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  • Instructor Newletter 7th June 2012

    Rachel’s News

    Are you suffering from post Jubilee weekend syndrome?

    Are you struggling to get back into motivating yourself in your business and teaching classes?

    It’s been a monumental weekend with the whole country celebrating and enjoying the four-day weekend, so my job  in this week’s newsletter is to help you get your Mojo back, get you back into business mode, and re-motivate your choreography and teaching ready for the summer period.

    With everyone feeling so chilled and happy, getting back into the fitness zone, might be a tad difficult and I am sure we could all get used to lazy, care free,  four-day weekends spent with our friends and family ( I know I could!)

    In this week’s newsletter you will read great articles by Cori, Jill, Sally, Claire and Jayne and my articles are designed to stimulate, inspire and get you back on track.

    June can often be a hit and miss month in the fitness calendar. Some schools may be on half term, people may be going away on holiday, or making the most of the light nights, doing DIY, jobs in the garden etc. Fitness, for some, may take a backseat for a few weeks. Which is why your newsletter, your database and on line marketing should be in place. You are then able to ring the changes, cancel classes, offer new and limited classes and special offers as a short-term measure.

    Look around at other successful businesses. I just popped into Boots and they are doing a massive in-store promotion giving you a full £5 discount on all No 7 cosmetics.   Asda, Morrisons and Sainsbury’s are also running huge promotions at the moment.  This is all relevant and keeping your eye out and noticing what other big businesses are doing can give you an indication and ideas for your own promotions.   Never think of your business in isolation, always keep looking at the bigger picture and take a special interest in other businesses and how they promote their goods and services.

    Community Class Systems that you must get into place by Rachel

    You often read about systemising your business or community classes and how important it is giving your business, however small, some big business structure and strategy.

    Systems are something I struggled with for many years, not really understanding how to put systems in place.

    I now appreciate how crucial systems are even for the tiniest of fitness businesses. It doesn’t matter if you are teaching 2 community classes or 40 classes, being organised and implementing  a step-by-step formula will help you understand where you are, what needs to be done before you can move on to the next level or idea.

    Here are my top systems and strategies you need to ensure are in place to run your fitness business. These systems apply to any business.  They are basics that are crucial for the successful running and once they are implemented all you need to do is check they are running on a daily basis, enabling you to drive your business forward and focus on new projects.

    Create a flow of generating new clients and class members coming into your business every week.

    This includes;

    a.Flyers delivered weekly in local catchment areas.
    b.Press release written weekly and e-mailed to all the local press, blogs, freelance journalists, local radio and updated on social media.
    c.Contact 10 local businesses with similar client group and a demographic. Offer to do cross promotion or partnership offers. You can contact these businesses via Twitter or Facebook or why not bite the bullet and pop in and speak to them.

    d.Use referrals from your existing class members and to generate word-of-mouth promotions, including bringing a friend week, bring your partner week, bring your teenagers week, etc. etc.

    Don’t wait until your class numbers start to decline to put these points into action. These need to be done on a weekly basis; you need to allocate a percentage of your profit every week for printing and flyers.

    Your website – What is your website saying about you?
    In 2012 your website needs to be professional, branded and clear about what you offer payment details, memberships.

    Your website needs to be a WordPress blog, it needs updating regularly with your most current information

    a.It must have a large data capture box on the homepage, enabling you to grow your database.

    b. You need to understand how to update it yourself.  If you are not techy then unfortunately you need to start to learn now!

    c.Your website needs to have live feeds from your Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channels enabling you to drive your message, branding and marketing to your customers.

    d.You website/Blog needs to feature video footage of you teaching and training your customers.

    e.Social proof and testimonials are the best way to get new business interested in your services. People buy from people and prospective customers browsing your sites will be encouraged by your current customer’s success stories – so encourage this everyday.

    Your Weekly Newsletter

    Choreographytogo is built on the weekly newsletter which comes out every Thursday at 7 AM. I have written a newsletter every single week for the last 12 year. My goal was to connect freelance instructors working around the UK on their own who were missing being part of a community. I chose Thursday morning because as a busy instructor I knew that by Thursday,  I was getting tired and needed re-motivating, so if I felt like that  I knew my fellow instructors were feeling the same.

