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  • FitPros don’t be afraid to do it alone

    I am here in Turkey working on a fitness holiday
    and there are very few, in fact zero UK peeps here
    this time.
    Every time I post pictures on Facebook I get so many
    of comments from people saying

    “I want to come”


    But they don’t book ?

    They don’t come 🙁

    Is going on your own stopping you?

    Stopping you from doing a ton of stuff?

    Do you NOT take up opportunities
    as you don’t feel confident to go alone
    or network on your own?


    Although a very basic and classic form of marketing it’s still a crucial piece of attracting new customers to your business.


    When you put yourself out there magical things
    always happen.

    I’ve been on my own quite a bit this week in Turkey as there are no other UK Instructors here and no guests from the UK, so I have to make an effort to meet people and introduce myself, strike up conversations and get involved.

    It is tempting to work away in my room on my lap top alone, but putting myself out there is where it’s at.

    This week I have met a female Russian business owner,
    A body builder who has invited me over to her gym, loads of new aerobics friends from all over Europe and a millionaire Swedish lady who owns the top gambling website in Europe..fascinating!

    So, if you are thinking of going along to a networking meeting or a fancy a fitness holiday but feel a little bit apprehensive
    about being on your own then GO GO GO,
    forcing your self to network and make new contacts can be a real breath of fresh air.

    Not only are there potential business contacts, new friends and fresh ideas but it’s a great boost for your own personal confidence and self esteem.

    You can do it!

    Rachel x

    Follow my travels on Snapchat Rachel L Holmes

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