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  • Instructor Newsletter 10th May 2012

    Rachel’s News

    Hello and welcome to the choreography to go instructor newsletter, I hope you all had a fantastic bank holiday weekend and are now raring to go for the summer term.


    This week’s newsletter, contains a great article by Cori Withell on what exactly is the work life balance. Cori has just written and is launching her brand-new book – The Fit Pro Mind on Monday, check out Cori’s article in the newsletter below.

    You will also find an inspiring article from Katie Bulmer, Katie has had tremendous success networking on Twitter, and Twitter really is the social medium for networking and engaging with potential client’s, partners and other businesses, Jill has written a great article on loving your clients and of course Andrew has some sound Tax advice all written in Andrews usual inimitable style.

    Plus contributions by Jayne and Claire Mockridge.

    After the event last week I have been thinking a lot about the basics of creating your online fitness business, and how important getting the basics right, thus some articles from me addressing this topic.

    Fitness Pilates Wellness & Vitality Boutique

    I had an amazing response last week from Instructors interested in this new project and it launches tomorrow.

    Its a 14 day project which includes 14 x 15 min home Fitness Pilates Workouts and challenges coupled with motivation and mindset coaching videos and a Health and Vitality eating plan. This plan will be about eating for energy and health rather than fatloss as the two goals are very differnt.

    If you are interested in this email or Tweet me. There will be 20 places.

    Need Music?

    If you need some musical inspiration this week check out the new Can you Feel It mix from Pure Energy, Im loving this now http://www.pureenergydigital.com/product-display/album/can-you-feel-it-mg00414623.aspx

    19 DayOnline Fitness JumpStat Course with Rachel

    We are now approaching day 10 of my 19 days Jumpstart your online fitness business course, and it’s really interesting. I strive to help the team understand the basics of creating an online business and brand. Building trust and a solid and sustainable business is key to online success, just as it is off-line, and I feel, it’s imperative that fitness entrepreneurs understand this is definitely not a get rich quick avenue.

    Tips for Creating an Online Fitness Business.

    1.Don’t worry so much about the online part. Instead, figure out how to create value, through services and products your niche want and need.

    2. If your off line fitness business is successful, recreate the same values, community and service digitally.

    3. The Internet isn’t magic, it’s just a more efficient way of doing business.

    4. Don’t be afraid to fail, its where you will understand more about your market and products.

    5. Lead and be a maverick, don’t follow the crowd, do something unique and different to stand out for the crowd.

    6. Work out how to do simple technological changes to your website, your blog, and your digital products, this will save you hours and £’s in the long run.

    Create a community – A Third Place like Starbucks – somewhere your community want to hang out.

    Hope that helps with your online endeavors.

    What to Tweet and Write about on Facebook with Rachel

    A question I get asked a lot, especially when I begin working with instructors, wanting to create an online fitness business or brands, is……….

    “What exactly should I be tweeting and writing about?”

    This is an excellent and important question.

    The whole aim of social media, is to build online relationships and trust with customers and potential customers.

    It is key to connect, network and engage with the people and businesses with interesting and relevant content. You are chatting, listening and watching, only doing promotional comment online is the fastest way to turn people off.

    You wouldn’t walk into a dinner party, and start yelling
    ” Aerobics class tonight at 730, everyone welcome!”

    You would chat to people, introduce yourself, make conversation, talk about current events, politics, the weather, etc, etc. Exactly the same etiquette applies on social media and I think many fitness professionals miss this.

    A great way to engage your friends and followers and establish yourself as a credible Health and Fitness expert is to comment on relevant news of the day.

    For example yesterday on the BBC News website there was an interesting story about how the number of arthritis sufferers will double by 2030. This was also picked up on the national and international news. Now, if you had picked up on this yesterday, you could of shared on this post on Facebook and Twitter with your followers, and followed it with your top tips to help arthritis sufferers.

    The news mentioned how gentle exercise can help, you could of blogged about helpful exercises or come in on a nutritional angle, there was loads of ways to piggy back on this story.

    The potential for your comments being picked up by journalists and writers would be maximised immediately, also to your followers, you have positioned yourself as an expert and it cements your credentials.

    Throughout the day there are literally hundreds of health, fitness, nutrition and diet stories coming through the via global media, websites and blogs.

    Commenting and sharing relevant information pertinent to your followers makes you the go to person for health and fitness information. And that, is very powerful when you are creating an online business.

