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  • Instructor Newsletter 16th May 2013

    Continuing on the jet set trail, this week I’m presenting on The Deluxe Fitness and Fun week at Gural Premier in Turkey. It’s an action packed programme and I’ve been teaching lots of Fitness Pilates, KSFL HIIT, Retro Robics, Chair Dance, mixed in with varying levels of Step. It really is a luxurious holiday, as it’s 5 star all the way. Gural is an all inclusive resort and sports a beautiful fully equipped gym, studio, water sports, team games and, of course, tons of outdoor but shaded classes. The popularity of Fitness holidays grows every year as more people are choosing healthy, active breaks. You always get such an eclectic mix of customers here from elite athletes to complete fitness  beginners, so Henrik (the organiser from Sweden) caters for all with a huge variety of classes, workshops and motivational lectures. For the first time this year I’m doing talks and motivational sessions, alongside the practic al classes, which creates a holistic all round programme for the delegates. If you fancy coming along I will be hosting a group in October, so check all the details, book your flights and we will sort the accommodation out for you. It is a truly fab week and I know you won’t be disappointed.https://www.choreographytogo.com/home-m/turkey-fitness-holiday/ 

    As I like to keep the newsletter current and topical I’m writing this on my ipad mini in between sessions in Turkey, so you have a super, action packed edition featuring my articles on HIIT, Retreats and Monthly specials, plus Jayne, Marv and the young rookie Andrew Scott  and Danni Evans, who has just opened another studio in Ellesmere called Basecamp, Alice Ramcharran Fertility Fitness and, of course, if you would like to join in the conversation or maybe you have a submission that is relevant to Fitpros then tweet me @RachelHolmes
    Fast & Furious Fitness Business Tactics Workshop with Rachel Holmes & Andrew Crawford will be launching in Nottingham on Saturday 13th July.
    We will be presenting all the best information on Future Fitness trends, Getting Your Fitness Business online fast, Rocking Social Media, Tax Tactics, Branding, Digital Marketing, Digital Fitness Trendsetting, Strategic Planning, Hiring Digital Help, Setting up Coaching & Mentoring and a whole host of new and exciting fast and furious Fitness Business ideas. The full day is from 9 – 5 it  is £67 and you will be able to book from Friday.
    Yvonne Radleys New Big Me Up is being held in Nottingham on 15th June. If you need to get more media savvy then get along to this event for all of the insider infohttp://www.yvonneradleymedia.com/special-bmu/ 

    Are you HITTING it yet? 

    I have written about introducing 30minute HIIT workouts to your timetable several times and the reports coming in from the Community Instructors is that HIIT sessions are smashing it. They are time efficient, easy to teach  and super effective and you can piggy back different classes to encourage people to stay for 2 sessions. 

    Is it time that you added a HIIT class to your weekly offerings? 
    With Summer (hopefully!) coming in you may be looking to chop and change your community classes and here are some ideas for you. 
    Add a 30minute HIIT workout, follow it with Fitness Pilates or Freestyle Fitness Yoga class – This works brilliantly well. Do a deal for customers to stay for both sessions. 
    Outdoors HIIT – Minimise your room costs and promote a 30minute Outdoor HIIT for May – August. 
    Aqua HIIT – Do you teach Aqua? Fancy a change?  Take your HIIT music into the pool and really shake up the ladies who don’t want to get their hair wet or make up smudged! 

    Here are some HIIT Downloads to give you ideas. Click here 

    Do you want to teach Kick Start Fat Loss? 

    Many of the Kick Start Fat Loss Franchisees are looking for strong and outgoing Instructors to teach Kick Start Fat Loss Diet and Fitness Club sessions. If you are keen to get involved, teach in the community, active on social media and LOVE helping people with weight management and nutrition then get in touch as soon as possible. We are looking for strong, independent Instructors in Elgin, Norwich, South Bristol, Cambridge, Sutton Coldfield, North Manchester, Stockport, Bucks, High Wycombe, Marlow, Leeds, Nottingham & Derby. If you don’t want to own a whole franchise then you can still get involved and teach with excellent profit potential for the right Instructors. 

     I’m personally looking for Instructors in Nottingham and Derby to teach Kick Start for me. I will train you, set up the class, do all the marketing and promotion, provide the music, lesson plans and promote the whole package. Is this you? I need amazing Instructors and so do many of the Franchisees so get in touch if you are looking for new opportunities and want to get in on the ground level with no outlay. 

