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  • Instructor Newsletter Christmas Eve Special

    Screen Shot 2015-11-27 at 12.48.44
    Serious Christmas mode setting in.
    I’ve travelled to
    San Diego to be with
    my family this Christmas
    and it’s rained every day so far.

    I left Heathrow, can you believe this, with
    bare legs (no tights) and sandals,
    which was so odd in December
    and arrived in LA in the rain!

    California most definitely needs
    the rain so it’s all good.

    Todays newsletter has lots of tips and inspiration
    from KSFL Franchisees & Passion Project Students
    and their 2016 first quarter goals.

    They all made a plan and are executing on it right now.

    The world is slowing down for the holidays


    Working now on your marketing, PR and programmes means you
    will be top of mind, if not already, as people are deciding
    where they want to take their fitness, health and nutrition
    come January.

    Fast action and fast results.

    I hope this inspires you to put your plans
    into overdrive and go for it.


    Lots of things happening health fitness and nutrition wise
    in the media, and the news that is inevitable
    yet still rattled my cage was the
    new obesity pill……

    On morning TV they have been discussing the new
    diet pill under trial in a years time.

    This has to be the last thing we need.

    With obesity costing £6bn a year there has been a extreme
    push to find a QUICK FIX and it is believed this pill will trick your body into thinking you are full through releasing chemical signals to your brain.

    Clean nutrition, cooking from scratch is the
    key to balancing hormones
    not more pills.

    It has to be about empowering people with the right information
    not big pharmaceuticals companies making more BILLIONS
    of the back of people struggling with obesity issues –
    the only winner here  (yet again) is BIG PHARMA.

    It is so sad..but it is inevitable.

    Focus on 3 meals, loads of veggie and
    local produce that is not sprayed with pesticides and pumped with hormones

    and definitely not another pill.

    Education & empowerment helping people
    become informed costumers.

    Not more customers for big pharma?

    What do you think?

    What do we do as Fitpros?

    How can we make change & serve more people?

    Id LOVE to hear from you



    Business Building Webinar for 2016
    Next Wednesday 30th Dec 630 – 730am

    Have you decided it’s time  to really ramp up
    your business?

    Do you need creative marketing ideas to get new customers
    to your LIVE classes?

    Are you still teaching too many classes and want to get a plan
    together about how you transition into building
    your online platform?

    **Tips & Ideas on How To create an online arm to your business?

    **Do you need a strategy on marketing and PR, Facbook adverts,
    social media etc?

    JOIN me or a FREE LIVE Fitness Business Building Webinar on
    WEDNESDAY 30th DECEMBER 630 – 730pm

    I have 100 seats and will be loading you up
    with ideas, systems and strategies for 2016

    CLICK HEREto join the webinar



    My 5 Fitness Business Goals For the First Quarter of 2016

    By Annaliese Le Seelleur

    1. UPGRADE! Continually improve upon the content and delivery of my classes and social media to ensure my tribe cannot be without me.

    2. Continue to grow and communicate with my list DAILY… It takes a while to get into the habit and some days it feels like a drag, but the feedback I get is brilliant and without doubt it is converting leads.

    3. Soft launch my online programme with a group of guinea pigs so that I can see what works, what doesn’t, what time allocation it needs, get social proof and get feedback to improve it before I launch it for real.

    4. Get my face out there in my local community – women’s groups, lunch and learns, local business collaborations. I want to be THE name at the top of every woman’s mind when they discuss getting fit / losing weight / making lifestyle changes.

    5. Keep it real. The most consistent feedback I get from clients and those on my list is that they love my honesty; they can relate to it and it takes away the intimidation of a standard “personal trainer” that doesn’t get that they are busy, stressed, emotional and don’t really want to exercise. Each time I share a struggle in my emails I get replies of “me too!” and I have gained clients from some of my most unconventional emails.

    And a cheeky number 6… Enjoy it! Not everyone gets to wake up every day and create their own life. And I’m a great believer that your vibe attracts your tribe… so no mood vampires here!