    Tips for Social Media Commenting

    1. Follow all relevant Health and Fitness media on Facebook and Twitter. Including all fitness magazines and daily newspapers.

    2. Subscribe to all the major news channels blogs and websites. Check these regularly for updates that you can comment on.
    Great sources of H&F news are The Huffington Post, Fox News Health in the US, Zest magazine, Men’s Health, BBC Health, Daily Mail Online and all of the usual womens media blogs and Twitter accounts.

    When you see an interesting story that you find relevant and may be of interest to your followers, share it on Facebook and Twitter, then write a blog post, article or a vlog with your views and comments on the article.

    And, if you are serious about building your online fitness presence then this is a first class tactic, you should most definitely employee.

    I would love your comments on this article please twee the @RachelHolmes

    My Top Predictions for 2012

    I absolutely love doing a my top predictions for 2012 article, especially after the Fitro convention and IFS. It’s an ideal time to take stock and have a look exactly what’s going on. So here goes my list;

    1.Small group training – if you look back in the last couple of newsletters you will see we have written extensively, on this subject. SGT is set to grow as consumers are looking for a more individualised approach to health and fitness and nutrition, coupled with the camaraderie and fun of a group.

    2.Innovative group exercise brands. Talented group exercise instructors with large followings and a strong client base begin to break away, from teaching other brands and formulate individual classes and systems. These instructors understand their clients are coming for them, and are now working out how to market and design new programs.

    3. Creating strong and sustainable online fitness and work out programs. Entrepreneurs who are now building a community online.

    4. The increased growth of the Mind/Body genre for group X and SGT. Yoga and Pilates will continue to grow but I predict new and innovative mind/body hybrid classes coming onto the market. As the UK population ages, consumer are looking for classes they can de- stress, relax and unwind in plus condition the whole body in a more gentle and holistic way.

    These 4 areas, I predict will only get bigger this year. I’d love to hear about your predictions please Facebook or tweet may which direction you think, the fitness industry will go.

    UNITE 16th June 2012 with Jayne and Rachel

    Both Jayne and I have been blown away by the amount of interest for our new event. As I’ve documented above in my predications, consumers and Instructors are looking for new hybrid class formats to satisfy their needs, goals and lifestyles
    Freestyle Fitness Yoga and Fitness Pilates continue to move ahead, and we are really excited about our new fusion class UNITE which will address that new emerging market.
    You don’t have to have trained with us on FFY or FP and this may be your first venture into Mind/Body or you may have trained with us in both programs the UNITE event will arm you with a whole new aspect of teaching and identify a new niche.

    We now have only 7 places available on the day so be quick if you want to get in from the beginning with UNITE and look forward to seeing you there.

    To book onto UNITE https://www.choreographytogo.com/unite-fp-ffy/

    Is it time for a cutural shift? by Jayne Nicholls

    Much of our time is spent, doing comparative studies of similar products to ours both in the UK and abroad, namely FFY & FP our most successful and longterm brands. We are looking for inspiration and obviously checking out the competition. I am really pleased and proud that as far as these products are concerned, due to our perseverance and ongoing support there is no real competition for freestyle and independent instructors who service an age 20 to 70 demographic.

    I am now becoming really interested in why Brits often look to American fitness trends when the UK is a much more concise and critical source. Is this a general trend for example – Its interesting that everyone knows Bill Gates yet Tim Berners Lee is often harder to place. TBS is British and pretty much gave his invention away for free.

    So why do we look to the US for inspiration? Is it the allure of America or is it the actual product that entices us? The UK has some amazing home grown talent and our information is universally current due to the world wide web (thank you Tim Berners Lee).

    We would love to hear where you get your inspiration. What do people actually need to do to impress you and what form does it take, words, product, information or class content.

    In an age where cliques and gangs are FB based and appear powerful in the most bizarre ways, we need to analyse where we turn to as fodder for our improved thoughts and performance.

    Jayne@jaynenicholls.com on a mission to route out where and why we do what we do.
    J a y n e

    Jayne Nicholls

    07989 433 969
    0208 488 1451

    Is it time for a warm shower? by Jill Gardner

    You know that feeling………  Your tired and you ache……..  It’s been a long day and you feel sweaty, grubby and drained.  Nothing can beat that moment you step in the shower and feel the warmth of the water all over your skin and hair.  You let it spray all over your face and down your neck……you just don’t ever want to get out!