    The newsletter builds trust and reliability in my business, brand and the services I offer.

    If you are serious about building your off-line and online business a  weekly newsletter is imperative. It doesn’t have to be long, it doesn’t have to be involved it just has to be consistent, regular and address common frustrations your client group encounters.

    Top newsletter tips:

    a.Write your newsletter as if you are speaking to a friend; make it chatty and fun and an easy read.

    b.Address your client group’s frustrations and provide articles that help with solutions.

    c.Always send your newsletter on the same day at the same time every week. And yes, it does have to be every week!

    d. Keep your newsletter informative and helpful rather than salesy. Your newsletter is not a platform to promote your services. Think of it as part of the glue that holds your  fitness business community together.

    e.Network with other fitness professionals and swap articles and, of course, always include your guest contributor’s details, websites and social media information.

    Your off line business.

    Over the last 3 months the most common e-mail I have been getting is from instructors who were trying to create a passive income stream and an online business.   This is fantastic, and at last many of you are realising how important it is to work on your online strategies and systems.


    You need to ensure your off-line business is running successfully and you have busy classes, a professional website and you are working social media daily.

    Put the basics in place first, then develop your online projects.

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes or comment on the Choreographytogo Facebook Page http://www.Facebook.com/Choreographytogo.

    FREE 10 minute Skype Call with me on Friday – Have you got a fitness business project or idea you would like to discuss. If you go over to the http:///www.Facebook.com/Choreographytogo Facebook page and like it you will see 10 appointment slots for Friday morning. The first 10 people to like an appointment time will get a free 10 minute skype call with me to discuss your business idea.

    I’m also offering 10 Instructors 1 weeks of personal business coaching and mentoring with me starting Monday 11th June until 17th June. If this appeals to you make sure you bag one of
    the 10 minute free Skype calls.

    My 1 week intense coaching is £197 please go over to the Choreographytogo Facebook page to book your 10 minute call and we can discuss your ideas.

    Class Ideas – Back to basics Start a Fitness Running Club

    If you didn’t know, and I didn’t until I spotted it on Twitter, yesterday was national running day.

    Now, if you believe everything you read, running has been getting a bad rap recently, especially within the fat loss community. Granted, if your goal is fat loss as fast as possible, then high intensity interval training is the thing to do but there are so many other benefits from running.

    Many people simply love the solitude, the brain space, getting out into the fresh air, enjoying running on the streets, in the country or the neighbourhood its awesome for mental health as well as all of the physical benefit

    Running clubs continue to grow every year and more and more women all over the UK are aiming to run 5K, 10 K, half and full marathons.

    Running can be social; running can be the time we catch up with certain friends.

    It doesn’t have to be any more complicated or results driven than that.
    So, if you love running why not set up a group for the summer months.

    Gail Abbey, from Litchfield in Staffordshire and one of my coaching clients holds regular running clubs for beginners, improvers and advanced runners. She also offers barefoot running clubs and coaching advice for those interested in running distance and events.

    Gail’s clubs are extremely popular with all ages and often RC customers migrate over into Gail’s Small Group and PT sessions.

    Why not send an e-mail out to your class members and clients and see who may be interested in joining you one evening per week for a beginners running club?

    Focus on  warmup, technique, pace and speed; include nutritional information and how clients can build up distance, stamina and endurance.

    I would love to hear from more Fitpros who take regular running clubs; it would be great to get your feedback on what potentially can be a great addition to your summer timetable.

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    Rachel Holmes Wednesday Workout TV

    As I announced last week I now post a weekly workout, nutrition and mindset coaching tips on my Rachel Holmes Workout TV channel on YouTube and I’d love you to take a look and comment and please subscribe to my channel as I’m adding new, free workouts all of the time.


    A Million Ideas for promoting and Marketing your classes and services by Rachel

    Here’s an audio of me talking, very quickly about how to promote your classes.


