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  • Instructor Newsletter 17th September 2015

    For the last week I have been on the road every day launching
    Kick Start Fat Loss Clubs all over the UK.

    And WOW!

    What a trip.

    I’ve met some wonderful people on my travels and working
    hard with the KSFL franchisees  creating super events.
    Last nights road
    trip was down to Kent, tonight its Manchester, with Glasgow on Saturday
    Gibraltar on Sunday & Wigan next Wednesday.
    Busy Busy but so very exciting as we are spreading the
    KSFL message to more and more people!
    I LOVED this weeks newsletter 🙂 If life is getting pretty
    busy and hectic you are going to be SO inspired by
    good friend Jo De Rosas article and Jessica Brown so
    pleases pour a green tea, sit down and chill for 10minutes
    & have a read…… I know you will love it!

    Discounted Music

    You can get 50% Discount from Pure Energy using the code PEAS15

    My absolute favorite mix  ATM is Chart Breakers 15

    I  have it on Periscope everyday! I love it that much.



    Just landed Our Large 960g Kick Start Organic Cold Pressed
    Coconut Oil

    Have you tried the amazing Kick Start Organic Cold
    Pressed Virgin Coconut Oil Yet?
    For Fatburning Cooking, Baking, Skin Moisturiser,
    Teeth Whitener, Lip Balm, Keeps Fake Tan Fresh, Banish Cravings.

    Its miraculous.

    No preservatives or pesticides.

    Straight from Sri Lanka cold pressed for the highest possible quality.

    Click here for special deals

    Do You need ideas for your Conditioning Classes

    Check out Kelly Reed-Banks new Power Conditioning Tour

    Click here for UPDATES


    Can YOU get to Nottingham on Friday 26th September
    and join my MacMillan Clean Coffee Cakes & Classes

    I’d Love to see you at my new Kick Start Pop Up Transformation Studio

    930 – 10 KS HIIT
    1015 – 1115  Fitness Pilates Massage & Self Care Workout

    Donations to Macmillan Instructors, Fitpros Welcome.

    Todays Periscope LIVE Workouts

    730am Abs HIIT
    8 am Super HI Tabata
    COME and SAY HELLO!!!!!!

    I’ve got the POWER (Conditioning that is!!!) – By Kelly Reed-Banks

    Well it’s that time of year again folks! Everyone is back off their jollies, numbers are back up in classes and everyone has the big C word in the back of their mind!! – Do I dare say Christmas!!!
    So members are back in class, wanting to burn off all the effects of having a long summer and they are looking back at you for inspiration! If you are looking for a little inspiration too of how to jazz up some of your classes then I might just be able to help with my new POWER CONDITIONING tour for the autumn!!

    Every tour I do I always ask for feedback and also ask what you need more ideas on and time and time again the same class gets mentioned which is your conditioning classes. However I do understand that everyone teaches different styles of conditioning, some teach traditional LBT while others teach more dynamic conditioning classes so I wanted to do something which would cover both ends of the spectrum but in the most current format I could. Also taking into account feedback from my recent Abdominal Evolution tour about the fact people liked it being a 3 hour workshop, maximum content and minimum breaks – Get in and Get done format with regards to workshops.

    So I have put together another jam packed 3 hour workshop which hopefully covers something for everyone!!

    We can not ignore the fact that class members demand creative ways to train and often they are just like us wanting the maximum effects in the minimum time so again I am using advanced training principals & formats but with a wide variety of modifications to suit all clientele.

    So here is the breakdown!!!

    Session 1 – SHREDDED – 45 mins

    This is my newest baby of in interval training where I will be taking you through components of fitness against each other to give you the ultimate in metabolic interval training. This 45 min session will have you working Cardio against resistance, Upper Body against lower Body, Balance V’s Power, Speed V’s coordination and then a complete mash up of body parts against each other. As with all my content I deliver on these workshops, I trial these in my own classes and SHREDDED gets the best feedback! It has something for everyone no matter what their goal is and especially if they get bored easily!!
    Session 2 – SUPREME Take 2 – 45mins

    I launched my SUPREME formula on KS Extreme tour and due to popular demand it is back with new exercises and formulas for your clients who wish to reap the benefits from Interval training but without the explosive moves & impact. We understand that some of your clients require modifications and adaptations so this whole session is catering just for them. The music I have had created for this section is also a big winner with my participants using an 80’s mix as well as a Motown pyramid!!