    Where am I going with this????

    Well………when was the last time you gave your clients a warm shower?

    Yes that ‘warm shower’ moment that money can’t buy?

    It’s ‘warm shower’ moments that can really make a difference to someones day, week, month….. life even!

    We are so busy dashing from class to class or from one client to the next we can often forget how much of a difference we can make to their lives.  When was the last time you sent a card in the post?  When was the last time you just called to see how they were?  When was the last time you stopped and chatted….I mean really chatted with them after class or their session?  Do you go out of your way to source some useful information or a recipe for them? Do you send birthday cards or texts to motivate them to come to class?   Have you ever made them some clean treats to try?  Or maybe send them reminders or messages to stay on track?

    It’s these ‘warm shower’ moments that can bring real connection between you and your clients.  It’s those moments that can bring sunshine on a rainy day.  It’s those moments that show you REALLY care!

    Often our clients are struggling to make big positive changes in their lives and it’s hard!  After all if it wasn’t they wouldn’t be looking to you to inspire them and guide them.  They all have their own issues to deal with in life, so what can you do to let them know that you are more than just a fitness instructor or their personal trainer?  What more can you do to make you more valuable in their lives?

    My suggestion:
    Think of a time when you have been the receiver of a ‘warm shower’ moment.  How did it feel?  What did you think? What’s your lasting memory of that person/company? Were you more likely to do repeat business with them or maybe you have automatically chosen them as a close friend that fills your life with ‘warm shower’ moments.

    Now make a list of the things you could do?  Think of all the little ‘warm shower’ moments you can give on a regular basis and start right now!  Do one today and let me know how it felt.  Because when I give ‘warm shower’ moments it’s as if by magic that I get my own little ‘warm shower’ moments straight back in return!

    Big love, small tummies and ‘warm shower’ moments!

    Jill Gardner – The Fat Controller – Hate it? Change it!

    The Power of Twitter! by Katie Bulmer Cooke

    Hi C2Go’ers,
    Hope you all had a smashing bank holiday weekend!
    We all love social media, and it’s a great way to market our products and services to both existing and potential clients. But how else can it help us in our quest to grow our brand and raise our profile?
    It seems that we are all so into Facebook that we often forget our good friend Twitter!
    Twitter is a great tool that makes contacting people outside of your circle of clients so much easier.
    You can tweet celebrities and have direct contact with the President of the United States of America- how mad is that?
    So why aren’t we harnessing the power of Twitter to help us grown our fitness business?
    Well the number one reason I hear is ‘I just don’t get it’ or ‘I don’t know how to use it’, and I felt the same at first, but putting a little time and effort into it, has really paid off for me.
    Here’s how…
    Like many of you, I’m a huge fan of the ITV1 show The Biggest Loser, and following his win on the show, I decided to follow, Kevin McLernon (in case you didn’t see it, he dropped a whopping 40% of his body weight).
    I tweeted him saying well done and that both me and my clients had found him very inspirational.
    He followed me back, and as a results saw the mini biography on my profile.
    He tweeted back to say Hi!
    I tweeted to ask if he was interested in doing a Skype interview for my weekly newsletter.
    He tweeted back inviting me to his home to do a video interview.
    I went…
    We got on great…
    Now, just 4 weeks later we are about to embark on a UK tour together!
    And that’s not all.
    I did the same with a national magazine, asking if they would like to know more about my small group training program, The Little Black Dress Club.
    They tweeted back to say yes…
    We did an interview on the phone…
    Within a week I was confirmed for their May issue!
    Twitter literally cuts out the fuss, as you can make direct contact with the people you want to connect with.
    You could connect with other local businesses, local and national radio, magazines and newspapers, as well as celebrities- who knows you could even become their trainer or have them come to your class…the possibilities are endless!
    Don’t let these opportunities pass you by! Go set up a Twitter account and start tweeting!
    Rachel does a fabulous ‘How-To’ webinar, that shows you exactly how to use Twitter to build your business over at the C2Go website if you want to know all the info fast!
    Have a smashing day, and tweet me @KatieBulmer1
    Love Katie xx
    p.s. if you would like to find out more about my UK tour with Kevin from The Biggest Loser please visit www.katiebulmer.com/tour (would be great to see some C2Go members there- why not bring your clients too!)

