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  • Instructor Newsletter 22 January 2015









    Top of my goals for
    2015 list is to travel
    as much as possible, to spread Fitness Pilates
    & Kick Start Fat Loss
    and see how fitness and nutrition is developing
    in different countries & continents

    I love to see Group X….all the different
    freestyle classes, concepts,
    styles, and how it is progressing
    around the world.

    Traveling fuels my creativity and I get so many ideas
    and inspirations when I’m checking out gyms
    & studios.
    So I’m writing this weeks newsletter from beautiful
    Cape Town where I’m teaching the Fitness Pilates
    training course today
    & I’m presenting a social media workshop
    for personal trainers tomorrow.

    Which I’m super duper excited about.

    The social media workshop is with Virgin Active
    so will be great fun, and the FP is a a beautiful
    Boutique gym & studio called Velocity in Hout Bay.

    As I keep saying, there are so many avenues to go
    down in fitness but
    If you want to do something just crack in & do it,

    You can figure our the small print later!

    Helen Tite from Falmouth did just that she has a thriving
    studio – The Core, Is a Kick Start Franchisee and has recently
    opened a clean Cafe – The Cwtch serving KSFL Clean Food and it is storming.

    Her article is really inspiring.

    Jenny Burrell – Women On Fire Event

    Are you women on fire?

    Last year Jenny’s ground breaking conference
    was one of my years highlights.

    Fantastic speakers and the most ground breaking information
    pertinent to everyone who trains females.

    This year it’s back with a fantastic lineup and topics
    on 25/27 April – Check out all the details here

    Kick Start Nutrition – If want more info on nutrition, fatloss, food, recipes
    & home workouts add your email to my Kick Start List

    Helen Tite – The Cwtch

    26, 000 people live in my small yet amazing waterfront town of Falmouth Cornwall

    With 98 coffee shops and foodie venues available I open a health café and ONLY serve “clean” food. What is clean food anyway? What is KSFLFOOD?

    In days of tightening belts and tough times why would I move into a new (kind of, I teach nutrition) field?

    I have credibility in my field in exercise therapy and fitness and am now growing in business, to the point that I now a Director on Falmouth’s Business Improvement District, BID. As a business owner in my town I am passionate on making the world I live in healthier and more conscious of their health. I want my daughters to have healthier choices especially as one of my daughters is Type 1 Diabetic. She is having an insulin pump fitted, which means she needs to know everything that goes into her body. Not one of the 90 odd foodie shops could tell me the content of their food, which I found shocking. Surely we want to understand what is going in our bodies and if not why not?

    I have a vision that my town needs to be healthier and have choice when decision making on eating out. Dieters notoriously hibernate when “on a diet”. We have an obesity epidemic and the government has requested that businesses by 2020 have a responsibility to assist reducing waistlines nationwide that includes our children. Traditional slimming clubs can’t seem to change mindset and help people make changes for life. Too much vague or untrue or out of date knowledge is out there. Eating for fat loss or healthy eating? Cue Kick Start Fat Loss….

    During a time when I was literally off my legs recovering from hip surgery I starting driving my business forward allowing my team to grow in their own power and develop their craft as trainers and instructors without me. It felt like a natural change for me to develop my KSFL Diet and Fitness Club whilst my trainers cracked on happily without me.

    I invested in being a kick-start fat loss coach and have never looked back. I knew I had a good ready market of customers to tap into to get my return of investment, to educate on an up to date fat loss program and begin to make a difference. As a business owner I wanted to be part of something bigger as many of you who employ people will understand it can be a lonely old place at the top and being part of Rachel’s’ KSFL family presented as a solid platform to share knowledge, spread the KSFL love and drive a good business model forward.

    Last year I had to move premises and re-invent my business. My reception area to my club became my Cwtch Café (it’s a welsh word). This is how I can address secondary spending, improve my bottom line and share the knowledge on sugar and the fat loss war.

    Our approach when we opened in September 2014 was 4 phases. Phase 1: – tray bakes, juices and coffee. The decision was a soft approach. Happy to let our club members get us going with pre and post fitness drinks. The KSFL way teaches you that you can use every single morsel of food and save money on your food bill. As a new business model we can only anticipate profit and loss but we our overheads were low.
    The beetroot brownie was a killer, the greens drinks flew out the door and then we became brave and tried serving KSFL salads (phase 2), served with a little knowledge and explanation on the benefits of the clean food which was sourced locally. Phase 3 we became bold, sweet potatoes served with clean chili, a huge amount of clean sweet treats, curries, stews and omelets.
    Now we are phase 4 where we produce meals for customers for a week. We can deliver to businesses and prepare and cook KSFL meals for our clients supporting them on the KSFL program.

