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  • Instructor Newletter 14th November

    IMG_4118This week I started my first KSFL Detox & Make Over package in my local Hair & Beauty Salon and I have to tell you how much I LOVED it!  All dressed up in big girl’s clothes (no Trainers). No dragging a sound system into a cold school hall with the miserable caretaker rattling his keys. Just me and my  10 lovely ladies all sipping licorice tea discussing the KSFL detox, how it works and how the online workouts are delivered. My hairstylist excited the  group with new hair trends and what she would be doing in the Make Over stage and the whole hour was thoroughly enjoyable. So let’s see how the results go. I am now busy talking to every possible company and business owner that has a large workforce nationwide and getting them interested in the  new corporate Kick Start Fat Loss programmes ready for January. So, again another busy week ahead.

    HUGE thanks to everyone that came along to Jayne and myself’s Future of Freestyle event on Saturday. The day just simply rocked. The music, the vibe and the whole afternoon really went off with a bang and it was wonderful to be working with my old sparring partner and seeing so many people who have been with us since our Athlete in Action days. We will be hosting another event in January and I’ll get the information out to you as soon as we have finalised all of the details.

    I have been receiving fantastic feedback from Jo de Rosa’s recent articles and this week’s is  particularly poignant.  I’m also really looking forward to reading Jo’s article for next week, which will be all about meditation. As I’ve been studying Gabrielle Bernstein books, works and lectures, I have been really practising meditation on a daily basis and working with daily affirmations. I’m not going to lie, I find it TOUGH, but it’s really helping me focus and bring clarity to all areas of my life. Just a few minutes a day to meditate and focus on quieting my non stop chattering mind really takes some doing, but I’m definitely feeling the benefits and looking forward to incorporating positive affirmations into Fitness Pilates and my KSFL workouts. I’d love to know if you practice meditation? Do you focus on creating positive daily affirmations or use them in classes and for teaching?

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    New Kick Start Loss Newsletter

    Last week I started a brand new KSFL weekly newsletter on all things fatburning, home workouts, recipes. meal ideas, mindset & motivation. If you would like to get your copy every Friday then add your email address follow the link below to sign up http://www.kickstartfatloss.net/2013/11/join-my-kick-start-fat-loss-newsletter/

    FREE WEBINAR with myself, Jenny Burrell and Kim Ingleby

    Jenny Burrell and Kim Ingleby  are 2 of the UK’s most inspiring female fitness professionals/ business owners who are both doing extraordinary work and projects. We are all planning on doing a free Business & Personal Tips for surviving in the Fitness Industry Webinar in the next few weeks. It will be super inspirational, fun with lots of tips and ideas to motivate you into 2014. If this is something that interests you please Tweet me @RachelHolmes and Ill get the details up and running. You can follow Jenny @MsJennyBurrell and Kim @KimIngleby and see how motivational these two shining stars are.

    Are you using Video to Promote Yourself on Facebook?

    If you are really getting into using Facebook as a powerful marketing tool to build your brand, get great exposure, building relationships and, of course, getting new people to come to your classes, then check you are using video as much as possible on your Facebook.  As instructors we are great in front of people, so just use all of your bags of personality, charisma and record loads of 30 secs little clips to upload onto your Facebook direct from your iphone.

    Facebook Video and Marketing Tips

    1.Bring your Facebook page to life with daily videos. This will really give your page a personality and people will start to tune in every day to see your little video.
    2.Potential customers will get to know you and be more eager to come to your classes and services.
    3.Customers buy with their eyes, so a quick video is so much better than writing oceans of texts and marketing spiel.
    4.Film 14 Top Fitness tips, 14 Fatloss Tips, 14 Workout ideas. Tell people about your new classes and service…Plus, you can keep coming up with so many little nuggets of information that are perfect for little videos..
    5.If writing is a drag for you, then you must use video to promote yourself and your brand. It’s so easy to do.
    6.As soon as you have created your videos, upload to Facebook and Instagram daily.
    7.Practice being succinct, natural and let your personality shine through. Think of all the reasons people come to your classes and bottle it up and use it in your 30second videos.

