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  • Instructor Newsletter 13 November 2014


    Tomorrow  on 14th November is World Diabetes Awareness day & the Kick Start Business Owners launched #Deckit4diabetes .

    All you have to do is 10 Burpees, film them & upload to Facebook. Nominate 3 other people to do the same & donate to this worthwhile charity.

    For the next 2 days on our social media we will be highlighting ways to help T1 & T2 Diabetes through clean eating, cooking from scratch & regular exercise so please join us and help raise awareness.

    YOU HAVE to check out Andrew Crawfords video it has gone viral & is hilarious! 🙂



    HOT FITNESS PILATES Training Course 5/6th December Nottingham



    Now this IS something I am majorly excited about!

    Kelly & I have been researching & writing our own very unique Hot Fitness Pilates Course.

    HOT studios are springing up everywhere around the UK & demand is HIGH for a HOT FP concept.   Hot Studios want to extend their timetables, and Hot Yoga & Hot FP perfectly compliment each other.

    If you are super keen check out your local Hot Studios & see if you have an opening. Then jump on the training and you can be the first in your area to offer this brilliant concept.

    Friday 5th & Saturday 6th December 2014 @ Go To Hot Yoga in Nottingham
    10 – 4pm with Rachel & Kelly Price is £199 + VAT CLICK HERE for more info


    KS EXTREME London – 23 November

    at The Reebok Sports Club Canary Wharf.

    Have you booked yet?

    Click here to book


    This social media platform is a HOTBED of potential new business for your fitness programmes and services. It’s really ramping up now & generating a lot of business for online fitness programmes.

    I’m spending a lot more time over there.

    Check it out.

    You can find me RachelLHolmes

    I’m posting motivation & training updates.

    Join my FREE Pre December Online Body Blitz

    It’s all going on my Facebook.com/KickStartFatLoss.com

    page so add your email here to join


    Are you using Video to Promote Yourself on Facebook?

    If you are really getting into using Facebook as a powerful marketing tool to build your brand, get great exposure, building relationships and, of course, getting new people to come to your classes, then check you are using video as much as possible on your Facebook.

    As instructors we are great in front of people, so just use all of your bags of personality, charisma and record loads of 30 secs little clips to upload onto your Facebook direct from your iphone.

    Facebook Video and Marketing Tips

    1: Bring your Facebook page to life with daily videos. This will really give your page a personality and people will start to tune in every day to see your little video.

    ?2: Potential customers will get to know you and be more eager to come to your classes and services.

    ?3:Customers buy with their eyes, so a quick video is so much better than writing oceans of texts and marketing spiel.

    ?4: Film 14 Top Fitness tips, 14 Fatloss Tips, 14 Workout ideas. Tell people about your new classes and service…Plus, you can keep coming up with so many little nuggets of information that are perfect for little videos.

    ?5:If writing is a drag for you, then you must use video to promote yourself and your brand. It’s so easy to do.

    ?6: As soon as you have created your videos, upload to Facebook and Instagram daily.

    ?7.Practice being succinct, natural and let your personality shine through. Think of all the reasons people come to your classes and bottle it up and use it in your 30second videos.

    Eyeballs are seriously looking at video on social media, so make sure they are looking at YOU and your business and brand.

    I’ve got to be 100% honest with you now, the only tools I use for marketing all of my businesses are social media including Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram and I have a daily strategy on all of the platforms as you can see if you follow me.

    Email marketing, which includes growing my email lists and database, and I work on this every day encouraging people to sign up so I have a strong database for C2GO and KSFL and finally Face to Face marketing, and that means, actually going into businesses and talking to people.

    I’ve found sending emails to Human Resources won’t get that much response so I go in and I find out who I need to talk to, I ask to see them, leave them some information, which may include a DVD or a package, and then I follow it up.

    I’ve found going in to talk to people and building up a relationship has been the most effective way of getting to talk to the right person or the decision maker. It seems a lot of people love the opportunity of getting away from a desk and coming to have a quick chat and if you are bearing gifts, even better.

    I look forward to seeing your videos on Facebook. Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    Need some Motivation? Pop over to my Instagram RachelLHolmes
    I’m spending A LOT more time over there. I predict Instagram is going to really blow up in 2015.

    Winter Checklist – Have you???


    1:Sorted out your Christmas timetable.

    ?2: Arranged for pre booking and pre payments only in December.

    ?3: Created a bad weather policy with the venue and your clients.

    ?4: Created online workouts and plans to keep everyone motivated and going through the holidays.

    ?5: Planned your January classes, timetables and marketing campaign.

    ?6:Ditched all of the draining and toxic classes and tasks you have been doing in 2013. Bin them of now and new avenues will open up the minute you make room for more.