    If you are in any of these areas please email me Rachel@Choreographytogo.com 

    Fitness Retreats and Getaway 

    Have you thought about organising your own fitness/health/fatburning getaway? It really doesn’t have to be overseas or some exotic location, it could be anywhere in the UK or even in your own town! 
    You could make it as simple or extravagant as you please, cater for a small group of 5/6 people or a much bigger group depending on your audience and customer base. 
    Katie Bulmer-Cooke runs several small retreats for her clients where she hires a log cabin in the Lake District and takes a small group away who do classes, training and workouts and mixes it with healthy food and cookery. Katie hosts and takes all of the sessions and it is proving really popular with her clients. 
    Something I’ve been thinking about for a while is a to start a monthly Saturday Kick Start Fat Loss Day. I can’t commit to weekly Saturdays as I’m often away presenting and teaching, so Andrew Crawford and I are planning a Saturday morning bash of classes, fatloss talks, Beauty and Grooming all in our home town of Nottingham. 
    My opinion is that the health and fitness  consumer of the 2013 needs to access our services in different ways. We need to be flexible and look at trying new times, new days, new courses. It doesn’t always have to be weekly, monthly specials can work brilliantly well as you can create packages and offer weekly online workouts and updates, make it social and add in a beauty or grooming angle for the guys as well ( Male Grooming is  a massively growing marking). Have a brainstorm and let me know your thoughts on Retreats, Fitness days Tweet me @RachelHolmes 

    Marvin Burton – Tip #4 Lift weights without music 

    One personal pet hate of mine is lifting weight to music tempo’s and timings. If you are teaching these kind of programmes you need to train without music in your personal sessions. Making a class work to music is fun and visually pleasing but with different limb lengths, heights of participants and ranges of movement, the music becomes a limiting factor. If we take squatting for example, lowering for a 3 second count will not allow for a full range of motion at the hip, knee and ankle. For beginners this may be more than enough, for instructors and flexible participants it becomes a repetitive short range so your decreasing your own range over time. 
    Spend some time working to full range and if possible have a friend take some photos from the side so that you can see how your form and technique is.   

    Jayne Nicholls 

    What would you do if you had a spare 900million in the bank? It is no breaking news that Virgin Active are prime to buy the David Lloyd chain bringing it over 200 clubs in the UK alone, but don’t panic you still have time to place a late bid. Perhaps some of the six figure gurus might step up to the table! This is fantastic news for the fitness industry as VA made 11% more profit last year than the year before, so must be doing something very right in the current economic climate. 
    Without a doubt, the fitness industry is alive with opportunity for the entrepreneurial, forward thinking and ‘yes I can be bothered’ fitness professional.  You only have to glance sideways to see people making the most out of opportunity and reaping the benefits that success invariably brings. 
    ‘’So what separates those of us who want to be successful from those of us who are?’’  First we have to define what we as individuals perceive as success, is it the amount of people who turn up to class, the level of feedback from the people who come to class or is it an individual, considered succession plan that we set in place for ourselves? 
    I have experienced the instructor who reaches a level of success that fulfills a healthy headcount and who receives the heady  kind of feedback that borders, satisfaction, love and appreciation from their clients and yet who is eternally hopeful that their employers will recognize this achievement and provide them with more studio space, more money and more respect. 3 years later this hope has turned into a perverse Kubler Ross scenario where bitterness, and resentment rarely results in acceptance. 
    ‘’So why does being a good instructor not necessarily result in the success we desire?’’ 
    Simply because of supply and demand. There will always be good instructors who are prepared and capable of working in the club environment and who will accept a flat pay scale that rarely rises. This workplace is not designed or geared for progression or advancement. It is not wise for any club to give even the best instructors too many classes as this creates a ‘closed shop’ or clique that is hard to replace. 
    No my friends, success comes from working smarter not harder, it does not come from consistently doing the same thing in an environment that does not change. 
    Every instructor can take their skills into a different control group that will earn them more money and capitalize on new opportunities. In order to do this we have to do the following 3 things: 
    1.     Step outside of the situations that are not equipped or prepared to offer you more. Create a better working environment for you and your product. 

    2.     Cultivate niche products that have specialist content. Products that everyone else does not nor cannot teach. 

    3.     Learn to value your information and put a price on the level of content that you give. This is the most important, the more qualified and informed you are, the more value your information has and the more you can charge. 