    Session 3 – FOCUS – 45mins

    Using resistance training methods of Tri & Giant Sets, I will be taking all those ‘problem’ areas which clients want to focus on and giving you the most effect exercises in a formula designed to strengthen and sculpt that focus area of the body. These ideas are great to use as a whole class or can be used along side other training methods or Personal Training sessions to give your clients the effect they desire.

    So I kick this workshop off in my home town of Cambridge on 10th October and it runs all the way through until the end of November. Unfortunately there is not an opportunity to bring it to any other location this year so if you want the content then make sure you book on to a date asap as places are already going fast!!

    For more info go to


    As always I have fully comprehensive choreography notes written for you and have filmed everything on a dvd, plus I will have my new cd available to buy which the whole tour is choreographed to.

    Please feel free to contact me for more information – kelly@choreographytogo.com

    Much Love x


    Bye Bye Old Life
    By Jo De Rosa

    It’s time.
    I’m planning my retreat; for 10 days on a tiny island without any roads;
    from teaching yoga; and from who I’ve always been….

    Something so dramatic has shifted within me that all of a
    sudden I need to change EVERYTHING.
    Nothing can stay the same, because I am not the same.

    I did some filing in my office, and got rid of all the paperwork
    I’ve been holding on to for months/years: and it was effortless.

    I went through my wardrobe and chucked away items that
    have been hanging around for the last few seasons:
    and this task was unusually effortless.

    And in my meditation recently I can let go of thoughts like
    never before: and yes you guessed it; it became so EASY!

    This shift has allowed me to step forwards, and away from where I’ve always been.

    And I’m standing on a new shore.

    With absolute clarity.

    Ready for the next chapter.

    The Island With No Roads

    Next week I am travelling to Holy Isle in Scotland, an island just 2 miles long with no roads. From the west coast of Scotland a ferry to Arran and then another ferry over to my destination, makes this quite a mission to even begin my retreat.

    It was 5 years ago that I last visited Holy Island for a 9 day compassion retreat led by Lama Yeshe. This time my reasons for going are quite different, and as I look back on the person that I was in 2010 I hardly recognise myself!
    Since then I have literally meditated for DAYS! I’ve changed my brain and become a calmer more balanced person and it’s not just the inner change, my outer world has also changed beyond recognition.

    My Life’s Work
    I am going into retreat to write my book.
    I cannot do it at home as there are too many distractions, and I need external space to allow the inner work to fully download onto paper.
    This really is my life’s work; this is what I was put on the planet to do; to write this book and get my message out there.

    The book is exactly HOW I’ve done it.
    How I’ve manifested the life of my dreams.
    How I’ve got clean from drugs, alcohol, and crappy food.
    How I stay focused on my goals, whilst still leaving room for play.
    And the book will accompany an online program, day workshops and of course weekend and week-long retreats.

    Bye Bye Old Life
    And to make way for this new direction something has to give.
    What I’ve realised this year is that I am no longer a yoga teacher.

    Well what I mean is that is not my primary role, but something that will fit around what I’m growing into.
    This shift has come as quite a big shock! And in the beginning I resisted it with conversations going on in my head like,

    “What going on?”
    “Why am I not enjoying this as much as I used to?”
    “Why do I not want to teach all of these classes anymore?”

    It’s taken me a few months to allow these feelings a voice. I still LOVE teaching meditation and will continue to do so; with my retreats being more meditation focused.
    So I’ve been trying all of this on for size and getting used to the unusual fit.

    I am no longer a yoga teacher.

    It feels so strange.
    Something that I’ve been doing for the last 15 years.
    My identity.
    But now I am ready.
    My new direction DOES fit.
    I like it.
    I’m smiling.
    And although it’s a new style I am fully owning it!

    Looking Forward
    However there is a lot that I am still not telling you.

    I’m not quite ready to fully unleash where I’m headed until
    I’ve written the book, but it is very much a MEDITATION direction (no shocker there I’m sure).

    My new path feels a little like I’m in the first trimester of a pregnancy:
    wanting to nurture and protect my new creation. I’m getting to know how this new place feels because I’ve never been here before….

