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  • Instructor Newsletter 14th August









    I can barely type fast enough today as there’s so much going on!
    So much for a quiet steady old August.

    I hope you are having THE best summer.

    Are you marketing your community classes like it’s 2005?

    Flyers, Posters, Door to Door leafleting, let’s face it,
    for the cost and the time it takes it really doesn’t bring you
    many new customers to your community classes.

    And, unless you are constantly trying to jump in
    FIRST & teach the latest big brands who have already put the
    years of marketing & brand awareness in, then it can be
    quite tough to effectively  reach new potential customers.

    So why keep doing it?

    Why keep throwing more money at flyers, when clearly
    the return on investment is pretty negligible.

    We cant keep trying to market our classes, Bootcamps, PTS,
    in fact, ALL businesses like it’s 2005.

    The marketing landscape has changed unrecognisably
    & if you really want to get new customers through the
    door this AUTUMN it’s time to have a rethink.

    Nothing will ever replace good old fashioned
    “word of mouth” & having a good reputation in the area
    where you have been teaching a long time will ALWAYS
    stand you in great stead.

    Digital marketing, new social media strategies, new platforms
    & technology is not just creeping up on the fitness industry it’s
    ON TOP OF US & it’s so exciting.

    If you want to know more & are interested in furthering your Fitness Business,
    make sure you add your email to my new list,
    Fitness Business Academy, for new video tutorials & business
    building updates. Click here to join


    I’ve been a busy bee filming a new range of downloads
    called The HIIT Ideas Series – 10minute downloads with a multitude
    of ideas for your HIIT classes.

    I really want your opinion & feedback over here, so please
    grab some tokens and download and let me know what you think.

    Check out all of the new downloads here.

    I’m also preparing new  workout idea downloads
    for your September classes, so lots of new class content
    coming right up!

    New Class Music – Pump Up The Jamz

    I’ve just released my latest mix with Pure Energy called Pump up
    The Jamz.

    Loads of fun, summer tracks, jams everyone knows and recognises.

    It is on offer if you download it on the Pure Energy Digital website

    Click here for all of the information.

    Get clear about what you want from your fitness business and out of life by Rachel

    Deepak Chopra says we all have roughly 65,000 thoughts every day. 95% of these are the same thoughts we had yesterday, and then the day before, and the day before that, and the pattern keeps repeating.  In fact we are going over the same internal dialogue day after day, programming these thoughts into our mind and becoming our reality. It’s insane but we all do it. Judging by the feedback I get, time management appears to be a huge obstacle for many Fitpros. You want to create your online package, you want to do a DVD, you want to get the right website, start a coaching programme, teach less classes etc . So how do you get the most important stuff done?

    Therefore, I’m bringing to your attention your thoughts, and how CRUCIAL, in fact more than crucial, to get your mindset right first. Get totally clear about the business and life you want to create and the first port of call is to get your mind and your mouth singing from the same hymn sheet.  Prioritise what you really want to do, get clear about it, feel it, live it, taste it and act as if you have already got it and are doing it, and you’ll be 80% of the way there.  Your mind and your mouth need to be saying and believing exactly the same things.

    Here are my Top Tips to Spending your Crucial Time on The Right Stuff

    1.You have to get so clear about what you want. I think about my goals. I write them in a goal book and put them in my phone. I revisit the list daily to keep me on track. We have so many distractions and I’ve got the attention span of a gnat; flicking from job to job, reading emails, checking Facebook, making a drink, chatting to a friend. You may be the same. Well, that has to STOP. Once you get clear and see a mental picture of you shooting your DVD, or the advertising for your new online fitness programme, or whatever it is, and if you find your mind wandering, check that list and get back to it. Pronto. Stay Focused. Stay on Track.

