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  • C2GO Newsletter Tribute to Cori










    Dedicating this weeks C2GO Newsletter to our friend Cori Withell.

    Where on earth do you start……

    There are no words that can describe the loss of Cori.

    Going though all of the articles and emails
    between us, I’m trying to pick out
    which ones to put in this weeks newsletter.

    She wrote such poignant & pertinent articles that
    touched so many people not just in the UK but all over the world.

    When I set up C2GO Cori was one of the original
    members she was a regular contributor on the early C2GO forum,
    way before social media & she attended all of my
    Southampton & Guildford workshops.
    We really connected on that old forum her posts always
    funny, insightful – she had a wicked sense of humour –
    and always caring and supportive.

    When I first set up my coaching team
    Cori joined me and she created  her Mindful Online programmes,
    we used to speak every week on Skype & I really got to know her.
    We always had a right good laugh,
    she put together some cracking programmes that helped so many people.
    She LOVED her mood food project and researched tirelessly into  how nutrition impacted mood, wellness, depression & emotions.

    She was so passionate on this topic and
    would always help anyone who had a question or a problem.
    Cori would spend hours trawling research papers
    & googling something to get the right answer.

    When I set up KSFL she would help me in all of
    the online groups. supporting & mentoring, so many of you reading this will have benefited from her expertise,
    you may never have met her but you knew her and
    you could feel her energy & vitality.

    When I franchised she was there again supporting the franchisees.
    I couldn’t have done it without her.

    She became a regular contributor for this newsletter
    and as Facebook exploded we all saw her get
    Diesel and see how much she loved her boy.

    I miss seeing her and Diesel in my feed every day 🙁

    The last time i saw her at WIFE we hugged & chatted.

    The talk she gave at WIFE was so passionate and just brilliant.
    She was a captivating speaker, and held the room
    spellbound with her top notch information
    delivered in her completely authentic
    “Cori Way”

    We all miss you Cori xxxxx

    She always signed of articles & emails

    Health & Happiness……

    I’ve picked out a few of Coris articles……


    First Aid for Fit Pros by Cori Withell

    Connect with friends and colleagues every day through meet ups, phone call, Skype, whatever. This business can be very lonely, especially when you are self?employed.
    Make friends with local instructors. Work together, not against each other, you could be great for each others businesses.

    Take time out for you every single day. Lunch with friends, cinema, manicure, walk in the woods, massage, meditation – whatever! You are just as important as?everyone else.
    Stretch every day. We tell our clients to but do we stretch enough ourselves. We punish our bodies day in day out, start taking care of yours.

    Remind yourself you are a human being and not a superhero, you can’t have to, and don’t have to do everything yourself.

    Let your clients see that you are human. They don’t always want to see a perfect image, sometimes they want to see someone who let’s their hair down, has?a bad day, eats chocolate cake or gets annoyed at daft things, it helps them to connect with you.
    If you are stressed, talk to someone.

    Support yourself with positive people around you, let them know what your plans are so they can support you better. It is hard to support people if you don’t?know what they are doing.

    If you have an idea for a project and it feels right for you then go for it – the worst that can happen is it does’t work.
    So what? Dust yourself down, have?a re-think and try again.
    We work in a tough, potentially lonely and often bitchy industry.
    You are just as important as the next person so please don’t forget to look after you first.

    Follow me on Facebook www.facebook.com/coriwithell, Twitter www.twitter.com/CWFitness?and sign up to my weekly newsletter at www.cwfitness.co.uk
    Health and happiness x
    Cori x

    Do you take care of you? Cori Withell

    More and more I am seeing fit pros stressing about low numbers in class, putting on extra classes despite injuries, working longer, trying to do more and more and more to keep the money coming in. People are tightening their purse strings and this does make it hard in our industry but where are you going to draw the line? How many injuries will you sustain before you realise that you cannot carry on as you were? When are you going to get outside of your comfort zone and look at alternative ways of making some money? Fit pros that take care of themselves seem few and far between these days and I don’t mean training, I mean time out for you, being kind to yourself just because you can and doing so without guilt! These are my top then that I do for myself every day and definitely feel it if I don’t do them!