    It does not matter how much you know, when teaching large groups as people pay for the class title and the group scenario. As the group size gets smaller the attention to detail is increased. 
    It is at everyone’s fingertips to change their success, you just have opt make it happen. Create a succession plan for yourself and then make it happen.

    Basecamp…The Journey starts here with Dani Evans

    Last time I wrote in this newsletter I was just relocating from a barn where I kept my spin bikes in a metal shed.  There was a Bull in the corner, cows & donkeys out on the fields, rain coming in the cracks of the roof and wind howling though the walls. We were moving to a first floor room above a bar in an old town hall with fantastic space and light but so cold through the winter, there were days it felt colder indoors than out! Things all changed again at the end of November 2012 when the owner of the bar, who I sublet off, disappeared over one weekend and he even took the toilets…this posed me and my clientele quite a problem…teaching 3 classes in a row! Let’s just say I learnt to significantly reduce my water intake until the last class. 
    So, no lights on the stairwell, no toilet and just a general empty feel I didn’t feel it was the right place to be and I also felt that if my husband came on board, a specialist in Strength & Conditioning, we could make a fantastic business in an area that needed what we could provide. I can teach almost any class and he loves the gym side of things and also being a sports centre manager in a previous employment he had the management side covered.  Obviously this would all cost money and really was beyond anything we could afford or even gain a loan to afford.  This is where the whole ‘right place, right time’ thing worked for us, a simple sweeping statement in conversation with some clients led to a substantial investment and gave us a confidence and belief in ourselves that gave us the drive to move forwards.    
    That’s when the fun began… we got hold of an industrial unit – very rare to find in our small town but we had to put up a fight for it and my business plan won it…so first rule: Do a GREAT business plan.  Then there was planning application for change of use, this was the main thing we had to wait for, if it wasn’t approved there would be no point in doing anything else…we were quietly confident. Rule 2: get your permissions sorted as early as possible.  One of the main costs would be the mezzanine to house the spin bikes and cardio equipment and underneath would be fitted as MY studio…yes all MINE!! But, that didn’t come without problems.  As you would, you get two or three quotes…first guy through the door was there 5 mins, estimated some measurements and said we wouldn’t need building regs.  Second guy came in doing accurate measu rements and would apply for the building regs for us…hmmm two quite different stories…Rule 3: go with the guy who says you do need to adhere to rules and regs.  Health & Safety has gone crazy now but rules is rules. Then there’s the fire safety, often overlooked by studio owners. We were instructed to hook up the treadmills to the fire alarm system so they would cut out on the alarm going off… we put our foot down at that point but it did raise further investigations that led to us having to spend about £2000 over budget for fire safety. Rule 4: get a fire risk assessment done by an independent company. Fortunately my uncle could do this for us so saved us some money BUT it is essential to adhere to a suitable level of protection. We were advised that if standards weren’t met and an accident happened it could result in a prison sentence. Rule 5: I repeat rule 4 – get it done properly.  The equipment was straight forw ard but had an 11 week delivery, so make sure you plan things well ahead of time, fortunately because I had dealt with the same company for my bikes I was already clued up to how long this might take. 
    Anyway, it all went to plan. We had a fantastic set of tradesmen helping us and timings were adhered to.   I started to drip feed info via social media, mainly facebook as I have a high following locally on there, and a campaign had started. Word got out and I got more page likes, more friend requests and lots of questions.  Within one night of setting up the event on facebook I had 120 people saying they were coming to our informal open day – the power of facebook! Note, I say informal opening day – we had a no frills opening, literally just said we will be there to talk to – James and I didn’t stop talking ALL day, we ran out of brochures and didn’t get to speak to everybody, but  luckily we had some very helpful friends that helped out with that.   Uptake on classes has gone crazy. The gym has a different type of clientele that my classes hadn’t cat ered for and now had a place to train. The strong man training gear we commissioned has gone down so well as we are now seen to offer diversity and we have in place a pre/post natal specialist. A pre- school dance teacher, Laura Edwards, runs her Cardiofit4kids sessions for key stage 1 and 2 and between Laura, myself and James we cater for Teen Bokwa, Teen gym and next on the agenda will be Teen spin. There is a whole host of Adult classes and 60+ level classes are on the timetable…we can cater for ALL ages and with 3 young children ourselves we see that as high importance. 
    We will be doing a grand opening event in a few weeks so we can invite the press, do tasters and allow local businesses to get involved, but we wanted to have time to just speak with people to begin with. So Rule 6: don’t think it has to be a big event to open the doors for the first time, wait and plan it properly, let the teething problems subside and then go for it! Ours will be on June 1st 
    We opened NEW Basecamp on Monday this week and my feet haven’t touched the floor and I’ve been beaming ever since…my dream of 19yrs has become a reality, so what’s next??. Anti gravity yoga and KSFL for starters! 
    Dream. Believe. Achieve 
    Danni x 
    Facebook: Danni Evans  and ‘like’ page Basecamp Studio / Fitness2improve 
    Tweet me @basecamp_danni 