    However acting on the urgency I feel about writing my book,
    I know that once it’s all out of my head I will be able to articulate everything in a much more coherent way; but that time is not quite yet!

    Transition is sometimes a scary place; you’ve stepped outside of your comfort zone, but don’t actually know where the next phase is taking you.


    And if you are meditating daily (remember only 5 or 10 minutes will do it) and
    connecting to your source then trust comes easily.
    My trust is actually driving me forwards because I KNOW I am exactly where I should be in this moment x

    Where Are YOU Going?

    So as the whisper of September is
    fully in our ears and here in Suffolk the rain
    continues to pour, where are YOU going?

    With just 3 full months remaining of 2015 are
    you where you thought you’d be?

    And are you ready to welcome in another year in just 106 days!

    Are you confident about your direction?

    Happy with where you’re headed?

    Are your sails set with you EASEFULLY drifting on the right course?

    If the answer is yes that is brilliant!
    If it’s no then I may just have the answer for you…..

    I am teaching one of my very last yoga retreats in November called,
    Yoga, Meditation and Manifestation
    We’ll be drinking ceremonial grade raw cacao, vision boarding, doing tons of meditating as well as practicing yoga. This is your last chance of attending this retreat, it’s the last one I’ll be teaching in the current format (before it’s all change in the new year!).

    Message me if you are feeling a YES to attend.
    There is currently 2 en suite rooms remaining and 3 shared bathroom rooms. The link is below and I’d love to help get you really clear on your path leading up to what is going to be an utterly amazing and powerful 2016.
    Web:  http://innerguidance.co.uk/inner-guidance-retreats/yoga-meditation-and-manifestation-retreat/

    Hold on tight, transformation is just around the corner!
    As ever please let me know your thoughts and if my words relate,
    I’m here to bridge your journey towards inner freedom by connecting you to your Inner Guidance x

    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2015


    If I told you I’d found a technique that gets rid of negative thought patterns, behaviours and addictions, (anything that makes us miserable in fact), you’d be interested right?
    How about if it meant being completely silent for 10 days…still interested?!
    My name is Jessica Brown, I’m a fitness instructor in France, and
    I’ve recently completed a 10 day silent meditation retreat which claims to
    do all of that and more, it’s called Vipassana.

    Before Vipassana I didn’t meditate, I don’t do Yoga, the closest
    I come to anything relaxing is teaching a few Pilates classes a week
    amongst all the bootcamp and Zumba!

    My husband found out about Vipassana and did the course first,
    I bit the bullet and booked on in July (eek!).
    Daily life consisted of 10½ hours meditation (I know!).
    I would like to point out that it is not non-stop, there are
    regular breaks, you are allowed to change position and get up and walk around (phew!).

    The first full day felt like a week, by the evening I could feel panic rising!
    However, so many people had said that I wouldn’t be able to do it,
    I had to prove them wrong, there was no giving in, grrr!

    In some ways these 10 days were a complete break – no classes, no children,
    no timetable, no shopping, cooking, cleaning, (you get the idea),
    all you do is focus on YOU (how often do we get to do that?).

    My Vipassana retreat was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever
    done (and I’ve got 3 teenage children…), but it was an incredibly powerful experience.
    Afterwards I felt like I’d been cleaned from the inside out,
    I literally can’t remember the last time I felt so healthy, calm,
    clear headed and ready to take on the world. It made me aware of
    how my life lacks balance, how I’m busy all the time and don’t really look after myself.
    The challenge is how to bring that back into normal life without getting
    lost in the busy-ness of it all again. I’m doing ok, I think.

    As with most things I was not about to undo 39 years (eek the big 4 0 next year!)
    of habit building in 10 days, but it gives you the tools to take forward and continue.

    If you’re thinking ‘I’m not an addict I don’t need it’, think again!
    We are all addicts, pretty much all of us crave something whether it be
    chocolate, cheese, those gorgeous new shoes, the latest iPhone,
    we’re all driven by outside influences that make us feel we ‘need’ something.
    Most of us also repeat behaviours that make us unhappy, often without even realising it.
    We’re not going to be able to put all our clients on a Vipassana retreat
    (although if we could it would be great!), however,
    I really believe we need to bring spirituality into our sessions.
    It is already getting a lot more popular throughout the fitness industry,
    which is great, but there is still a lot that can be done.
    I have a lot of clients who, on hearing the words ‘meditation’ and ‘spirituality’
    would run a mile! However if we look after our selves only by diet and exercise
    it is like a stool on 2 legs, you may be able to balance for a while,
    but you need that 3rd leg for it all to work on a long term basis.
    We need to get our bootcampers and cardio junkies in on the act as well,
    so we need to be creative, maybe it’s as simple as finding a new name,
    brain training for example.