    Eyeballs are seriously looking at video on social media, so make sure they are looking at YOU and your business and brand.  I’ve got to be 100% honest with you now, the only tools I use for marketing all of my businesses are social media including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram and I have a daily strategy on all of the platforms as you can see if you follow me. Email marketing, which includes growing my email lists and database, and I work on this every day encouraging people to sign up so I have a strong database for C2GO and KSFL and finally Face to Face marketing, and that means, actually going into businesses and talking to people. I’ve found sending emails to Human Resources won’t get that much response so I go in and I find out who I need to talk to, I ask to see them, leave them some information, which may include a DVD or a package, and then I follow it up. I’ve found going in to talk to people and building up a relationship has been the most effective way of getting to talk to the right person or the decision maker. It seems a lot of people love the opportunity of getting away from a desk and coming to have a quick chat and if you are bearing gifts, even better.

    I look forward to seeing your videos on Facebook. Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    Winter Checklist – Have you???

    1.Sorted out your Christmas timetable.
    2.Arranged for pre booking and pre payments only in December.
    3.Created a bad weather policy with the venue and your clients.
    4.Created online workouts and plans to keep everyone motivated and going through the holidays.
    5.Planned your January classes, timetables and marketing campaign.
    6.Ditched all of the draining and toxic classes and tasks you have been doing in 2013. Bin them of now and new avenues will open up the minute you make room for more.
    7.Got your website sorted and able to take payments.
    8.BUILD your social media platform so you can spread you message and build your audience.
    9.Research new fitness opportunities – look outside of the fitness industry for ways to expand your business as I have with hairdressers and local businesses.
    10.Practice doing videos and audios and ramp up your Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook.

    The way we deliver fitness is changing so rapidly that it’s important to look laterally at how we will deliver our services in the future. Of course, there will also be a huge market for classes and PT, but creating concepts that can be delivered partially online, partially via social media and partially live will be the way forward if we are to really reach out to different demographics. It’s an exciting time and I’m so optimistic about the  future of the industry and I hope you are too.

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes or Facebook.com/Choreographytogo

    Fighting Cancer at Inner Guidance Holistic Hotel
    by Jo De Rosa

    Wow what an amazing 24 hours I’ve just had!
    Two ladies booked into our holistic hotel for the night, one of them being in the middle of her battle with cancer. She starts her next round of chemotherapy next week and wanted to spend the night with us to get into a positive frame of mind before this intensive treatment commences.

    Luckily for them, there were no other guests in the hotel last night and they soon settled into their luxurious rooms and complimentary bathrobes. A few hours after their arrival (and a cheeky nap!) they made their way down to the guest lounge, minus one wig and comfortable still in their robes, and my husband Dominic made them a fire. I joined them with my herbal tea and the conversation turned to cancer.
    We talked about creating an alkaline environment so that the cancer cannot grow or even survive. We discussed how negativity, fear, alcohol, rubbish food and anger are all acidic and a breeding ground for cancer to flourish. It was agreed that looking at one’s diet, having a positive disposition and meditating were all conducive to creating this ideal setting for healing and good health.

    I then showed them our inspirational movie collection and one movie stood out from the rest as a perfect representation of what we had been talking about.  ‘What The Bleep Do We Know’ is a documentary of the quantum physics of the mind, showing that our thoughts ARE our destiny.
    If we believe the cancer will stay then it will, and if we believe that we can eradicate it then we can. We literally are the creation of our beliefs and thoughts, and therefore all that we experience.

    Our ladies loved it, and on turning in to bed proceeded to have “the best night’s sleep in years!”.

    This morning saw a guided meditation first thing, where I took these lovely ladies on a journey into themselves. Leaving thoughts and worries behind, I encouraged them to connect to the deepest part of themselves and eventually form a picture of what their dream future would look like, and to take that image away with them and think about it everyday, multiple times and make that creation in their head a reality. Make it happen.

    We finished our fabulous meditation and then Dominic served breakfast: an alkaline rich green smoothie to get important nutrients into an empty body –a great start to the day food wise!

    On our feedback sheet these lovely souls gave us full marks and stated that they will be raving to their friends and family about us. More importantly they leave feeling energised, inspired, motivated and in a positive state of mind to take on whatever life throws at them –in this case a new course of chemotherapy.

    Once they had departed it struck me how similar cancer is to my own addictions, and the fact that addiction is in fact an illness.
    The only way we can extract ourselves from any illness is to do so mentally first, as the body is simply a reflection of what is going on in the mind.
    There is very little talked about with regards to how to have a healthy mind, and this strikes me as being very out of balance. If you are unhealthy you are out of balance. If you are unhappy you are out of balance. So how do we get mentally balanced?