    New Choreography – Here are this week’s new downloads.
    My Top 10 Core Exercises https://www.choreographytogo.com/video-detail/?vid=637
    Power Leg Training https://www.choreographytogo.com/video-detail/?vid=636
    Old Skool Aerobics 2 https://www.choreographytogo.com/video-detail/?vid=636

    What can a VA do for you?

    By Claire Mockridge
    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    Hi there everyone,

    I hope you’re well.  How are your class numbers this week?  Nice and steady, or have they taken a bit of dive?  I always find June’s a busy month for me in the lead up to everyone wanting to get fit, burn some fat and tone up for summer.  I also tend to have a nice number of pregnant ladies delivering their babies in June, so this has a knock-on effect with the numbers in my postnatal classes in about 2 months’ time.

    When I have busy months like this one, I tend to rely on my VA to assist me from going insane.  “What’s a VA?” I hear you ask?  Well, it’s a Virtual Assistant – like a Personal Assistant, but they work virtually.  I’ve never met my VA in person, although I’m sure if we did, we’d get on like a house on fire.

    When FitPros find out I enlist the services of a VA, I’m often then asked: “But what does your VA actually do for you, Claire?”.  This question came up in my Private Facebook group for Ante/Postnatal Instructors and at my “Bridging the Gap” Workshop recently, so I thought I might expand on this question in a little more detail to help you decide if you need a VA, and spell out what wonderful things you could achieve if only you had a VA.

    Have you ever felt so overwhelmed at the list of things on your To Do List that you wished you could hand over your admin to someone else?  Do you have lots of ideas but no time to put them in place, because you have too many emails to answer, registers to update and lesson plans to write?

    Well, the main reason I employ a VA is to save me time.  My VA, Jayne, does just a few hours of work for me each week as and when needed, and she is very flexible.  Jayne tends to do most of my work in the evenings whilst I’m out teaching my classes, and then when I wake up in the morning, my To Do List is cleared, and I’m able to focus on all the creative stuff like writing, developing new products, creating downloads and other online ventures.

    Where did I get my VA from?  Well, she came to me as a referral from another FitPro friend.  After working with me, Jayne then went on to work with 6 other FitPros, so has cut herself somewhat of a niche, you might say.  Jayne’s main website is: www.mypaonline.co.uk, where she deals mainly with high execs, and her website dedicated to FitPros is: www.vafitbiz.com

    So, going back to the title of this article: “What can a VA do for you?”, here’s a few things Jayne does for me on a regular basis:

    -books clients into classes
    -class register updates/changes
    -checks Registration Forms for accuracy/health screening
    -answers emails and sends letters
    -bookkeeping, bill paying, chasing overdue payments
    -Paypal reconciliation/monthly reports
    -scheduling and editing of newsletters
    -posts on Twitter/Facebook
    -DVD/online sales
    -online marketing and advertising
    -updates websites with new course start dates

    This list is, by no means exhaustive.  There are plenty of things a VA can do outside of these tasks.  For example, if you do a lot of video downloads, there’s no reason why your VA, with a bit of training, can’t edit the start and end to your videos, for example, and the uploads them to YouTube, and sends you the link.  You might think it only takes you 5 minutes to do this task, but just think of how many others things you could do with the time you’ve saved by delegating this to someone else?

    How long did it take for me to train my VA?  Around a fortnight.  Whoever it is you employ, needs to get used to your procedures, suggest ways of improving them, and get you more organised than you are now.  Many moons ago, I used to be a PA myself, so I was already fairly organised with lists and registers and my accounts etc, and was fortunate to be able to draw on those skills from a previous life.  Your VA works with you to assist in say, making the booking procedure when a new client enquires, more efficient.  This is called “systemisation”.  It’s a useful tool and a very good one for time-saving.

    Should I give my VA access to my bank and Paypal accounts?  Well, that’s entirely up to you.  What information you share with your VA will obviously remain in the strictest of confidence (that’s their job, at the end of the day remember), but, only you can decide how much personal data you want to share with them.  If, however, one of the things you hate doing is chasing people for money, then you’ll need your VA to have access to your bank and Paypal accounts, because how else is she to know if the money has been paid or not?

