and Aaron 8. All I can say is it’s a good job I love teaching and coaching clients at Kick Start as I feel I work all day/evening because us instructors, PT’s etc don’t work set hours we do what we can and when we can because of our work. I also work around the children.


    I wake at 6 am and plan my working day/week (if it is a Monday), catch up with emails, market on Facebook, prepare newsletters etc. The boys get up at 7.30 am so it’s breakfast, school run then off to teach classes or work from home focusing on my businesses.


    Before I know it it’s time for school pick up, evening meal, homework then off to teach classes in the evening. I have to make sure I have a sitter sorted for my youngest.


    When I return home its bedtime routine for Aaron, showers, etc, sort lunches for the following day then it’s catch up on Facebook, emails etc. Somewhere in between all of this I manage to do food shopping, washing, ironing etc. I admit I have a cleaner and it’s the best thing I have ever done as I can focus on my business and my children as I try and keep Sundays for family day and don’t want to be cleaning etc.


    The key for me is to be ORGANISED as much as I possibly can with my business/home life which isn’t easy. I prep/plan my meals as much as possible so I know where I am up to with meals. To do lists for business and home so I know what is happening that week as I can be very forgetful plus a calendar in the kitchen with what’s happening with the boys and myself because I sometimes forget to look at my phone. I try and stay focused and the hardest thing I find is not to get stressed and to remain calm.


    I feel very lucky as my boys keep me going and I LOVE what I do. It’s nice to say I enjoy going to work.

    Sarah Hogan Movement Academy
    Hi, my names Sarah Hogan and I run Sarah Hogan Movement Academy in Lincoln and I’ve just opened a new branch in Saxilby.Under “The Movement Academy” umbrella there is also The Fitness Movement and The Mummy’s Movement.

    So yes, as you see from above there’s loads of different classes going on!



    “The Fitness Movement” classes I teach are Fitness Pilates, Zumba, HIIT, BrainFit and of course the wonderful KSFL live. (I also have various other classes that I rotate throughout the year)

    “The Mummy’s Movement” I’m about to expand more into pre-and post-natal classes and fun fitness classes where mummy can bring little ones along with them, I also run a meet up to provide mummy’s that may feel lonely or isolated a fun and safe place to come either with their children (or alone) to have a chat and a cuppa while the children have fun play time.




    The Movement Academy is a dance and theatre school with all aspects of dance being taught from Ballet to street dance and many others in betwenn and on Saturday afternoons I have my Shining Stars Theatre school. For the adults who love to dance I also teach Sarah’s’ Sassy Street, Adult Ballet and my own Booty Barre Fit!



    Regarding my online, I now have 13 ladies following my KSFL Summer Body Boost, I’m happy with how it’s going and it’s given me the confidence to expand more into my online business.

    It’s so very difficult for me to say what my real passion is in fitness as my class and cliental are all so varied. I just generally love being around people and having my own wonderful community. Each class I teach fills me with joy! But I really do love Fitness Pilates and KSFL for seeing the change it makes in people’s lives, how some of my wonderful clients can now do their gardening pain free from Pilates and on KSFL truly life changing results medication being dropped resulting in one lovely lady getting her driving license back which has now lead to her getting a job. Inspiring and mind blowing.



    Marketing my business can be a big challenge for me if I’m honest as I have so very much going on! It does sometime tend to be focus on one area and then focus on the next etc etc! (never-ending lol!)




    I use Facebook predominately for my marketing and I would say that most my wonderful members come from there and then through word of mouth which in my mind you can’t beat!!
    I spent quiet a lot of money at the beginning of the year on Facebook ads and to be honest I didn’t get that much back! So recently I’ve gone back to my original plan and posted all about my classes consistently in local groups and It’s really gained so much interest! Nearly 40 new members across the board so I’m absolutely thrilled!




    In the future, I would love to have my own studio, I’m blessed where I’m based now as it’s a gorgeous venue but it’s under new management and I can see little things changing and it just triggers alarm bells sometimes so if the right place came along who knows this time next year I may be writing this from my own place!


    Watch this space!!



    Email sarahhoganmovementacademy@gmail.com
    Website www.sarahhoganmovementacademy.com
    Facebook www.facebook.com/sarahhoganacademy
    Twitter @sarahhogandance
    Insta @sarahhogandance



    Have a wonderful THURSDAY

    Love Rachel xx





    Quick FITRPO Links






    ✔️Get 5% Discount on your IBIZA trip in

    October using my special discount code.


    Click here 





    ✔️Join Yvonne Radley and I on our Mastermind

    in Leicestershire click here 





    ✔️ Join my FREE 30 Day Sugar Free Detox click here 





    ✔️Would you like all of your Kick Start food

    delivered to your door – Click here for

    Kick Start kitchen Food Boxes.

    Coming soon Toddler Food Boxes and

    Post Natal Health Food Boxes





    ✔️Would you like to train to teach

    Kick Start and become a KSFL coach & business owner?

    Click here 




    ✔️Train to gain the level 3 Pilates in Ibiza

    click here   or Manchester



     ✔️BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic

    Conditions click here





    Quick FITRPO Links






    ✔️Get 5% Discount on your IBIZA trip in

    October using my special discount code.


    Click here 





    ✔️Join Yvonne Radley and I on our Mastermind

    in Leicestershire click here 





    ✔️ Join my FREE 30 Day Sugar Free Detox click here 





    ✔️Would you like all of your Kick Start food

    delivered to your door – Click here for

    Kick Start kitchen Food Boxes.

    Coming soon Toddler Food Boxes and

    Post Natal Health Food Boxes





    ✔️Would you like to train to teach

    Kick Start and become a KSFL coach & business owner?

    Click here 




    ✔️Train to gain the level 3 Pilates in Ibiza

    click here   or Manchester



     ✔️BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic

    Conditions click here




     ✔️BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic

    Conditions click here



    ✔️Teach The BRAINFIT Workout click here 

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