    If you get the chance to do a Vipassana retreat, do it!!!
    I cannot emphasise enough, get out of your comfort zone and go for it.
    There are centres in the UK (and across the world, I did mine in Spain)
    and the cost is on a donation basis. If I can do it, anyone can do it.
    To contact me: jessica@vie-fitness.net , FB: facebook.com/VieFitness ,
    Twitter: @JessBFitness, I’d love to hear your thoughts.
    For info on Vipassana courses: www.dhamma.org.

    God Save Our Gracious 49 -0….!!.

    By Andrew Crawford

    Tell the truth……….

    How many of you Stand & Sing the National anthem in its entirety, whenever you hear it playing??

    It’s alright…………I’ll wait….!!

    So why to good gracious are the media hounding the newly elected Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn about not singing it. I mean……What’s the price of butter these days?

    God save our gracious Corbyn.

    For all you fight fans..your eyes may still be red from staying up to watch history on Saturday morning.

    What did you miss?

    Well….you missed (assuming you didn’t watch it) Floyd Mayweather Jnr equal Rocky Marcianos unbeaten record of 49 wins and no losses. A feat which should put him in the history books alongside Rocky.


    I don’t think so……


    Because to some, he is not a very liked man. I wonder if it’s because he manages himself and gets a percentage of the gates and pay per view or is it that he has earned over $700m dollars in his fighting career, not to mention the fancy cars, diamond encrusted watches and all the finest things money can buy.

    Maybe it’s his attitude……or that he has beaten all those that have been put in front of him, including our very own unbeaten champion at the time, Ricky Hatton.

    Whatever it is………..God save our gracious Mayweather.

    So Andrew…..

    What has God Save our 49 – 0 got to do with Accountancy and Tax?

    Firstly, I think Jeremy Corbyn was quite entertaining. If you watched a video on Tuesday night going around on FB, you would have seen him being hounded by reporters at the dead of night asking him questions. His reply??

    We are still waiting for that. Good for him….he just carried on walking..!!

    Over to the 49 -0. …Well all those 49 fights were very entertaining……if you are a boxing fan.

    What about you? Do you ‘entertain’ your clients or prospects? Is that cost deductible?

    The HMRC says that entertaining is specifically disallowed.

    So how do you get around…..I mean legally avoid the entertainment trap?

                                                                                                                                                                                                 Firstly, I tell my clients NOT to use that ‘E’ word anywhere near their accounts or book work……it sends shudders down my spine…brrrr…!!
    Ask your clients to come to a presentation of your new fitness programme or new product or service. Tell them to be armed with questions. At the presentation you provide ‘wine and nibbles.’ Your client accepts this in consideration for their time to come to your presentation and the time taken to come up with their questions. Wine & nibbles….deductible.

    God save our gracious Wine & Nibbles.

    Where it is ‘customary’ to provide refreshments as part of your normal business activities and your clients know that this is part of the cost of your expensive service…..then these refreshments (teas, coffee, pims, brandy and champs) are deductible.

    God save our gracious Customarily Normal Business Activites.

    Where you are having a launch of your new fitness fatloss book and the cost of refreshments is ‘minimal’ in contrast to the cost of the hire of the venue….then cost of the refreshments is deductible. Ensure that the main purpose of the event is the promotion of your book….!!

    God save our gracious Promotional Launch

    Supposing you have freelance or self-employed instructors working for you…? The cost of feeding them in a staff meeting ‘over lunch’ is deductible.

    God Save our gracious Staff Meeting Lunch


    I will be at the Leisure Industry Week (LIW) next Tuesday & Wednesday at the NEC in Birmingham. Come and have a chat……bring your own drinks…!!

    ‘You Past Does Not Predict Your Future’ – AJC

    Andrew James Crawford


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