    And, just one more tit bit before I go, Jayne and I use an online file sharing program called Dropbox.  So, if I update something in a class Register with a new client’s name, and later on that day she needs to make a note that another client has paid, then we both need to be working from the same document.  You can get a Dropbox account for free here: http://db.tt/ayjl8y4, so set one up now. It has more uses to it than you think.

    If you have any other specific questions about what a VA can do for you, do ask.  I’m more than happy to help.

    If you have a question about pre/postnatal, why not join my Private Facebook Group for FitPros who either a) want to get qualified to teach pre/postnatal or, b) are already qualified, but want hints and tips on making their business more successful: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/clairemockridge/

    Or, join me on:

    Facebook:  www.facebook.com/clairemockridge1
    Twitter:  www.twitter.com/clairemockridge
    Blog: http://clairemockridge.wordpress.com/

    Bye for now.

    Claire Mockridge
    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    Understanding Glucose and diabetes by Sally Ghafoor.

    Many fitness professionals have asked me to explain the dynamics of glucose and diabetes.

    So here goes

    Every cell within your body has a need for energy. Cells need energy to survive. A cell needs to absorb nutrients, produce energy, remove waste and toxins, regenerate and repair and communicate both externally and internally.

    The primary source of energy for a cell is glucose. If you imagine a cell and flowing past it in the blood stream is glucose, now glucose cannot just enter the cell it needs the assistance of insulin (which is secreted by the pancreas). On the surface of the cell sits insulin receptors which insulin binds to and acts a bit like a lock, the insulin unlocks the cell to allow the glucose to enter the cell.

    Type one diabetes: Type one diabetes is where the pancreas is not producing any insulin, the glucose is in the blood stream yet it cannot get into the cells as there is no insulin to bind to the receptor to unlock the cell to let the glucose in. This is managed by injecting insulin, as everything else in the system is working there is just no insulin, so the injection of insulin means the insulin binds to the receptors and allows the glucose into the cell to give the cell energy.

    Type 2 diabetes is a lifestyle disease, not seen until the 1950’s when funnily enough processed foods were making it big. So in type 2 diabetes the body has glucose and the pancreas is making insulin but the receptors that sit on the cells waiting for the insulin to sit on them to unlock the cell are not working properly they are de sensitized . So you end up with too much insulin floating around your body which can then lead on to plaque formation which then leads to atherosclerosis.

    The most common thing to do here is to suppress the symptoms with drugs, as we do for most illness/diseases in the western world. Or we can start to help ourselves by taking control of our lifestyle and nutrition choices.

    As a fitness professional educating people on type 2 diabetes is a must as this can be prevented. Now you know the mechanics behind diabetes maybe we all can make a difference J

    To sign up to my newsletter on all things health and fitness click here http://eepurl.com/gUwyL its a weekly nesletter full ofinfo you can use for both yourself and your clients
    Speak soon

    Sally Ghafoor

    www.sallyghafoor.com  www.facebook.com/sallyghafoor

    Are you a happy miserable? by Cori Withell

    Did you read that and think what on earth is she on about this week?

    Do you even understand what I am trying to say?  If you don’t, I can’t blame you, happy miserable is my phrase and it encompasses a particular ‘type’ of person that we encounter every day but a type of character that we rarely identify as ourselves.  A happy miserable is that person in class always wanting something more, wanting to be thinner, more toned, more defined, not comfort eating, having more control over their food, need I go on?  Didn’t think so!  You offer all the advice you know, you may research articles for them, print out additional exercises that may help, print them off top tip sheets, any number of things you can think of to help them.  What do they do?  Ignore you, that’s what.  Week after week they ask you for advice and you happily give it, content in the knowledge that you are trying to help.  After a few weeks, you start to get fed up.  I mean, let’s face it, you have spent time and effectively money (researching articles and writing tips sheets for them ultimately costs you money as you could be spending that time creating money in your business elsewhere).  All these offers of help are effectively thrown back in your face while they continue to air their frustrations at not achieving their goals.  So, why do we do it?  We care don’t we? We do it because we want to make a difference.  If we didn’t care then surely we wouldn’t bother in the first place would we?  So, if this is the case, why do we not apply this logic to ourselves?