    May is the month of Fertility by Alice Ramcharran

    Did you know that May is the month of Fertility?  Named after the Greek Goddess Maia?  Very topical for us here at Fertility Fitness as we are putting the final touches to our websites and getting everything in place for our launch – starting with trialling some volunteers on our new CONCEIVE program. 
    In the UK now, as many as 1 in 6 couples may have difficulty trying to conceive – so chances are that there are quite a few of your clients who may be experiencing this, or you as an instructor may be going through this yourself. 
    Although for some, there may be problems that need addressing that are out of your control – for others we do believe that a few key lifestyle changes could make all the difference in conceiving naturally, so below are just some of our tips, and we really are in the right industry to be helping make a difference to those struggling with trying to conceive!
    1. Maintain or get to a healthy weight 
    In one scientific study researchers looked at the body mass index (BMI) of over 2000 pregnant women. Women in the study who had a before pregnancy BMI of 25-39, considered overweight or obese, took more than twice the time the time it took to get pregnant than those that were in the “healthy” weight range (18.5 to 24.9 BMI) . Also according to this study a BMI less than 19 or being underweight is even worse for fertility with time to conception increased by four times. 
    Therefore, one of our strongest tips on how to increase fertility here at Fertility Fitness is that you should try and get to or maintain a healthy weight when you are trying to conceive.
    2. Stop Smoking 
    Smoking can impair your fertility and also your partners. Smoking has an effect on how receptive the uterus is to the egg. And for the chaps it can have a negative affect on the production of sperm as well as damage DNA. We highly recommend trying to stop smoking if you are trying to get pregnant and smoking during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage.
    3. Cut Out the Caffeine 
    Drinking too much coffee or caffeine can have a negative effect on your fertility. It is thought that drinking more than five cups of coffee each day appears to be associated with lower fertility rates in females. This is roughly the equivalent of around 500 milligrams of caffeine a day. You don’t need to totally give up your daily caffeine fix just yet though because drinking caffeine in moderation is okbut do Look out for sources of caffeine that you may not be aware of such as soft drinks, tea and evein in some cases chocolate.
    4. Exercise More 
    Exercising regularly is an important factor in controlling your weight  (another good reason to promote classes and exercise to your clients!) and it can also help you to relax which takes us on to the next point 

    5. Learn To Relax 
    Stress is very often one of the biggest barriers to fertility so learning to relax and chill out can help achieve a relaxed state and help in trying to conceive. Have you ever wondered why many women fall pregnant on when they are on holiday?  It’s usually the time you are at your most relaxed and not worrying about general day to day worries!  Ways to relax can include yoga, meditation as well as having a spa day or just getting some ‘me time’ once in a while!
    6. Get the right nutrients 
    Here at Fertility Fitness we recommend the following supplements if you are trying to conceive, because basically the nutrition in our foods just isnt what it used to be. 
    1,000 mg of linseed or flax oil daily 
    1,000 mg vitamin C a day 
    30mg of zinc a day 
    400 micro-grams of Folic Acid a day 
    a daily multivitamin specially designed for helping you conceive.
    7. Track Your Cycles For 3 months 
    One of the easiest ways to work out your likely day of ovulation is to track you cycles for at least 3 months. This means you can maximise what we call the “Fertile Window”.  Taking advantage of the fertile window can massively increase your chances of pregnancy. This fertile window is the six days that end on the day of ovulation. Pregnancy is most likely to occur with intercourse within the three days before ovulation.   3 months will often give you a pretty good indication of what your bodies rhythm is so it then becomes ‘second nature’ to know where you are in your cycle. 
    Have you had any clients who have been having problems with trying to conceive?  Or have you yourself experienced any issues?  We’d love to hear your stories, so get in touch!
    Alice Ramcharran 
    Like us on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/fertilityfitness 
    Follow us on Twitter – FitFertility 

