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  • Instructor Newsletter 10th July

    In my endeavor to mix things up for you with VLOGS,
    BLOGS, Broadcasts & now podcasts,I have interviewed
    Bobby Cappuccio, Jenny Burrell & Charlotte Ord for the
    RH Podcast & will be releasing these over the next few

    They are very cool interviews.

    Check out Bobby’s interview below.

    The Rachel Holmes Podcast Episode 4 with Bobby Cappuccio

    An extremely inspiring episode as I discuss with Bobby
    how he overcame brain damage,  tourettes & severe domestic
    violence to become one of the worlds leading Personal Trainer’s,
    Programme Developer with PTA Global, consultant to the world’s
    leading health club chains & an in demand keynote speaker.

    One word that sums Bobby up is EXTRAORDINARY.

    He is truly an inspiring individual & I know you will enjoy this podcast.

    Click here to listen to the Rachel Holmes Podcast Show the Bobby Cappuccio

    Listen and subscribe on itunes

    If you are attending Fitpro next week Bobby will be speaking
    & generally hanging around so say HI!




    KS EXTREME on Sunday

    The final KS EXTREME will be rocking up to
    The Reebok club in London on Sunday
    with myself & Kelly.

    I have 4 spaces left on the day
    if you want to grab a last minute spot
    click here

    Are you on PINTEREST?

    I’ve been ghosting around on Pinterest for a while
    & not really doing a great deal with it…

    UNTIL now

    So if you are over there come & join me
    & I’ll follow you right back.

    There are some seriously great
    opportunities over there!



    Do you want to build
    your Fitness Business?

    I have created a new specialised newsletter
    including video tutorials, audio & blogs
    for Fitness Professionals that are serious about
    creating an online fitness business.

    This will include marketing, PR ideas, Facebook adverts
    new social media platforms, technology etc

    As I’m offering more & more business coaching,
    consulting & mentoring programmes this will
    be a regular resource for entrepreneurs who are
    looking to move towards this area.

    Add your email address for my 15min
    VLOG on My Top Tips For Creating
    Your Online Fitness Business.


    In House Fitness Pilates Training Courses

    We began presenting in-house FP Training
    earlier this year  & this service has gone through the roof.

    Many local authorities, leisure trusts & council
    run facilities have booked training courses resulting
    in Kelly & I taking on more tutors to keep up
    with the demand.

    If you co-ordinate or work for a group
    that needs Fitness Pilates on the timetable
    & have have a minimum of 8 staff members,
    we will come to your venue for a bespoke course.
    Email Kelly@Choreographytogo.com\





    This is an immediate opportunity for anyone wanting to teach Hot Yoga & Hot Pilates in a brand new boutique studio with both hot and cold studios.

    Your training will start immediately and you will teach classes on the opening timetable as part of your course.

    This is an amazing teaching opportunity and the very first of its kind. You can train to be a Hot Instructor for both Yoga & Pilates with guaranteed work.

    We are recruiting and training instructors to teach longterm in a new concept studio based in South West London. The venue is on a lively complex shared by gyms, actors and business people with healthy café and a hugely trendy culture.

    Training starts immediately with Jayne Nicholls, Rachel Holmes, Kelly Reed Banks, Di Leek and their team of experts classes up and running in the next 2 months.

    Full course JULY 26th & 27th

    HOT Fitness Pilates Dates:
    Full course dates to be confirmed

    To be able to attend the HOT Fitness Pilates Course Level 3 Pilates is a pre- requisite.

    Are you nearby to SW London?
    Would you like to train in Hot Fitness Pilates?
    Would you like to work in a beautiful, trendy Hot Yoga studio in SW London
    upon completion of the course?

    Please email rachel@Choreographytogo.com if interested.




    The VIP Mentality
    by Jo De Rosa

    Do you treat yourself as the VIP that you really are? If not why not?
    The VIP life is absolutely not restricted to celebrities etc… anyone can make the choice to live life with ease…..

    Stress vs Ease

    Flying budget always creates such a feeling of stress: as soon as you are in the terminal and hear all of the call-outs, and checking the departure board over and over again to catch when your gate first gets announced. And as soon as it does everyone starts rushing to the gate to get in the queue, with an overwhelming sense of urgency that you must rush rush rush get to the gate quickly!!!!

    Then once in the queue and you pass the desk, up the steps to the plane, inside, rush and push to get seats together, will it happen, heart beating fast, head pounding with the stress, the flight is full! Oh my goodness are we going to sit together???
    We’re not? Shit! Bugger! What a crap start to our holiday……

    Why not choose to fly with ease instead?

    Rather than all of the above and starting your break super stressed, why not pay a nominal fee for allocated seating and priority boarding? Ryanair now do both. Our flights last week to Spain were totally with ease 🙂 First on the plane with our priority boarding, straight to our allocated seating, and the knowledge that we sit close to the front of the plane for quick exit!

