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  • How An Instructor Made £4700 Teaching One Extra Class Per Week

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    Kick Start Franchises are Booming This September

    During the first 10 days of September I have
    launched a brand new franchise all over
    the UK with special launch nights, and we have had amazing results and turn outs.
    Last Tuesday Michelle who only signed as a KSFL franchisee
     6 weeks ago in Redditch had 50
    people attend the launch and sold 35 x12 week Transformation packages at £137 each
    making her £4795.
    That is more than her initial franchisee fee on her first launch
    teaching only one extra class a week.
    I was at the launch and did a talk so everyone totally
    how KSFL works.
    I always speak at all of my new franchisee launches.
    On Wednesday I travelled to Stroud for Vicky
    who after 80 people I stopped counting,
    there were so many ladies trying to get in the door.
    After my talk  and Vicky presentation there was a stampede of
    ladies wanting to sign up for Vicky’s classes.
    Vicky will be doing 1 extra session a week and has
    all of this massive interest.

    If you are still sitting on the fence but

    seriously ready to step up your business

    then hit reply and I will get Kelly Reed-Banks who is the

    KSFL Business Development

    Manager to give you a call.




    If you want to see all the launches this week then
    Please check out our Facebook for videos of
    how busy the launches are

    We could get you signed up and ready to launch
    after half term if you are serious
    or ready for January 2017.
    The franchise is going up December 2016
    and more postcodes are going so don’t leave this too
    Many entrepreneurs are purchasing postcodes
    and then employing Instructors, don’t let your area go
    if you are still making up your mind.
    Let’s do this

    Best Regards

    Rachel x




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