    The tough bit.

    Are you a happy miserable?  Yes, I did ask that and yes I do mean you.  I know it’s hard and for many, you won’t even realise the way you are behaving so it is time to take a long hard look at yourself.  The reason I say this is simple.  Are you sabotaging your own goals?  Do you have a lifestyle, business and/or personal goal?  Are your own fears stopping you?  For many of us we get caught up in a negative cycle.  We know deep down that we need to change to fulfil our lifelong ambitions but the thought of those changes is so terrifying that we refuse to acknowledge them, yet are desperate to change so we get caught up in asking for help and then rebuking it because the fear overwhelms us. Does this ring any bells?  if not, are you being truly honest with yourself?  If you are and this isn’t you then congratulations – you are well on your way.

    However, if this is you, don’t lose heart.  You have made a massive step forward in acknowledging that actually this is what you are doing.  Asking for help whether it be business related or personal and then pushing any offer of help away.  Your next step is acknowledging why you do it.  Is it through fear, this is fairly common?  Or, is it because actually you don’t want to change?  There is no right or wrong here, if you are actually content in the way that you are then that is totally fine but you need to accept that this is the way that you are and that you are okay with it.  Some might argue that people do it to play for sympathy, but in my experience, few do this in reality.  Fear is the most common reason – wanting to change so badly but having done things a certain way for so long, terrified that it might all go wrong and then not be able to claw back what you once had.

    If that is the case, have a think on the following, change is good and failing is never failing, it is just life.  When something doesn’t work, change it again and again and again until it does work.  Life doesn’t have a recipe manual – live it the way want, cordon bleu, a la carte, takeaway, fast food – the choice is yours 🙂

    My Mood Food Cookbook releases on 25th June – food designed to make you feel great and fuel those neurotransmitters and you can get The FitPro Mind at www.cwfitness.co.uk/shop/
    You can follow me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cori.withell and Twitter www.twitter.com/CWFitness and follow my daily blog/rant at www.cwfitness.co.uk/blog

    Health and happiness x
    Cori x

    Live, learn and lead! – The Fat Controller

    Imagine you have the perfect body and physique and could maintain it all year round with ease!  Would this make you a better instructor/leader?  Would it inspire your clients more?

    We are all human and nobody is immune from challenges.  In fact I have come to learn that I can use my struggles and imperfections to really enhance my role in the fitness industry!  I call it playing to your weaknesses and turning them into strengths!

    It is too easy to watch your idols and peers seemingly be able to spin a million plates all whilst maintaining a physique to die for.  They appear to be living the perfect life and following the cleanest of regimes.  Yet you are struggling to stay ‘clean’  or cut out drink, chocolate and bread even for one day!  But who we trying to impress?  Our idols, ourselves or our clients?  Should we be impressing or should we be inspiring?

    People are inspired more by your struggles and hard earned successes!

    Many of us will spend much of our time berating ourselves for not being ‘perfect’.  Or we will tell ourselves that we are frauds of the highest degree and if we got found out we would be laughed out of town, off Facebook and never to teach again.
    ?This can be especially true for those of us that run fat loss courses or bootcamps etc.  The pressure is immense and it can weigh you down like a mill stone.
    ?Well, this is what I think.  It’s time to be liberated from this way of thinking.  I think it’s brilliant that we struggle and even better when we admit it that we do.  In fact this could be your greatest opportunity to really connect with those very people you are trying to help.

    Turn failure into success!