    Why not take it even further and use Stansted’s ‘Meet and Greet’ car parking service, where you arrive very close to the terminal entrance and leave your car and keys with the desk.
    Instant. Quick. Easy. Stess-Free.

    I believe we paid an extra £12 to upgrade from normal parking where you park 400 miles away, to the instant option. Worth it?

    Another tip is to join ‘Airport Angels’ or the like: we do this through our bank account so it’s free 🙂 Our premier bank account gives us this, RAC cover, travel insurance, gadget insurance and more!

    So we rock up to the executive lounge, get free entrance, free food and drink, and no crowds 🙂
    We think this is totally worth doing, do you?

    Doing things the ‘normal’ way you are going to spend £££££’s in the terminal on crappy food, have to queue up for it (Stansted was packed last week, and will only get busier over the summer holidays), and be caught up in the chaos of the rush mentality 🙁

    We quite literally breezed through, without a care in the world, in the absolute right frame of mind to begin our mini-break xx

    Flight Mentality

    I think we get into the mentality that we are flying budget so we must do it as cheaply as possible. But at what price do you place your mental health?

    We paid an extra £28 for our priority boarding and allocated seating for both out and inward flights. Do you think £28 is expensive when it’s taken ALL of the stress away?? And if you are a family of 4 then do you think £56 is a lot of money to keep the family together and not have to worry about being split up? At least one of you is GUARANTEED  a window seat too 😉 I think it’s SO worth it!

    App Mentality

    I’ve realised that i have the same poverty mentality when it comes to phone/computer apps. I will only have one if it’s free! If an app is 59p i won’t buy it! How crazy is that!!!!!! And even if i see a really good app that would benefit me greatly which costs a whole £2 there is no way i will pay this!!!

    Really does not make sense but now that i am aware of it, i’m gong to change my thinking in this area. Maybe even go and FIND an app to purchase!!

    Food £ Mentality

    Once in Spain my parents and their best friends were unbelievably interested in our lifestyle, how Dom has lost 3 1/2 stone, and what changes they can make to become healthier. We have spent hours talking them through small yet significant swaps like white sugar to coconut sugar, margarine to coconut oil, and plain flower to spelt flower for their bread making. All fantastic, and while we were there a trip to the new health food shop in Javea was made and a bag full of healthy alternatives purchased. They were like excited kids!!

    When discussing healthy ‘swaps’ what seems to come up initially is the cost. The healthy alternatives cost more. And when my Dad said this last week i had to say “what price do you put on your health?”

    How much are you prepared to spend on getting healthy? How much is too much? Is there a limit? Does it matter how much coconut oil costs or should we just be buying it simply because it is better for us?

    This comment came up so many times “but it costs so much more”, and i personally think that the money you spend preventatively on your health will more than cover the potential costs of future ill-health.

    Think of your coconut oil as a prescription 🙂

    Why do we want to spend the least amount possible on the food we put in our bellies? Shouldn’t we be thinking the other way round?! Shouldn’t we be showering our bodies and minds with the very best possible foods, people, and products? If you had all the money in the world isn’t that exactly what you would be doing? Why is it that money stands in the way of happiness, health, and wellbeing?


    For me i set the intention to be healthy. I create in my mind good health, and the universe provides what i need for that to happen because i believe it to be so = enough money

    For me i set the intention to travel with ease. I create in my mind ease, and the universe provides what i need for that to happen because i believe it to be so = enough money

    If we believe in lack then that will be our reality.
    However believe in abundance and that will be your experience.

    I am playing with this more and more, pushing myself to trust and allow life to be easy. And the ease comes only when you believe it can, so why don’t you pledge now to have a whole summer of ease 🙂
    What are YOU going to CHOOSE for yourself? Why not live like the VIP that you are xx

    Manifestation Through Meditation

    The mentality that we have around all areas of our lives comes from them mind. And if the mind is healthy then we are going to think ‘better’. Meditation is a short-cut route to healthier thinking.
    As you know I meditate everyday, and create my day through the connection it gives me to manifest what makes me happy.

    It’s amazing how after a 30-minute session of meditation your priorities are changed and your focus is razor sharp. Your mind is now able to cut through the BS and you simply don’t do the things that you ‘should’, and instead concentrate on activities that bring about the most enjoyment, or will bring the most gain.

    I’m so happy that so many people have already signed up to my Online Meditation Course, and themselves are finding more connection to who they really are. Some are reporting back that they are meditating with their children and that it has become a bedtime ritual! How fabulous!

    And it’s not too late to sign up, the link is below, and just think you could have the first meditation emailed to you in a matter of minutes!

    I’d love to hear your feedback on this, and if you are flying with a low-cost airline this summer will you do it with ease?!
    And how healthy are you willing to go?! (i’m going the whole hog)
    Good luck!! xx

    Web:  http://innerguidance.co.uk/shop
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk




    Someone’s Got To Win, Someone’s Got To Lose, So Give Yourself A Payrise…!!!
    By Andrew Crawford

    In life we have to accept that in any game someone’s got to win whilst the other loses.

