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  • Instructor Newsletter 12th November

    C2GO Newsletter 12th November

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    This week I did a lunch and learn at a local business about healthy eating & fatloss.

    It was a general 30minute chat about tips you can implement right away to improve your health and wellbeing.
    I took in JUICE samples for them to try.

    It was TOUGH.

    The ladies looked at me as if I’d dropped in from Mars and stated every single reason WHY they couldn’t adopt a more healthy lifestyle.

    They hated the juices.

    “I hate veg”

    “ I would never ever eat an avocado they are disgusting”

    “I have to cook for my family, they would NEVER eat “this” food”

    “I have no time in a morning so I can only eat cereal and toast”?“ I have 5 kids so I can’t eat healthy”

    “I enjoy eating crisps every day with my wrap?”?

    “ I cant afford to eat like this”

    “I don’t eat chocolate anyway”?

    After I had made a suggestion for each barrier the golden card was played.

    “ I am on long term medication that has made me put on weight,?and there’s nothing I can do”

    Encounters like these are tough

    BUT I do LOVE the climb maybe one tiny idea may have resonated with one of those ladies…… who knows I hope so.?

    We have to keep chipping away one person at a time. ?One day at a time.?

    I bet we have all faced this negativity from time to time.?Keep chipping my friends don’t be discouraged.?Moments like this make me even more determined not deterred.?

    Then I saw this quote by George Bernard Shaw

    “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don’t believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can’t find them, make them.” (George Bernard Shaw)

    For every hundred people who give excuses for why they can’t follow their dream, ?or take control of their health and lifestyle there’s always one person who proves them all wrong.

    The difference between those hundred and the one exception to the rule?


    If you want it badly enough, you will go out and there make it happen for yourself.?

    Maybe you’re not quite at that point yet. Maybe those ladies are not quite read ….yet!

    Sometimes it can take years to drum up the courage….or weeks to get into the right mindset?.

    But if you really, really want it… No one will be able to stop you once you get started.




    Champneys Springs KSFL Transformation Day

    Places have been flying out this week for
    the next transformation day.

    15th January 2016


    Choreographytogo Strutology

    Strutology Popping Up in Notts

    So I’m bringing Strutology to Nottingham next weekend
    (Sunday 22nd November 10am-12pm) (book here) and
    I’m honoured to be closing out the 3 week-long pop up studio which Rachel has been organising and orchestrating.  It sounds like it has been going down a storm and I can’t wait to be the cherry on the top.

    What is Strutology?

    The Science of the Strut.

    The Strut is a force; a powerful tool by which we can harness immeasurable fortitude… and feel like Dave from the Money Supermarket advert!  Marilyn Monroe said “Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world” but Zoe said teach her to strut and she’ll conquer the Universe!  So grab your heels for this empowering dance class as we ask the burning question: “Don’tcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me!?”

    We’ll be dancing in heels – something we all do (or have done) at some point, down the disco, at weddings… we love the way heels make us look taller, walk sexier and boost our confidence… UNLESS we can’t handle the height of the heel – note to all ladies from Christian Louboutin: “If you can’t walk in them, don’t wear them!”  So true!

    So yes, I will teach you be more proficient in your heels but the class is so much more than learning a skill.  It’s about the confidence you get from The Strut.  This is why I connect so much with the Money Supermarket advert (for those of you who didn’t see it, here it is) although I flip the concept slightly.  See, Dave get’s his insurance from MS which makes him feel EPIC which in turn makes him strut.  In Strutology, we will strut, which will in turn make us feel EPIC and then go out and do epic shizzle!

    Heels Optional

    Incidentally, as you may have realised, with the class being more about The Strut and less about the heels, the whole class can be done in trainers, so please, if the heels are putting you off, still come along!!

    Out of My Comfort Zone

    I get excited just thinking about it!  Thinking about the effect the class has on ladies (not exclusively ladies by the way) and all of the great testimonials I have from women who have discovered things about themselves that they never knew… HOWEVER… I am mega nervous!  “Nervous, Zoe? You?  But you’re all about the confidence!” I hear you say.  Body Confidence, yes!  Strutting my shizzle, yes!  Dancing, yes!  Communicating with my body, yes!  But for the first time ever, I will be doing a 30 minute talk on Body Confidence.  Eeeeeeek!!  Put me on stage in front of 2000 people and ask me prance about, no problem, but ask me to TALK about it, I’m out of my comfort zone.