    So your having a ‘fat’ day.  You can’t stop picking, you’d kill for chocolate and your clothes are tight!!!  How you react to this will make the difference.  You can choose to do the same as most of your clients……..You feel bad for a bit, then try again with cast iron resolve but not actually trying anything really different…….  Rather than spending vast amounts of valuable time (that you will never get back) reminding yourself daily of your failings and human side, why not try another tack and use this to make you and your fitness business an even greater success?

    “How?” I hear you cry!

    I guarantee that every experience you have had or will have will be exactly the same experiences and challenges your clients will and have faced too. Rather than do exactly what they do and chastise yourself, realise you have created yourself another fantastic learning opportunity!

    After a bad nights sleep you feel wretched and exhausted.  So accept that this has happened and ask yourself how you can deal with this and how can you help your clients next time.  Develop an awareness and acceptance.  This is normal!

    At social events you struggle, fall off the wagon, cave into cravings.  Accept this is hard for most to achieve and your clients will too.  Instead of feeling bad and using it as another chance to remind yourself how weak you are, ask yourself how this experience can be used to learn something from.  Develop real life strategies that can help them too.
    Document these struggles in your blog.  Share you struggles in classes and let them know you are human and they are too!

    If you feel threatened or unable to live up to your idols and peers imagine how you clients feel about you!

    By ignoring these opportunities then you could lose an opportunity to connect with your audience and develop real life strategies that work for you and your fans.  And you will continue to feel never good enough.

    Don’t continue believing that you have to be perfect or like your so called ‘perfect’ idols.  Becuase I bet they have their struggles too and I bet the reason most of them are where they are is becuase of those struggles!

    I’d love to know what struggles you have overcome!

    Big love, small tummies!

    Jill – The Fat Controller
    www.hateitchangeit.co.uk  www.facebook.com/hateitchangeit

    Rule Brittannia and Appreciation
    By Andrew Crawford

    This week saw the celebrations of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee…unfortunately it also coincided with the annual getaway with the kids and friends.

    Each year I take the children camping in order to appreciate the things they take for granted at home. Things like freely hot running water, a clean bath filled with radox so the bubbles overflow….a clean working lavatory, hot showers, central heating, your own comfy snuggley bed…!!

    There was no signal on my orange network in Dorset where we were, so that meant no mobile, no internet, no facebook, no youtube………..completely isolated….!!

    So if anyone tried to contact me since last week…I could not respond…so I really appreciated that I took along my dongle with limited connection to send in this week’s article. (I’m writing this from the back of my car in the middle of the wet and windy campsite whilst all around me sleeps….it’s dark and lonely..spooky…….eekk…what was that???)

    Fortunately we were with friends who we appreciate. Spending time with people in close proximity either strengthens your relationship with them or weakens it …why?

    …..because when you are fending for yourselves against the elements you find out peoples strengths, weaknesses , likes, dislikes, annoying habits or internal beauty..in fact…you find out your own limitations……!!

    If you were fully prepared this year, you could have appreciated the fact that you had the opportunity to brand literally anything with the Union Jack and sold the blighter….
    Things like wigs, hats, ties, aprons, flags, tea shirts, table cloths…whatever your mind could conceive and believe it would have achieved.

    Throughout the world the subjects of the Queens realm or Empire had an extra day off to rest, reflect and  remember all the countries it took hostage with  blood, murder and force….I mean….under ‘British rule’……..Rule Brittania..!

    This also reminded me of myself and the Queen’s present similarities this week…she had thousands who visited the throne compared to the thousands of different people who had visited my throne…..in the camp…!!

    Thank goodness I have 4 days in North Wales starting tomorrow (Friday), a place called Wynnstay Hall where I will be clay pigeon shooting, drinking (veuve and brandy) exqusite dining…yes…I appreciate the finer things in life..!!

    So Andrew…
    What has The Queen and her worldwide subjects, camping in Dorset under a flimsy sheild called a tent and your up coming visit to Wnnstay Hall got to do with Accountancy and Finance?
    Well…the Queen as well as manages her people also has a duty to manage her finances.