    2.If you keep telling yourself and everybody else “OMG I’m so busy I never have enough time, I’m always rushing around, something always happens when I sit down to work on my project etc etc” then guess what, that will be your reality. Re-programme your mind, say and think things like “I have plenty of time to get xyz completed”. It may feel a lie at first, but as you start to change your internal dialogue and shift your thinking you will realise you actually DO have enough time if this project is really that important to you. You will find time and you will get it done.

    3.Stop being BUSY being BUSY. Work out what do you do to procrastinate. Do you go and make a drink/eat/talk on the phone/online shop/get involved with a long debate on Facebook. Whatever you do, recognize it then go cold turkey until you have completed your project.

    Just changing your perception, shifting your mindset and revising and altering your internal dialogue will work miracles in your productivity. Start with small thought changes. Catch yourself when you find yourself going over and over the same mental movies, be aware when you say “I’m so busy, I’m so blah blah, I’ve not got enough time” and replace that chat and little by little your projects will get completed and you will start ticking off those goals so much faster than ever before.

    Let me know YOUR thoughts on Twitter @RachelHolmes

    Do you want to transition from a job to a full time fitness business

    Judging by the feedback I get from many Instructors who teach part time, and also hold down a full/time job in another industry, making the transition into a full time fitness business is an ambition for many fitpros. So, here are my top tips for making the leap.

    1.LOVE YOUR DAY job! Yes, the job you want to get rid of. Love it and live it because if you work in an office for 8 hours a day and you hate every minute, you doodle about, you waste your time, you send bad energy around and that energy will follow you into your fitness life. Accept it’s a stepping stone and while you are there throw yourself into it 100%. You’ll leave every day with a spring in your step ready to give 200% to your fitness business. “Doing the best you can in this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.  “Put yourself in the best moment” That’s is an Oprah quote, and it’s so right.

    2.Create a financial cushion before you go. This is imperative that you build up some savings and a financial net before your transition. You will need cash to set up your website, create adverts, flyers, leaflets, promotions and PR etc. and you need to have a clear view about the profit you will be making. If you are setting up new classes, get them set up and going BEFORE you leave, even if you have to work so hard at 2 jobs before you finally go. If you are creating an online business make sure you are CLEAR about what you are doing, selling, offering and who exactly is your customer? Are you solving their problems with your services?

    3.If you have new ideas about the fitness services you are going to offer, then get out into the community and make sure there is a market for what you want to offer. For example, do you want to specialise in teaching Pilates to retired people who are free in the daytime? Then get out and find as many of this market as you possibly can and talk to them.  Are they willing to commit to a regular daytime class and what would they pay for this service?
    Do a full SWOT analysis of what is going on in your area. Check out the competition, go and see all of the available halls, find out how many households live in the area, how many leisure centers there are  (private health clubs do a full breakdown of everything) and then work out if you can do it differently or better.

    Then, once you have done a full analysis, you may even come to the conclusion you could do a day job part time and fitness part time and get the best of both worlds. As always, do the research first before you do a full transition.

    Tweet me your views @RachelHolmes Have you made the switch? How did it go? Are you still teetering on the edge? Let me know

    Grow your Email List

    The most important thing you can do for your fitness business is grow your email list on a daily basis, so grab everyone’s email who walks though your door. Make sure you have a HUGE sign up box on your website that hits your visitors the minute they log on and add to the list every day.

    When people meet you or call you to ask about your services take their email and explain you will send them details about the services you offer. Put these emails on a prospect list. Have a template email ready on your phone that you can send out right away. Every week encourage your Facebook and Twitter followers to jump on your list, offer an incentive for doing this. Think, what if Facebook stopped tomorrow, what would you do?

    Make sure you have everyone’s emails and create a regular newsletter or ezine.

    Your email list is your business lifeblood and if you want to create a bigger business this is a task you need to work on daily.

    Have a wonderful week & remember to
    ensure you are signed up on the right
    newsletters for you needs

    Fitness Business Academy – For Business growth, marketing, social media updates.

    KSFL – All nutrition, Fatloss, home workouts, personal development & growth

    Love Rachel xxx

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