    What is a work life balance by Cori Withell

    Trying to balance your professional and personal life can be a challenge in today’s demanding workplace. With the recession pushing many professionals to work harder than ever and technology enabling work around the clock, achieving work-life balance is more important – and elusive – than ever. being self employed makes this doubly hard.In the last several decades, some industries have failed to embrace flexible work styles or adopt work-life balance initiatives. Recession-related layoffs are piling greater workloads upon workers and many are demanding a better work-life balance. When you are your own boss, YOU are responsible for getting this balance right and it can be really hard. In the current economic environment, work-life balance now ranks as one of the most important workplace attributes – second only to compensation, according to a recent poll of more than 50,000 global workers. The secret to work-life ba lance will differ depending on your field of work, family structure and finances. But some work-life balance principles are universal, saying no and prioritising and these definitely hit home to me as a self employed fit pro – are you one of those that says yes to everything? Yeah, I thought so.
    How does this affect me as a fitness instructor?

    This is one that I think every fit pro with a family really struggles with. For a lot of us the fitness industry has not been a career from a young age so many of us come into the industry from 9-5 Monday to Friday jobs and this makes the work life balance even harder. You are used to seeing the kids for breakfast, off they go to school and you to work. You get in, work is over and it is family time for the rest of the evening and then the weekends are all yours too.
    When you enter the fitness industry, along with the stresses of trying to make your business a success and knowing that you rely on you being busy you somehow, have to make time to be with your family. So, if you are not feeling guilty about not being with your family you are feeling guilty because you feel you should be working on growing your business. I have a really big issue with guilt. I mean, what purpose does it actually serve other than to make you feel rubbish? So, ditch the guilt. If you know you haven’t got the work life balance right then address it but sitting there feeling guilty doesn’t solve anything. You haven’t found time you didn’t have before, you won’t be as much fun for your family to be around anyway and it just contributes to you feeling miserable. Not good, so let’s ditch it now!

    The first things you need to do are practical. You need to work out exactly how much money you need to earn from the business with any other incomes coming in and all expenses going out. Sorry if I am teaching you to suck eggs here but I am always amazed at how many fitpros have not done this. Once you know how much money you need to earn you need to break it down, are you going to be teaching classes, pt, small group training, workshops……..If you are already teaching and scared about making changes, please don’t be, change is good 🙂 So, once you have your work mapped out it is all about implementing it. There is no point knowing what you are going to do if you do nothing about it. As important as you work is, so is your family, relaxation and me time so you need to do the same exercise for that. Now, I fully appreciate that life rarely goes to plan so we need to be flexible in our approach and accept that the re will be days when it simply does not go to plan and not see this as a failure but merely a part of life. When running your own business and bringing up a family it is imperative that you get your nutrition right. You are going to be working hard, stress levels are likely to be elevated and sleep may well be disrupted so ensuring that you fuel your body in the best way is essential.

    This is an extract taken from my book The Fit Pro Mind which goes on sale on 14th May.

    You can follow me on Facebook www.facebook.com/cori.withell and Twitter www.twitter.com/CWFitness and subscribe to my blog at www.cwfitness.co.uk/blog

    Health and happiness x

    Striking a balance

    By Claire Mockridge
    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    Hi there everyone,

    Well, I think I’m finally over my birthday celebrations of last Wednesday. I do like to string these things out though, as you know. I had a lovely Spa Day at Centre Parcs on Thursday that my partner booked for us both. I’ll be honest, we do like to spend as much time together as possible, as I’m away for the first part of the week teaching, and he works shifts. Is this something you value too? Do you like to take time out away from your fitness business? Do you wish you could go on longer holidays? Did you actually get to relax on Bank Holiday Monday just gone?

    I had my VA look after my Inbox whilst I was out of the office for those 2 days last week. Because we’ve worked together for so long, nothing was too difficult for her to manage. I had a few voice mails to listen to on my return, but, everything other base had been covered. I scheduled all of my fitness tips and blog posts on Twitter and Facebook using Hootsuite, so I still had a presence on Social Media. And, Thursday morning is when my pre and postnatal client Newsletters go out, which although I write the content for, my VA schedules and makes them look jazzy for me by adding in pictures and changing the fonts etc, saving me at least 2 hours of work (and sanity!).

    It’s taken me a while to get to where I am now. I’ve worked hard, and who doesn’t like a bit of hard work when it’s something you’re really passionate about? In the early days of self-employment, I worked part-time as a Gym Instructor at weekends (yep, every weekend for 4 years). At the same time, I was trying to set up and promote my pregnancy and postnatal classes, study my Level 3 Pilates qualification part-time and keep the finances ticking over. Now that I think back, I’m not quite sure how I managed to do it.