    1) Yoga first thing in the morning – even if it is only 5 minutes – you could also do meditation or relaxation.
    2) My training before 9am so I am not stressing about fitting it in all day!
    3) Walking – I walk at least three times a day, they joys of dog ownership means you can never not, but this could be a jog or a fast walk.
    4) ‘me’ time – I always have at least 30 minutes per day that are purely for me. Now, you may argue that you can’t fit in – you can, just plan it in.
    5) Relaxation or meditation before sleep. I either just send thirty minutes winding down or I go to bed early and put on a CD to fall asleep to. Not only do I fall asleep easier, I sleep better and deeper and so feel more refreshed.
    6) Positive affirmations – worrying constantly about the what if’s, is NOT going to make you feel any better. Be proactive and talk as if everything is okay – this will have a massive impact on how you feel.
    7) Eat clean and eat well. We are becoming a nation obsessed with fat loss and whilst it is important, so is feeling good. Eat the Mood Food way and your size and shape will not be an issue anyway!
    8) If something is not working, do something about it – thinking about it is not going to fix it. If there is a class that you dread teaching, put something else in it’s place – this will drain you of every ounce of energy otherwise.
    9) Accept help. Sometimes we are too stubborn to admit that we need a little help, a shoulder to cry on, support, a virtual hug! You can get all of that and more at https://www.facebook.com/groups/mindfulhealthandwellness/
    10) Accept the imperfect – sounds so simple but can be one of the hardest things to do.

    Implement something along those lines every day and you will notice the difference immediately. If you need inspiration on Mood Food then you can check out my e-books here www.cwfitness.co.uk/shop
    I am also putting the finishing touches to the FitPro Mind Audio Series looking at the five most common issues for fit pros looking at competition, depression, procrastination and more 🙂

    Health and happiness x
    Best wishes
    Cori x


    By Andrew Crawford

    No One could be as bold as this
    A life that’s taken, A life we’ll miss.
    And now you’ve gone my lovely Siss
    No hugs, Goodbyes or Final Kiss

    You Gave, You Inspired, You Supported a lot
    You Wrote, You Talked, Your Nutrition was hot.
    You Loved little Diesel you had from the Cot
    ‘Progressive Mind Coach’ was the name that you got.

    What was on your Mind that day
    Colleagues and Friends we cannot say.
    You rose, you readied, went on your way
    ‘Twas late, ‘twas dark, ‘twas month of May.

    So now you have left your own Legacy
    Close Friends, Great Colleagues and Little Old Me.
    Much tears have been shed I wish you could See
    Goodbye my Dear Friend, Sleep Tight Dear Cori.

    Andrew James Crawford


    Andrea Riddoch

    I have known Cori a number of years through the fitness industry and her knowledge and expertise was admired and often called upon.
    She helped me decide to become a KSFL franchisee, but cleverly just steered me towards making my own decision rather than influencing me directly.
    She was also there when a friends illness was diagnosed and always when I felt down.
    We had a mutual love and ownership of German Shepherds and the pics of her and Diesel always brightened my day.
    Cori was (and still is) a truly inspirational, selfless and thoughtful soul. Taken too soon but perhaps destined for greater things elsewhere x


    Helen Pybus

    When I first became a KSFL franchisee it was very over whelming. So much stuff to learn, watching editorials morning day and night, back I came with more questions until  I felt prepared to launch. I launched with 80 very keen clients all excited about their new journey, I was inundated with questions from my clients, the KSFL franchisees were amazing with their support but without Cori I don’t really know what I would have done. She helped me so much with the nutrition and the constant questions, she gave so much not just to me but helped us all.
    Her first KSFL presentation at ‘the big one north’ was amazing and we all again learnt so much, she was a very giving person. Cori you will be so badly missed for all the good you gave and for
    helping to transform so many lives x


    Goodbye Amino – Jill Gardner

    Myself, Cori and Tanith Lee were in Rachel’s original mentoring group where are became firm on-line fitness friends. We couldn’t wait to finally met up and so at a Phil Richards fitness event we got together and immediately hit it off. And boy did we have a giggle.

    We had many discussions about our fitness business, life and the universe. We spoke of what our dreams and goals where. We even planned our own fitness retreats and joked and laughed about what to call ourselves. I was The Fat Controller and so we had such a giggle coming up with The Nutcracker for Cori and Mrs Menopause for Tanith. The names stuck and the The Three Aminos was born.

    At every event we tried to hook up and we always had an amazing time. I remember a weekend in Brighton where Cori surprised Tanith and I with a gift bag full of presents becuase we were both going through a difficult time. This was so typical of Cori. She knew all the right things to say and always made time to call to see how we were. A sassy, super smart and very wise amino has gone but thank you Cori for the friendship, the smiles and the laughter and all the fond memories.  Goodbye Amino xx


    Chris Tuck
    Cori Withell you touched so many lives and the outpouring of love for you has been immense.

    I hope you have found your inner peace that you so deserved we will never forget you and we are sad at your passing.

    But I like many will remember you for what you gave to others, for your love of Diesel, for your Mental Health & Nutrition knowledge & for your love of shoes!

    On reflection I feel Cori wanted it this way and she wouldnt want us to be sad & utterly heartbroken.

    Lets remember her for what she was….

    A loving, caring, giving person who like many of us has our own burdens, that we all are dealing with on a daily basis.

    If anything her passing should teach us to be more caring & supportive of others so that is what we need to do


    Caroline Newmans – Blog

    Alice Ramcharran

    ‘I was so saddened and shocked at the passing of cori.