    Pure and simple, this is the answer. More about this next week, when I will go into detail and take you on a journey into your minds……
    Inner Guidance Holistic Retreat Centre and Hotel is situated just outside the gorgeous village of Lavenham in Suffolk.

    Web:  www.innerguidance.co.uk/hotel
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2013

    KBC’s Aerobics

    Hi C2Goer’s,

    I hope all is good in your fitness hood!

    In this article I wanted to share with you my latest Aerobics routine. My intermediate class loved it last week and in the next 2 weeks I have lots of plans for developing it and testing their brains as well as their bodies (one of the many reasons I love Aerobics!).

    Here is the link to the video of the week 1 finished product (I’ve slowed the music a little for the purpose of the video, and am very grateful to the girls who volunteered to stay back after class and be in the video): http://youtu.be/73gMbxCs2Cc

    Here are my base patterns for the routine.

    Block 1
    4 x Double Curl (16)- becomes Jump & Tap (4), Chasse (4), Double Curl In Front (4) and Double Curl Behind (4)
    6 x March & 1 Curl (8)- becomes 7 Count Grapevine
    2 x V Step (8)- becomes 2 x Slow March Forward (4) & 4 Jogs Back (4)

    Block 2
    2 x Step Touch (4)- becomes 2 x Shuffle Forward
    1 x Double Knee (4)
    2 x Step Touch (4)- becomes 2 x Shuffle Back
    1 x Double Knee (4)
    2 x Single Curl (4)- can turn backwards
    1 x Double Curl (4)- becomes 4 x Gallop
    2 x V Step (8)- becomes Mambo Cha Cha Forward & Back

    Block 3
    2 x Double Knee (8)- travels forward
    2 x Single Knee (4)- travels forward
    2 x Step Touch (4)- becomes 2 x Hop
    8 x Jog (8)- becomes 2 x Slow Pendulum (4) & 4 Fast Pendulum (4)
    1 x Double Curl (4)- becomes 1 x Sunshine Lift
    2 x Step Touch

    I really believe that if we want Aerobics to make a big come back then we need to teach our choreography with a great breakdown and offer some more dancey sections alongside some more high intensity, power moves.

    I’d love to know what you think!

    Have a great Thursday,

    KBC x

    Poppy Love
    By Andrew Crawford

    Did you observe the 2 mins silence this week? Did you buy and wear a poppy?

    ITV News London presenter Charlene White has spoken out about the torrent of abuse she has received after refusing to wear a Remembrance Day poppy on the air.
    She has received a torrent of racist abuse on social media sites around her decision not to wear a poppy on-air.
    As a supporter of the Poppy Appeal, here she explains in her own words why she chooses not to wear one when she is reading the news.

    White wrote a blog post on ITV’s website explaining her reasons for not wearing the symbol, saying that while she donates to the Poppy Appeal every year she does not want to give one charity disproportionate exposure.
    She said …………”I support and am patron of a number of charities and I am uncomfortable with giving one of those charities more on-screen time than others,…….”
    ……..”…..I prefer to be neutral and impartial on-screen so that one of those charities doesn’t feel less favoured than another…..”
    The presenter, whose father and uncle have served in the RAF and Army, added that she does wear a poppy off-screen, along with a pink ribbon for breast cancer, a red ribbon for World Aids Day and other symbols.

    Speaking on the abuse she has received, White added: “The messages of ‘go back to where you came from’ have been interesting to read, as have the ‘fat slag’ comments, and the repeated use of the phrase ‘black c**t”
    “….Mostly because it flies in the face of everything that millions of British men and women and those in the Commonwealth have fought for for generations, and continue to fight for: the right to choose, and the right of freedom of speech and expression…..”

    My question therefore is….Do you have to wear a poppy to show respect to those who have served and still are? What about the purple poppy for the animals killed in wars?

    One of my friends said….and I quote….

    “………..So why does the COLOUR ISSUE has to come into it and why call the woman a BLACK C#@T.. I am just saying this because all races died in the war not just white people ta RARSE..!!!………….”
    All races died…….!!!

    So Andrew………

    What has Poppy Love and the past World Wars got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well….. in the war days you had to have a strategy against the enemy.

    Nowadays you may refer to the enemy as being ‘The Competition’.  With your businesses operating in such a competitive market, you have to deploy tactics and strategies to overcome them and “ Cutting your enemy off at the Kyber Pass”
    “Imagine how much more confident you would feel going into battle armed with this specific knowledge and training!”