     I just Luuuuurve teaching…………? By Andrew Scott 

    Do we love every class that we teach? That may sound like a ridiculous question but I’ll tell you as to why I ask. As some may know I only teach part time as I have a full time job, with demands and workload of my daytime job with Vision Express, I find that I now need to seriously look at my fitness schedule to try and regain some time back. The problem is……I don’t know where to start. 
    I’ve been through each class and am trying to see which class I could perhaps give up, there isn’t a quiet one, all are busy, there no obvious choice. I teach on average 11 a week (far more than I had first planned) however, one leads to another and my passion and enthusiasm takes over (and that missing fitpro gene of being able to say no). Would I have it any other way…? NO. 
    I do have my favourites to teach my Step and Hilo ARE my favourite disciplines and wouldn’t even consider dropping these, I also teach a Bokwa, Body Conditioning and a Spin. Up until this last week I had decided to give up the spin, expect I walked away on a massive high following the most amazing class. How do I decide? Are we allowed to have favourites? 
    Do we fitpros allow ourselves the luxury of only teaching the classes we want to teach, or do some of us feel we need to teach what will get bodies through the door and ultimately pennies in the bank. I’m aware I’m fortunate as it’s not my sole income and I teach as it’s a massive love for me, and ultimately a huge part of my life. I’d love to enter the presenting arena in the future (God knows what I’ll do about the day job then – early retirement??) 
    Do we jump on certain courses, disciplines, programmes etc. because we want to? I jumped on the Bokwa wagon very early on, over 18 months ago. I went on one of the first training courses in the UK. I did it ultimately because it was different, I was intrigued. I had never done a Bokwa class so why did I think I’d want to/be able to teach it. It was a risk. However the risk more than paid off with very successful classes, I’m now definitely in love the programme. 
    What was the last certification course you went on? Why did you book it? What’s been the result? I’d love to know if any of you would be willing to share. 
    I’ll share my answers. My last course was with Jayne Nicholls on Freestyle Fitness Yoga. I did the course as I wanted to a) teach something different b) had become a fan of yoga and c) wanted to work with a whole new clientele. Yes it absolutely paid off I did a few cover classes, and now have a waiting list for my 8 week blocks that I run at a leisure centre early morning. 
    Do we vary our timetables, do we actively teach a variety of programmes. I feel the cross section of classes I teach shape me into the instructor I am today, I believe it’s good to not put all our ‘eggs in one basket’. Constantly review what we teach, what response we get, what numbers we get, and ultimately how we feel teaching that class. 
    On the flip decide to that, can you spread yourself too thinly across too many programmes, is there enough time to devote to each class. Is there a fine line? 
    To be continued….
    #BeFreestyleBe ARockstar 
    Facebook: Andrew Scott 
    Twitter: @AndrewScott1989 
    Email: andrewcscott1989@hotmail.co.uk 

    How About A Little Slap and Tickle? 
    By Andrew Crawford 

    What does that really mean? Do you know? As far as I can see….you want to hurt me….then make me laugh?? Lol 

    Did you hear that Amazon’s main UK business was given more in government grants than it paid in corporation tax last year? 

    Despite sales of £4.2 billion in this country, the American giant’s British subsidiary received £2.5 million in government grants during 2012 — £75,000 more than the £2.4 million it paid in corporation 

    Amazon is among a string of multinational companies, including Apple, Starbucks and Google, whose tax structures have drawn criticism from the public, thrusting tax avoidance to the top of the political agenda. 

    Also, there has been intense pressure on offshore tax havens to unmask secret bank account holders that has forced five British overseas territories to agree to hand over details to the Revenue. 

    The British Virgin Islands, Bermuda, Anguilla, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands have signed information-sharing agreements with the taxman, under which account holders’ names, addresses, dates of birth, account numbers, account balances and payment details will have to be disclosed. 

    So don’t set up any offshore accounts from the list above…!! 

    It’s STILL interesting to see that HMRC has not ‘Slapped’ Seychelles or Cyprus…….I wonder who they would find if holders of accounts were revealed?? I think they know already but keeping it quiet..! 