    I had known cori for about 9 years I think, first ‘met’ her on the wonderful choreography2go forum, and first met her in person
    on courses around 7 years ago and had seen her at various events, courses and been in various online groups and courses that she was also in.

    She helped me so much last year through a situation that happened and I wasn’t sure how to deal with, she was the most amazing support and I don’t know what I would have done without her. It is a tragic loss, but I hope she has found her happy place now and from the amount of love and respect and comments that have been made on facebook, I have a feeling that the work of this wonderful lady is not over yet and that although we may not be able to see her, she will carry on helping and inspiring people for a long time.

    RIP cori, we will miss you. Alice xxx


    Boudica of Mental Health Paula Denvir
    I never had the opportunity to meet Cori in person or CW as I liked to call her. She was one of my Facebook buddies since I joined when moved to Spain 6 years ago.
    Starting a new life, in a new country with a history of depression and recovering from a recent breakdown after losing my brother was tough.
    Reading through my timeline one day I read about C’s new book “The Fit Pro Mind” which I bought. I read it over and over again, so much of it resonated with me. I’d read a bit more & say to myself “that’s me!”.
    She knew from her own experience that a lot of others must be feeling this way. However, at the time although I found her post inspiring and truthful on mental health. I still wasn’t brave enough to put my own feelings out there live on social media.
    2012 I joined Rachel’s mentoring group after opening my own studio, this is where I felt I got to know C on a more personal level. 2 years later I closed my studio after having Meningitis, this left me with Chronic Fatigue and brain fog, I was feeling at an all-time low.
    C was an absolute tower of strength, she took time out to talk to me as I had told her my depression had come back which is a side effect of having the virus & probably exacerbated having previous history.
    Her daily walks with Diesel motivated me to get out there and walk as I couldn’t train like I use to and walking does wonders for your wellness. Her brilliant, witty, honest Sound Clouds pulled me out of my dark days.
    You see it’s easy for some to say “get a grip” or “stop feeling sorry for yourself” if you haven’t had any experience with mental health issues, if only it was that easy!
    C gave me the courage and strength to accept where I was but still a part of me felt embarrassed as being in the Fit Pro world you are expected to be strong, motivational and not show any signs of weakness, well that’s what I use to think.
    Her vast knowledge of nutrition inspired me to take charge and investigate ways of helping myself through food. Certain foods can definitely affect your mood.
    I trained as a Mindful Therapeutic Yoga teacher last year which has taken my life in a new, positive direction. I learnt so much about stress, anxiety, depression and how this affects you at a cellular level.
    I feel that C was way ahead in the terms of wellness being paramount in the Fit Pro world. In the past year there has been a massive shift in this and I feel that she was a definite role model in changing this.
    A Boudica in mental health issues.
    Since becoming more mindful in my daily life, I have slowly learnt to accept the way depression has an effect on me. C’s ability to talk openly and honestly made me feel comfortable in my own skin, finally breaking down the barriers that I had put up for so long.
    Back in March I lost a good friend to cancer, I could feel the feelings of depression and negative self-talk return. I don’t think C really knew how much she helped me again to deal with these emotions. I don’t think she really knew how much of a positive effect she had on 100’s of Facebook friends either with her warm, compassion and genuine interest to help others wanting nothing in return.
    One thing that has made me smile since hearing the devastating news is her last post on my timeline. I live in Spain and for the majority of the time the weather is lovely but a month or so ago we had a few weeks of cold, windy, miserable weather. I put a post on about “I’m not one to moan about the weather but please can we have our sun back” and she later posted a picture of her legs laying on a sun lounger saying “No PD you can’t, wish you were here!!”.
    I am deeply saddened of the loss of such a great chica, who inspired so many.
    However, if there is anything positive that I can take from such a sad situation is that I will be true to myself about mental health. I no longer feel that this should be something to be ashamed of or hide. The more we talk about it the more we can make a difference.
    And that Cori Withell I make a promise to you I will continue to spread your mindful vibes in my ongoing work in memory of you.
    Shine your light brightly upon us C.
    Paula Denvir

    Danni Evans

    Cori to me was the voice of reason, she openly admitted her own problems but used them to help others,
    we had a shared love of Double Deckers – quite possibly 3 at a time, but that was the joke on a bad day.

    I knew Cori from Rachels mentoring scheme from years back and communicated online mostly.  Her mindful detox programme was a godsend to me at a time I needed it.
    I feel strong in knowing she’s made a decision to set herself free.  I will celebrate the life that she had and the hearts that she’s touched.  She was just chosen to be an angel too soon, but she is here.  When I feel times are hard, stressful or painful I will be thankful  for her words, the voice of reason, she spoke to us every day will help me.

    Health and Happiness  xxxxxx

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