    Going into business by yourself takes large “spherical objects”…if you haven’t got any of those then good old-fashioned guts will do.

    One thing you must ensure is that you’re well equipped with the necessary tools.

    If you are preparing for business and are contemplating setting up in business, I will arm you with the knowledge to combat the onslaught of the many taxes you will face.

    During your transition period, I will prepare you for your integration along side your civilian counterparts. I will reveal to you these well-kept secrets, which will enable you to lower your tax bill.

    These skills are transportable so you can use them in whatever business venture you chose to undertake.

    Yes, tax saving advice is vital for you to counteract the attack on your wallet.

    Use the knowledge in all my articles as a weapon to combat the invasion of tax in order to make profit for you and not the taxman.

    Here are 11 strategies you can adopt straight away…..(Why 11? Eleventh day eleventh hour ……….Take 11 minutes to read it…It’s not dynamite, it will not blow you mind!!)

    11 Battle Strategies You Can Adopt to Beat Your Enemy

    1)  You might beat your business competitors by changing your product quality. It will present your adversaries with business worries which could raise you numerous sales. You can defeat your marketing rivals by improving your advertising budget. It could present your competition with financial weakness which might give you extra orders.

    2) You may overcome your company adversaries by switching your money back guarantee. Have you got one? It should present your challengers with economic unhappiness which can refine new payments. You could subdue your niche challengers by bettering your refund policy. It can present your opposition with uneasiness which may regulate you additional wealth.

    3) You might outsmart your business opponents by adjusting your bonuses. It might present your rivalries with uncertainly which could reinforce your riches. You can triumph over your marketing competitors by repairing your ad testing. It would present your adversaries with promotional tragedies which might better your profits.

    4) You may fend off your business competitors by fixing your unique selling position. It can present your adversaries with profit slowdowns which can refine your bank account. You might slam your business adversaries by upgrading your product names. It would present your challengers with money skepticism which could stretch you some numerous deposits.

    5) You may stomp your company rivals by modifying your content. It would present your competition visitor panic which can escalate your financial numbers. You could clobber your niche adversaries by revamping your prices. It may present your challengers with asset pain which may skyrocket your profits.

    6) You might thwart your business challengers by transforming your target audience. It will present your opposition with finance obstructions which could blossom your sponsors. You can outlast your marketing opponents by fixing your resell right licenses. It could present your rivalries with transaction obstacles which might build up your business treasure.

    7) You may reduce your company competitors by altering your freebies. It should present your adversaries with cost nightmares which can sprout your balance sheet. You could take out your niche rivals by upgrading your audios. It can present your competition with publicity nervousness which may erect you more payments. Use Soundcloud.

    8) You may lower your company adversaries by bettering your coupons/gift certificates. It could present your challengers with hits problems which can inflate your wallet. You could overpower your niche challengers by adjusting your loyalty rewards. It should present your opposition with payment pressures which may swell your purses…..wallets if you’re a geezer…!!

    9) You could take away your niche opponents by improving your slogan. It might present your rivalries with deposit loses which may give you additional patrons. E.g  A Revolutionary Diet & Fitness Programme.

    10) You may dislodge your business adversaries by adjusting your payment plan. It will present your challengers with customer letdowns which can hike up your online community. You could eliminate your niche challengers by repairing your payment options. It could present your opposition with order lack which may fill up your piggyback. Pay weekly, quarterly, by standing order or direct debit. Be careful with good old cash.

    11) You might exclude your business opponents by enhancing your terms and conditions. It should present your rivalries with credit jitters which could gather you more new receipts. You can extract your marketing competitors by modifying your legal/ privacy disclaimers. It can present your adversaries with jealously which might magnify you more proceeds. On the other hand, when you are signing anything, be aware of the smallprint.
    You could also destroy your adversaries by transforming your product features.
    You might close out your business challengers by fixing your ad humor. It may present your opposition with inefficiencies which could shoot up your yield. I’ve seen many a boring   text…….I like to add a bit of spice or local dialect…..You know what I mean Squire??
    You may ambush your company competitors…therefore making a killing…!!

    Prayers go out to the survivors and families in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan. Haiyan is the worst storm in one of the worst typhoon seasons in history.

    Oh ……By the Way…….

    What is War Good for?

    Absolutely Nothing………..!!

    So until next time…Go out and spread joy peace and love.

    Andrew James Crawford

    Have a wonderful Thursday
    Love Always
    Rachel x

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