    But that’s the beauty of this, for me… I’m doing what I advise everyone else to do.  Like the Baz Luhrmann song I so often refer to says “do one thing a day which scares you”.  And I’m really putting myself out of my comfort zone.  But I’m also really looking forward to figuring out exactly what i’m going to say and how I’m going to say it and what processes I go through to get the end product.  I can see that it will be a major step forward for my business and the direction I want to go in; public speaking seems to be the next step for me and all I can do is put forward my little secrets for success in body confidence and at the same time build up some more secrets for success in my business.  Maybe I’ll share those with you one day!!

    So I’m hoping that you will come and join me and support me and take away something more than just proficiency in heels, the power of The Strut but also the wonderful vibe of women supporting other women.  I know it’s going to be a lovely morning so book you place now.

    And if you want to receive my weekly workouts “#ToneTuesday” each week, along with other bits and pieces, sign up here!

    To BOOK ON for Zoes Masterclass at the POP UP


    They Shall Grow Not Old, As We That Are Left Grow Old. War. What Is It Good For?

    By Andrew Crawford

    11th of 11th is here again……!!

    Each year it seems to come quicker….Each year new controversy.

    War. What is it good for?

    Muhammad Ali refused point blank to go to war with the Vitamanese, his refusal led him to go to jail and his heavyweight belts unceremoniously taken away from him.

    So because of his free will he was stripped of his passport and his heavyweight title and banned from fighting in the US.

    War. What is it good for?

    The United States was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years of existence.  In other words, there were only 21 calendar years in which the U.S. did not wage any wars.

    And the frightening thing here is that the when the United States invade a country they set up a base there.

    War. What is it good for?

    In 1964 the US was engaged in military combat in the Gulf of Tonkin with North Vietnam. However, to initiate further military action the US apparently falsely claimed South Vietnam was attacking in order to go to war with them. Result…….Many casualties from North & South.

    War. What is it good for?

    So Andrew………

    What has War…What is it good for got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well…….It has become increasing common for you to be chasing your ‘enemy’, you literally go to war with them in order for them to pay you what you are owed…!!

    This battle needs to be won.

    Today, I will only focus on preventing this war as the battle can rage through the courts, in small claims courts, enforcing judgements and getting into the realms of insolvency.

    I don’t want to bomb your Thursday plans…because believe me or not, this is a wide area. It can also involve your other allies like a Solicitor, Collection Agency or Bailiffs…!!!

    There have been many times where I have known people to simply ‘write off’ the debt because they had no hope in collecting the outstanding fee.

    Even up to today, I still have people who are ultra slow to remunerate the service which has been completed.

    So….What are my battle plans Andrew?

    I’ll start off by saying ‘A verbal contract is not worth the paper it is written on’

    This is one of the first things I learnt in Business Law. Therefore;

    Have a written contract or terms and conditions. This will set out exactly the services you will be providing and details what you expect from your client. This forms an agreement between you which you will both sign.

    So..What should be in this agreement?

    The price, fees or payments

    Your payment terms. This could stretch from payment due immediately on finishing the work or within 30 or 60 days. This is entirely up to you. Years ago my terms were 30 days, then I reduced them to 7, then 3. Now, sometimes it is immediate or ‘IN ADVANCE’ – Payment on account (I learnt that from Solicitors & the HMRC)

    The right to charge interest in the event your fees are not paid within the stated payment terms.

    Full description of your service or product

    Your clients details; Name, address etc status

    The Date

    Other factors to consider:

    Start date and perhaps the finish date if it is a small project

    The place or environment where you will undertake the work.

    Consider a ‘force majeure’ clause. What is a fm clause? These are things that can happen outside your control. E.g Act of God, fire, flood.

    Consider any assignments.

    Obligations of third parties

    Any excluded items

    Be aware of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (I covered that in an earlier article)

    Attach any schedules or appendixes and refer to them.

    Make sure it is signed by yourself and the client with a date.

    Note: Add any note you feel is necessary.

    This is now looking like a ‘Contract’ which will be covered under Contract Law.

    You are now ready to do battle.

    Just to let you know that the HM Revenue & Customs is to close all 170 of its offices across the country in favour of 13 new regional tax centres as part of a major restructuring designed to shave hundreds of millions of pounds from its budget.

    This will mean more inefficiencies especially if you are waiting for your phone calls to be answered.……!!

    It was War in Alan Sugars’ boardroom as he shot down 3 contestants on one show…..they will definitely not grow old with the programme.

    War. What is it good for??

    Absolutely nothing.

    Andrew James Crawford


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