    Effective Ways To Manage Money

    There are many ways and tips on effective ways to manage money in general. Technically, all these tips talk about one thing: being able to have money when needed, where needed. A lack and wanting desire to acquire money when the call arises does not necessarily mean not being able to manage money effectively, but may just be an overshoot of unexpected events.
    Nevertheless, you should be able to acquire and find ways to come up with the needed amount if ever there is a strapped budget from the unexpected event that needs to be complied.
    Stop spending on that card…!!

    Look At The Future Goals

    One of the most important and progressive value of a person to have effective ways to manage money is to have a sense of foresight. This foresight pertains to the ability of a person to know what things is most probable going to happen to him in the future and be able to prepare beforehand with substantial amount of time.
    With this is a responsibility of being able to properly organize the timeline and the budget allocation of funding and financial allocation. Also in this regard, the consideration of all other fees, bills, and payment allocations would have to be properly identified and included in the plan.
    An option of having to put an allowance or extended goal would be beneficial to the planner to allow you to adjust and be able to cope up with unexpected events with a bit more ease.
    In this manner, the one who manages the money is able to have an extra for a rainy season ahead…..like this week…!!!


    Another method to effectively manage money is to invest in progressive and productive endeavors which could be other sources of income. Instead of just allowing the savings to rest in a bank and earn a small amount of interest per year, it would be wise to allocate some of the money and other resources into a business.
    Of course it may prove unproductive and detrimental, but the allowance of such resources to different paths of productivity would widen the scope in which you could determine and discover the best way to manage and have more money .
    Investing does not only mean having to go into a business venture but also in being able to become a shareholder, no matter how small into an existing business. Being a shareholder and becoming a part owner of a running business puts you into a profit oriented state by having a percentage of the earnings that the business generates.
    Have you heard of the saying ‘20% of something is better than 100% of nothing?’
    On occasion, I also lend money for a GOOD percentage interest….why not you?
    Short term finance is needed a lot these days…… so for example lend £500…charge £50. If you do this 10 times you will have £500 of interest (10 x £50).  You can now put away your original £500 and continue to lend the £500 interest…..Can you see that?
    I have said charge £50 but you can charge ANY amount you wish…!!!!

    The 3:3:4 Paradigm

    This paradigm takes into account that all the other utilities and monthly bills have already been paid and the amount left is the extra money that is left floating.
    No matter how small the amount is, it is a good start. The 3:3:4 paradigm means that 30% of the floating money is to be saved in the bank, 30% is then used to allocate for the investments of choice, and the remaining 40% is allocated to the leisure and luxury of the household. The last aspect is important to provide a sense of reward for yourself to clear the mind of burden and discouragement.
    These aspects when combined together are more often than not effective ways to manage money and not be burdened of having to earn money to pay off a previous debt. This would be helpful to you to look forward in a progressive pace of living rather than retroactive maintenance.
    I regularly give my nephew and nieces money and tell them to save half and spend half….I want to get them into the habit of putting money aside…!!!
    Savings Club
    I have opened up a new bank……..I suggest you do the same.
    Mine is called ‘The Commercial Bank of Crawford’…I think I mentioned this before? (Replace ‘Crawford’ with your surname)
    My savings club involves me setting aside spending money for certain events. One of them is my savings club for Christmas. Each month I save a certain amount in this savings club (£150 which I control and administer).
    When December comes, I have this 12 month accumulated cash amount I use for presents etc….in January I start again.
    The reason for this is that years ago, I was paying off debts incurred over the week of Christmas because I used money I didn’t have (credit card), so spent the next few months paying it off.
    I don’t want you to be in that position…..I was speaking to someone last week which reminded me to tell you…It’s June and she is still paying bills from expenditure incurred in December…!!!
    Finally…manage your money, manage your savings and be like the Queen who manages multiple investments.
    I appreciate you reading this.
    Rule Brittania.
    Andrew Crawford

    Visit our website at: www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com for more FREE resources and articles.
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    Andrew Crawford can be contacted on twitter @tax4fitness or info@fitnessindustryaccountants.com

    Have a wonderful Thursday Love Rachel xx

    Have a wonderful Thursday

    Love Rachel xx

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