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  • Funerals make you re evaluate everything – Friday Motivational Kick

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

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    Yesterday I went to a fellow Fitness Professionals

    It’s a good 3 hour drive for me to the East
    End of London, but you know when you
    just gotta be there…you gotta be there.

    Listening to the lovely vicar talk about
    our friend & his life was so poignant.

    You know what it’s like when you go to
    a funeral, you see people you haven’t seen
    or spoke with for 15 years +

    It bring all kinds of emotions up….

    What if?…..Why didnt I?…I should of said?

    You know how it goes.

    So, today I want to REALLY shake you
    up and impress upon you.
    That the small stuff, small details,
    small living, in the grand scale, just does not matter.

    We/Me/You, all get super caught up
    in the grind, the day to day, & we all
    need a motivational kick.

    We forget about the bigger picture &
    what we truly want.

    Today, lets hit the ground running
    & go after what YOU want & how YOU
    desire your life to look & feel.

    Play BIG.

    Don’t compromise a second more.

    Get of the littleness train.

    Catch that negative self chat &
    replace it with positive affirmations.

    Have a laser beam focus

    Be grateful for all the wonderful
    things you do have going on in your life.

    I’m on a mission today & I sincerely
    hope you will join me!

    “Today I take positive steps to create
    a life I LOVE” is todays affirmation!

    Say it loud gang!

    HAPPY FRIDAY Lots of Love Always Rachel

    Love you all – Please Tweet me @RachelHolmes
    Have you had a similar experience when
    you have been to a funeral.
    Did it make you evaluate things?

    Do you want to get involved with Teaching KSFL?
    I am looking for Instructors in all areas
    Send an email to Rachel@Kickstartfatloss.net


    RIP Christopher Graydon xxxx

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

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