    ?7: Got your website sorted and able to take payments.

    ?8:BUILD your social media platform so you can spread you message and build your audience.

    ?9:Research new fitness opportunities – look outside of the fitness industry for ways to expand your business as I have with hairdressers and local businesses.

    ?10:Practice doing videos and audios and ramp up your Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Facebook.

    The way we deliver fitness is changing so rapidly that it’s important to look laterally at how we will deliver our services in the future. Of course, there will also be a huge market for classes and PT, but creating concepts that can be delivered partially online, partially via social media and partially live will be the way forward if we are to really reach out to different demographics. It’s an exciting time and I’m so optimistic about the  future of the industry and I hope you are too.
    Tweet me@RachelHolmes

    Instagram RachelLHolmes


    And They Call It Poppy Love……..!! By Andrew Crawford


    The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month…………..

    I wasn’t here but I was told.

    It is to remember those ‘Who died in the line of duty’……

    I missed all those Poppies displayed at the Tower of London, they looked beautiful. Did you go?

    Also…Lest we  forget ALL the other soldiers from Commonwealth countries who came to the aid of Britain and who ALSO lost their lives fighting side by side on foreign soil……

    “…….More than four million men and women from Britain’s colonies volunteered for service during the first and second world war. Thousands died, and many more were wounded or spent years as PoWs. Yet throughout the rest of the century, their sacrifice was largely ignored …..”

    They came from the Caribbean at their own expense to take part in the fight against the Germans. Their support was needed, and they gave it. Now that’s love….!!

    Soon after the war started, soldiers from Nigeria, the Gold Coast, Sierra Leone, Gambia and other African colonies were recruited. They helped to defend the borders of their countries which adjoined German territories and later played an important role in the campaigns to remove the Germans from Africa.

    Ok Ok……sorry….I was getting into one……!!

    On another note, tomorrow is World Diabetes Day (14 November)..the Kick Start Fat Loss Business Owners have laid down a Burpee Challenge called #deckit4diabetes. You are only required to do 10 Burpees….Any style you want….then nominate 3 other people. Don’t forget to donate.

    If you Love to help raise awareness of diabetes, its prevention and the care needed, get involved.

    So Andrew……

    What has Poppy Love and Diabetes got to do with Accountancy and Tax?

    Well ….who wants another war??  Not me…..Make love not war….So..I’m gonna try and avoid it.

    What about Diabetes? Again…something you want to avoid……right??

    Tax…….Something you want to avoid?

    Step forward Tax Avoidance in all its glory.
    Tax Avoidance is Legal.

    It is a way to organise your tax affairs in order to take advantage of the Micky Mouse  tax breaks allowed by the HMRC.

    Again, I repeat that this is totally different from Tax Evasion. This is illegal.

    This is where you deliberately on purpose try to side step tax altogether. You will be doing things like this:

    Decreasing your income so it shows low takings thus attracting lower tax

    Inflating your expenditure items so that profit is low

    Example 1
    Supposing you bought a buy to let property for investment purposes.  So this is not your main residence. You let it out for a while then you sell it. Capital Gains Tax right?
    Well supposing instead (knowing that you were going to sell it) you moved out of your main residence and rented that for a short space of time. You then moved into the newly purchased property
    As the property was your main residence the last 3 years of ownership are exempt from capital gains. Also, if you sold it after more than the 3 years there is a relief called Private Letting Relief which you can use to reduce capital gains tax.

    Illegal? No Tax Avoidance.
    Example 2

    Have you got any children? I think I’ve mentioned something like this before….
    Instead of giving them pocket money, get them to wok in your business.

    Remember this …………EVERYONE get a personal allowance,,,,,,,,.!!

    If you don’t use it you’ll lose it…like your muscles

    The Personal Allowance for them this year is £10,000. Use it.

    It is legal to employ children over the age of 12.  The working hours must not interrupt the school timetable. So we are looking at before 7am and after 7pm. Weekends will be go to utilise.

    Illegal? No ..Tax Avoidance

    There are many more examples I can give here …don’t let anyone tell you that your are doing something illegal when you are legally trying to reduce your tax with clever tax avoidance techniques.


    Week six………She’s still in. Go Katie Bulmer-Cooke (Although we know that you know that we know that you know the outcome already)…

    What can I say…….The Kick Start Fat Loss Annual Conference went down a storm.

    Some very innovative Entrepreneurial Business Leaders got stuck into the content that was delivered by the talented  young…ish  strategically thinking Miss Rachel Holmes and mixed and mingled…like a Brandy & Coke..!!

    And they call it Mommy Love…..!!


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