    I think it’s important to strike the right balance when you’re in business yourself. If you have a loving partner and masses of other commitments like children, pets, relatives, DIY and a veggie patch to look after, it’s important that you get the right balance between all of them. The thing is, you should never feel guilty for taking time for YOU. Food for thought there for some of you who seem to be married to your work, I hope. If it all gets a bit too much though, that’s when out-sourcing is necessary.

    Have you given your online business some thought this week? I certainly have. I’ll be running a session on this of my own in fact. Since Rachel’s Workshop, bookings for my Pre/Postnatal Exercise and Marketing Workshop on 19-20 May 2012 in Derby have gone a bit mad, so if you’re thinking of booking on and you want some more info on how to drive your pre/postnatal online business forward, you’d better be quick and grab a seat – this train is moving fast.

    I’m really excited to be delivering this one-off live Event, specific to my niche. Again, it’s about the passion, isn’t it? Here’s a list of what you’ll walk away with from my 2-day Workshop:

    *4 hours’ worth of cutting-edge exercise content for your pre/postnatal classes
    *marketing and advertising skills to add a successful pre/postnatal arm to your business
    *what works, what doesn’t and what’s imperative when working with pre/postnatal clients
    *how to create a successful pre/postnatal passive income stream to your business
    *a guide to using Social Media, specific to pre/postnatal Instructors
    *how to raise your media profile locally, nationally and internationally as an Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert
    *a feeling of belonging to a community of ante/postnatal instructors who’ll support you along the way

    If you’ve done your Level 3 Ante/Postnatal qualification, or are studying it now, this Workshop is a must. You know yourself that the Level 3 Ante/Postnatal qualification itself is fairly basic. It’s heavy on theory and light on practical. I have over 4 hours’ worth of exercise content planned for pre and postnatal for my Exercise and Marketing Workshop, so you’ll walk away with endless ideas on keeping the content of your pre/postnatal sessions fresh, and more importantly, I’ll be giving you the confidence to try out new exercises with your clients from someone who’s been there and done it.

    Are you struggling with advertising and marketing to pregnant women or new mums? I have answers to all of these questions too. I know how frustrating it is to put your heart and soul into a new venture, only to watch it fail. Follow my marketing steps, and you’ll enjoy full pregnancy and postnatal classes, with waiting lists in operation, just like me.

    So, if you’ve done your Level 3 Ante/Postnatal, or currently studying it, here are the details:

    Pre/Postnatal Exercise and Marketing “Bridging the Gap” Workshop ~ 19-20 May 2012 at David Lloyd in Derby. It’s not just pre/postnatal exercise content you’ll learn here, it’s also the marketing and business acumen skills required to find, retain and build rapport with pre/postnatal clients. For more details of this Event, see: www.clairemockridge.com/instructors

    If working with pre/postnatal clients appeals to you, why not join my Private Facebook Group for FitPros who either: a) want to get qualified to teach pre/postnatal or, b) are already qualified, but want hints and tips on making their business more successful: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/clairemockridge/

    Or, connect with me here:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/clairemockridge1
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/clairemockridge
    Blog: http://clairemockridge.wordpress.com/

    Bye for now.

    Claire Mockridge
    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert
    Health and happiness x
    Best wishes
    Cori x

    Tel: 07729 356133
    Web: www.cwfitness.co.uk
    Follow me on Facebook and Twitter www.facebook.com/cori.withell www.twitter.com/CWFitness

    Beauty…..and ‘The Beast’..!!
    By Andrew Crawford

    Last weekend at Rachel’s ‘Create Your Online Fitness Business’ I met the most inspiring, motivated, creative , impressionable, and ‘Beautiful’ people you will ever meet within the Fitness Industry.

    Beauty…not only radiated throughout the packed room but Beauty also ran through the heart of the delivery from Rachel Holmes, Sally Ghafoor and Katie Bulmer-Cooke.
    It was a pleasure to depart some of my own grey matter to the awesome crowd who consumed the information and put what they had learnt in ACTION that very night…!!!

    Believe you me….that makes the effort, we as speakers prepare and deliver, worth every minute when people bother to take action.
    Sally Ghafoor put it eloquently in last week’s newsletter… My personal purpose is’ to give more, love more and help more.’…Simple as That…..
    Dr Lurve…at your service…!!