    Trainers and Topknots was created to bring women a mixture of wellness, weightloss and lifestyle advice delivered with a massive dollop of realism. Getting you from burnt out and stuck, to clear and confident.

    For daily guidance to get you back on track,
    claim your 14 Day Back to Basics guide at www.trainersandtopknots.com

    Annaliese is working with Jenny and Rachel on the Passion Project Mentoring


    Polly Simpkins

    My 5 Fitness Business Goals for the first Quarter of 2016 are:

    1. Build my list of contacts – promote the 3 freemium offers I’ve just created; 7 day Pregnancy fitness workout, 7 Day New mum Workout & 7 Day HIIT workout – to increase contacts and then produce regular content to my email list & clients.

    2. Marketing Strategy – Stick to marketing strategy to Promote and advertise Services and offerings. To include better social media management & extending social media presence.

    3. Film and create content for my Passion Project (membership arm for my business)

    4. Launch Campaign leading up to the launch of my passion Project!

    5. Improve self care, time management, childcare arrangements, fitness regime etc., so I’m on top form to execute my business goals, be a good mum….and wife!!

    Polly Simpkins from Bump and Beyond Ltd – Pre & Postnatal Fitness.  www.bumpandbeyond.org.uk  E: polly@bumpandbeyond.org.uk Facebook: www.facebook.com/pollybumpandbeyond

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/pollybumpbeyond    Instagram: bump_and_beyond
    Polly is working with Rachel & Jenny on the Passion Projecr Mentoring Course


    Why I have to set goals in my life and
    what I’m aiming for in 2016 – Hannah Epps

    I have to look forward to the next month, 3, 12 months and 10 years.
    It’s important to me as I tend to say yes to everything then think after,
    so it does help to direct me.

    I also believe in “the law of attraction” if you say it and write it- it WILL happen!

    I have to set something that will push me,
    so I visualise with a vision board, get inspiration from others,
    and then work out the action plan in small bites.

    2016 goals
    1. Spend more quality time with family – do reading at my daughters school.
    2. My fitness and balance – run the London marathon and raise money for charity, and do regular yoga.
    3. Passive income – through renting my studio when no classes on and do online videos.
    4. Improve website and client bookings.
    5. Travel to Rome and round Italy.
    6. Be clearer and follow the plan – don’t deviate!
    7. Consolidate all I learnt in 2015 go through all course notes and use! Some self development but evaluate costs first!

    Cheers – happy 2016

    Hannah Epps
    Farnham Pilates


    Helen Barness  KSFL Franchisee for Essex

    My five fit biz goals are:-

    1:    To take on 20 new online KSFL members by end of January, and continue to develop the online membership each month thereafter using targeted Facebook advertising

    2: To develop at least one joint venture/relationship with a local business each month. This means weekly targeting of local businesses — phone calls to introduce KSFL and emails.

    To continue my own personal development by attending a course that is directly related to nutrition and health (this one is already booked). You can never stop learning and it is really important to keep up-to-date on current thinking regarding weightloss as you want to be regarded as the expert on this topic in your area so that you are the ‘go to’ person.

    4:To get 30 people onto the health and wellbeing event I am running in March which features KSFL.

    5: This is a completed task but applies to January and was one of my goals — I have a Virtual Assistant starting who will be getting involved with all my social media activity.
    I’ve looked at the things I am wasting my time on and although obviously it is another cost to absorb, I cannot think bigger picture with my business, if I am stuck doing those things that someone else can do better and more quickly than me. You have got to apply your skills to the right area of your business and not waste them.

    6:I have realised that I have to have quantifiable targets so that I can see what works and what doesn’t. I can’t expect people to come to me, I have to get my message out to them which will take consistent use of social media and more contact on a face to face/phone to phone basis.

    Helen is the KSFL Franchise for Grays, Essex

    Team have a fantastic
    Christmas EVE and a VERY MERRY Christmas

    Love always Rachel
    Tweet me @RachelHolmes

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