    So now you do have somewhere to go when you are making a lifestyle change. Even naughty has a healthy twist and we are starting to understand that clients have become lost and lack confidence in their own kitchens.

    I see my café as a hub for my clients and the general public to socialize and a place where we can offer guidance and support. By day very much the 99th eatery, by night a workshop and therapy center for wellness and sound nutritional knowledge. Making my space work from dawn until dusk.

    The live Kick Start Fat Loss Diet clubs are run out of The Cwtch Café and clients can take food away both fresh and frozen. We follow recipes and ideas created for KSFL and sell the recipe books as a secondary spend.

    We have flexibility within the franchise model to make Kick Start Fat loss work for our postcode areas. Live clubs really work for me and now the take away food delivery is reaching beyond our Club boundaries into new markets, new customers.

    The Kick Start Fat Loss Franchise is firmly on the map. We are making a difference and we are being heard. People want the truth about fat loss and make better health decisions and the fitness industry has the credibility to educate and reverse chronic health conditions by teaching people to eat clean and cut the sugar. I am in the Fat Loss Revolution. Are you?

    helentite on Facebook


    A topic I love to revisit from time to time, and as I am just completely revamping and overhauling C2GO website plus its the new year its a great time to make sure your website is fully functional, able to take bookings and YOU are able to update it. Here are my top tips for creating the perfect fitness website for your business.

    1. In my humble opinion WordPress is still the best platform to build your website on. It’s free, you can choose a funky theme and you can easily get someone to create it for you really quickly. Both C2Go and KSFL are both built on wordpress blogs.

    2. Invest in a robust email newsletter delivery system. Aweber, Constant Contact & Mailchimp are all great ways for you to collect email addresses and send out your regular newsletter and your special offers and updates. YOU have to collect every email address possible and build up a list of everyone who visits your site and comes to your sessions.

    3.Wordpress has tons of “plug ins” which means you can plug in videos, podcasts, photos, audio features and pretty much everything you need to make your website an all singing all dancing site that is attractive and will service your members and client base. Plus, it will create your own revenue stream.

    4. Learn how to update your site yourself. Firstly, I would get someone to create your site for you and get lessons from them on how to update it so you can change, tweak and update the site as often as required. If you can’t do this, then life can become expensive and difficult as you will always have to rely on a 3rd party to update things, which is tiresome. So learn how to do it yourself. It’s worth it.

    5. Invest in great branding and graphics. Your banners and logos need to be created professionally. Choose your colours, logos and fonts wisely and employ a graphic designer to do a selection for you until you get the right mix for you and your brand. This could take a few weeks so don’t rush it and really consider the kind of image you want the site to give.

    6.Make sure you have a shop where you can sell your classes, services, online products easily and are able to add new products as your create them.
    Paypal is the easiest way to take payment, so sign up for Paypal Pro account and lean how to create Paypal buttons to take money in your shop.

    7. Create great content for your website and keep updating it. Your site is a reflection of YOU and your services. There’s nothing worse than a cheap looking, outdated site, so keep adding to it once it is built.

    8. You can easily get a wordpress blog/website built for you. My favorite site to getting things technically done is Peopleperhour.com and I like to use people based in the UK. They maybe a little more expensive but you will get what you want so much faster and easier than if you outsource overseas. Use the same site to find graphic designers and adding plug ins for your site.

    If you already have a site that’s looking a little tired and not really performing, then now is a great time to put some effort into it and getting it all shiny and new ready for the summer.

    Outsourcing Tips

    If you have decided to get a new website then I suggest 100% you take a look at www.Peopleperhour.com I LOVE this site and get so many of my technical jobs done here. You can easily search for web designers, take a look at each one carefully and check out their portfolios. You will be able to see samples of their past projects and work. Put a brief together of exactly what you would like to create send an email asking if this is something they can do for you. I would send your brief to several possible designers and ask for feedback on your project, then all you need to do is choose the one that feels right for you.

    Quick Tips when Outsourcing
    1.Create a brief of how you want your new site to look.

    2. Search PPH website and check out as many of the web designers as possible.

    3.Contact each one that looks like it could fit your bill and email your brief asking for feedback, costings and how long it may take.

    4. Research thoroughly each designer’s portfolio and ask more questions if necessary.

    5. Choose one. You are asked for a deposit, then the balance on completion.

    You will need to make tweaks and updates as you work though the project. Ask the designer to consult you at all stages of the design to ensure they are on track.
    Getting a site built is really not as scary as you think and using a site like PPH is a straight forward process. Do let me know how you get on. Tweet me @rachelHolmes or message me via facebook.com/Choreographytogo

    Have wonderful day
    Love Rachel xxx

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