    I know that fully 80% of people will not do what you tell them and wonder why nothing happens to them…20% of the time. The other 20% runs with the ideas and wonders why everything happens to them..80% of the time..(As Jill Garner put it….’The Paretos Theory’ better known as the 80 to 20 Rule…which, incidently can be applied to most things).

    I am not revealing what they learnt on that day because that’s the perks of making the concerted effort to be in attendance . ….. they will undoubtedly have a ‘Head Start’ on those that were not there…….PERIOD..!!

    I am still feeling the affects of that day and have forged a closer more personal relationship from some of the participants…..instead of trawling the profile facebook pages…..tee hee
    In fact….I met a few of my clients there…in person…previously only communicating via email, mobile and facebook….how strange was that???

    So Andrew…..
    What has the 80 to 20 rule and your purpose of….’ to give more, love more and help more’ got to do with finance??

    Well…..A lot of clients who contact me want to pay less tax…Why????

    It is worth remembering the reasons why we need to pay our beautiful taxes and the uses thereof…..

    The beauty of paying your taxes is to ensure the Government has enough cash reserves to invest in the latest land to ground guided missiles, capable of destroying and obliterating whole cities, colonies and civilisaion , in order to protect us from the terrorist beasts.

    The beauty of paying your taxes ensures that MP’s can utilise the funds, via their expenses, to ensure they are comfortable in their £1,000 – £4,000 per night suites, to enable them to be fresh, ready and gagging to face the day jeering each other instead of being shacked up in a beast of a £79 a night bed and breakfast type room.

    The beauty of our stealth taxes also ensures that Councils can speculate and invest in dodgy overseas investments mounting to millions of your hard earned English pounds in countries where most UK citizens cannot spell the capital city…let alone benefit from the non-existent dividend and lost investments in the beast.

    Remember, that all you Fitness Professionals who are self-employed or run a small limited company…are really running a ‘Partnership’. The Partner, is a ‘Silent Partner’ and allows you to trade, without interruptions all year…The beauty of this is they will only rear their heads at the year end when tax is due…

    Try to put away a proportion of your income, so that at the year- end you are not fishing around trying to find money to fund the tax, you therefore pacify the beast.
    Don’t forget that the beauty of the tax reserves can even help multi million pound institutions bail out from the beast of the mire and aid in bolstering the big fat allocation of dividends to reward the top executives in charge of the demise.

    One thought came to mind……………….What was in the Auditors Report?

    True Story.

    I went into my local bank…(the one that was bailed out a few times with billions of tax payers hard earned money)….which I as a taxpayer “own”…..(yeah right…!!) and asked for a strong black coffee with 3 sugars…oh….and I also asked for the monthly management account so that I can see how the branch was performing…… !!

    Did I get anything??   Not a sausage….they looked at me as though I was a madman…… I’m sure their fingers was on the red panic button in case I did something beastly..!!
    Me and you don’t own b*ll*x..!!!

    Taxpayers are currently liable for enormous contributions to the £50bn fund to hold together countries within the Euro.

    Our government signed up to the fund but under new measures Britain will be excluded from paying into it. Future governments will also be prevented for stumping up more cash for the ailing single currency.
    Remember also that the payment of your tax bill is not a deduction from your profits, neither is class 2 national insurance contributions for the self-employed.
    There was some confusion over that issue, so I hope the above sentence makes sense. You will therefore have to set aside from the available income amounts which may become due and payable.
    I have put together what I call a ‘Ready Reckoner’ which advises you the amount of tax and national insurance class 4 to ‘put away’ until the year end.
    You can find it at the bottom if the following page. I will be updating this for year end 2013……
    So…in closing with Pareto and applying it to everyday scenarios….
    20% of people pay 80% of UK’s tax
    80% of time spent leads to 20% of output
    80% of your profits come from 20% of your clients
    80% of UK’s wealth is owned by 20% of the people
    80% Beauty….20% Beast
    Thanks Jill x

    Andrew Crawford
    Visit our website at: www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com for more FREE resources and articles.
    ‘Like’ our page at: www.facebook.com/fitnessindustryaccountants
    Andrew Crawford can be contacted on twitter @tax4fitness or info@fitnessindustryaccountants.com

    Have a wonderful Thursday

    Love Rachel xx

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