    WOW…….nail biting stuff this World Cup. I have watched so much football these last couple of weeks and tonight’s game (Argentina vs Holland) was a knife edge until of course it went to penalties…… It was a shame that one of them had to lose whilst the other won and now go into the final.

    Hold your horses……..all you Dutch fans….wipe your tears and reflect of those footballers wages…All those losers are now winners.!!!!

    Apparently the cost of the entire Brazilian squad was £448.3 million…!1

    This week I was entangled in a debate which I have gone down this route before, however it’s something I want to bring to your attention again.

    Why is it that this may be the ONLY industry where you don’t get a pay-rise depending on your experience, skills and abilities?

    Check this……

    A newbie Fitness Instructor can be paid the SAME as an established Instructor with 15 – 20 years experience..!!!
    So… someone who has JUST qualified to teach can walk into one of the established leisure centres and be paid ….what?…..£27 per hour??

    And that’s the price I see some people are asking for cover classes. Chuck another tenner on there to £37 and maybe you might get those classes covered.

    In fact…when I worked for one of the Wandsworth’s leisure centres the hourly rate actually went DOWN… gee whizz…!!!

    Compare this to a trainee Accountant.

    This was the scenario…..

    Once being trained you can expect anything from between £18,000 – £25,000 per annum to start but knew that once you qualified, the minimum starting salary you would expect was between £35,000 – £40,000. More now.

    It didn’t stop there……

    As the years pass by (they call it Post Qualifying experience) you could expect your salary to GROW with time from £45,000 – £70,000. In some sectors this could rise to £150,000 plus….

    Mind you…..this was WITHOUT any further qualifications……it was just experience..!!

    Some of you, I know, have qualifications as long as my arm….as a new fad comes in everyone jumps on it with workshops and certifications …but does this additional qualification get you additional money? ??  Indeed…!!

    If not….why not?

    If you put all your qualifications together and the knowledge required by a qualified fitness expert….are you all not Junior Doctors???

    So Andrew……

    What’s this got to do with Accountancy , Tax and the price of a peanut butter and jam sandwich?


    This caller wanted a change….she wanted to start up on her own and wanted to know all the basics. At present she is working full time and the amount of questions that was asked, I knew they were serious.

    Now I loved this…as I know that when I dropped out of the  9 – 5 Rat Race…it was hard….I had to leave the comfort of the monthly bacs payment, personnel coming round each month with the wage slips, signing in and signing out, the office bolloticks, the annual Xmas party, overtime..undertime, one hour lunches, quarterly performance appraisals, monthly deadlines, the closing of the accounts, the dreaded Audit, clock watching, disciplinary, the 2-3% salary increment, 30 days annual leave add to this 10 – 15 days sick leave……tee hee ……(I used 7 of these days to go to Club La Santa EACH YEAR…..lol…. ALL PAID FOR…….Thanks full time employment)…..lol
    Same with some of you….right??

    You came to a cross road whereby you either jumped, treaded water, swam and survived  or…..you didn’t take the plunge at all.

    Otherwise, there are some of you who tried it but didn’t like the insecurity and the uncertainty of where the next pound was coming from…..it was frightening wasn’t it??

    In addition, I told the caller to keep the full time employment job as they were used to that level of income, then start slowly with one client at a time, rent their own halls and if necessary, work for one of the big fitness chains to learn the business.

    I told them a story about one of my classes…which used to run on a Monday…briefly……, I was getting between 120 – 150 per week…and was paid £18 per hour plus 10p a head over 40 people. You may well laugh…but at the time I thought this was ‘Da B**ll**ks’ but it turned out to be….just ‘b**ll**ks’


    They short changed me over a few weeks…..!!!

    Can you imagine that……stealing crucial 10p’s from me….!!! Well…I was angry.

    So….what did I do?……I hired a hall next door to the centre for £8 an hour!

    I filtered….I mean coerced clients to attend my little class next door on a Wednesday night in addition to Mondays.

    This was so successful, I started another one on a Thursday night…I was getting between 40 – 60 each week at £4 a head……I was getting paid brothers and sisters…!!

    2 people were break even (2 x £4= £8)…..the rest was for me…..and my ‘Silent Partner’…..the Tax Man…!! Yes……we ALL run Parnerships!!

    I gave myself a pay-rise and so should you..!!

    If you’re self-employed, when was the last time you gave yourself a pay-rise? You don’t need permission.

    Are you able to charge your own fee at venues or do you have to stick to what the venue pays?


    You don’t have to wait for the annual pay review

    Go on…………..Give Yourself One…!!

    Andrew James Crawford


    Have a wonderful Day

    Love Rachel xxx

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