    So Andrew……What has a Little Bit of Slap and Tickle got to do with Accountancy and tax? 
    Well…..I want you all to avoid the HMRC’s investigative powers and ‘Slap’ some cash into one of these tax shelters and get a ‘Tickle’ of tax free interest on the other side. 
    What am I talking about here? Not Offshore Tax Havens soon to be exposed by the greedy money pinching Bar Stewards….but Onshore Tax Havens called ISA’s. 
    ?What are Isas? 
    Isas — or Individual Savings Accounts — are tax shelters into which savers can put a wide range of investments, from cash to stocks and shares and unit trusts. 
    There’s no income tax to pay on interest and no capital gains tax on profits. This makes them ideal for long-term savings because money that is not taxed grows faster. 
    They’re also good for retirement because any income taken from them is not taxed, so doesn’t have to be declared to the taxman. 
    There are two basic types of Isa — cash and investment. You can contribute a maximum of £10,200 this tax year, which ends on April 5. 
    From the start of the next tax year on April 6, you have a new allowance of £10,680, which you can put with the same or a different Isa manager — whether it be a bank, building society or investment company. 
    But if you don’t use your annual allowance in one tax year, you lose it forever. 
    Up to half of the total (£5,100 this tax year) can go into a cash Isa and the remainder — or the whole amount — can go into an investment Isa. 
    Every UK citizen aged 16 and over qualifies for a cash Isa allowance, though the minimum age for an investment Isa is 18. 
    Some 18m people have Isas — almost two-thirds of taxpayers — with a staggering £350bn invested. 
    Since Isas were launched in 1999, it is possible to have squirrelled away £99,600 out of the taxman’s reach. Those who used Isas’ predecessors Peps and Tessas could have put a total of £160,800 into tax shelters. With investment growth, some have more than £500,000 in these havens. 
    ?Cash Isas – the tax-free safe haven 
    Cash Isas should be the first stop for every saver. Most give easy access to your money, so you can take it out when you want. 
    Even with today’s record low interest rates you are better off using a cash Isa than an ordinary easy-access account, where 20pc tax is automatically deducted from the interest. 
    In an ordinary savings account, £1 of interest would lose 20% tax, so you would receive 80p. higher-rate tax payers must declare the interest on their self-assessment tax return and pay a further 20p tax, reducing their income to just 60p. Top-rate taxpayers are left with 50p. But in a cash Isa they would all keep the full £1. 
    In addition, Isas tend to pay more. The average pays 1.61%, almost twice the interest offered in the average standard account. 
    There are almost 200 on offer with different terms and conditions…I prefer my Commercial Bank, no interest but easy access 247/365. 

    Investment Isas – tax-friendly ways to play shares and funds 
    Money put into an investment Isa also benefits from tax perks. 
    Outside an Isa, any investment gains over £10,100 could be taxed at 18% or 28%, depending on whether you are a basic or higher-rate taxpayer. 
    Within an Isa there is no tax to pay on any profits when you sell. You won’t have to pay any more tax on the income either. Outside an Isa, income on corporate bonds is taxed at 20%, 40% or 50%, depending on your tax status. 
    With dividends on shares, it works differently. Some tax is deducted before they are paid and this can’t be reclaimed. But higher-rate tax payers avoid having to pay a further 25%. 

    Isas remain one of the best ways to save money. You can put up to £11,520 a year into an Isa (2013-2014 limit), and any returns are paid tax-free. 
    The first thing to know is that you can put your money in either a cash Isa (basically a savings account) or into a stocks and shares Isa (normally a fund that will pick shares, property or bonds on your behalf). 
    Alternatively, you can split your allowance between the two. The maximum you can put in a cash Isa is £5,760, though, whereas all £11,520 can go into a stocks and shares Isa. 
    You can only contribute to one cash Isa and one stocks and shares Isa each tax year. 
    Making the most of your annual Isa allowance is the cornerstone of wise investing. You’ll pay less tax and your money will grow faster. 

    So folks how is your savings coming along? You should have about 3 deposits by tonight..!! Credit card holders……how are you doing?? 


    I watch one programme a week on the tell-lie-vision…called Arrow…I think it is the last one next week….. 

    Now there’s someone who can give you a good slap and tickle you with those feathered arrows…..go figure. 

    Have a wonderful Thursday
    Love Always
    Rachel xx

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