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  • Instructor Newsletter 22 November 2012

    Hi Everyone. Hope you are well? It is unbelievable to thinks it’s 22nd November, in fact it’s scary. It’s all systems go planning for 2013, securing venues, coming up with new formats, designing flyers and marketing and it’s great if you can do it before the festivities all kick in.

    Step is back – C2Go contributor Vikki Scovell has relaunched her new/old Step class 5 weeks before Christmas to a packed house. Her article below is such a breath of fresh air and for all the emails I have had saying “Yes I want to bring Step back but……storage etc”, well my friends where there’s a will, there is by jove a way. You all know my passion for freestyle and even in the midst of result based training and the weightloss/fatloss epidemic there is still a HUGE population of people who just want to come to great classes, with great music, master choreography, walk away on a high and enjoy wine at the weekend! I think if YOU love your Step or Hilo and you love the music you choose, it really moves you, and your passion and vivaciousness is evident, people will find you, they will come and they will come religiously every week.

    Sally has also touched on a great point regarding building a community within your classes. I definitely identified with the point she makes regarding the busiest classes are the ones I’m there 30minutes before and still talking and laughing with people 30minutes after. I bet that’s the same for you?

    I also made a decision this week to teach on Christmas Eve and NYE. Am I mad? Possibly, but I LOVE teaching on these days and I usually get a large turn out. I would go to the gym anyway and I’ll be on a real high after class, PLUS I consider many of the loyal freestylers good friends, who I do want to wish Happy Xmas to and give them a hug and a kiss on NYE. Are you teaching Xmas or NYE? Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    Final KSFL Xmas 14 Day Digital Detox Starts Monday – 14 Brand spanking new workouts, 14 new motivational and the final 2012 KSFL tweaks and twist. All details will be ready for booking tomorrow so check your inbox for the details tomorrow morning.

    New KSFL Recipe Book – At last…. I’m so proud as this has been coming for months the first KSFL Recipe Book 14 x brekkie ideas, 14 x lunch and 14 x dinner and it comes as a beautifully digital flip book (which has taken me months to suss!)turn the pages like a real book and you can view it on all your mobile devices making it handy when you are prepping in the kitchen. Click here to see

    An Audience with Rachel Holmes

    I will be giving a full day seminar on building your fitness and sharing my blueprint to arm you with all of the latest trends, updates, ideas and marketing for 2013. It’s Northampton on 1st December and you can find out all of the details here
    http://anaudiencewithrachelholmes.com/ Its a small and select day so you will need to get in quick and I will be delivering EVERYTHING in a no holds barred fashion. The day is in conjunction with Andrew Crawford and we have some great information to share on everything business related.

    Free Webinar How to Get More PR for your Fitness Business

    Myself and Yvonne Radley are holding a free webinar next Monday 29th November 930 – 1030pm on how to get more media exposure for you and your business and you can register here

    World Fitness Pilates Day Guildford is now available for booking Sunday 20th January 2013 with myself and Kelly. There are spaces at The Spectrum and a lot went yesterday Click here to book

    Are you blogging? – Rachel

    You know how important writing articles for your newsletters, blog posts and updates for your Facebook notes and
    social media is? I thought I would do a quick bullet point to keep you on track and focussed.

    Blogging/Writing/Publishing Articles

    Writing article
    s and blogging regularly is a powerful way to build credibility and visibility. Your aim is to educate your prospective clients about your ability to apply what you know to their situation. Regular blogging sets you up quickly as an expert and it drives traffic to your website but you have to do it consistently.


    1. Titles and Topics – What is of most interest to your target audience?

    2. Headlines – How can you get attention and interest and lead readers into reading the body of the article?

    3.Where are you going to publish your article – Your blog, newsletter, social media, local press

    4. . Leverage – How can you use the articles you’ve written to leverage your business?

    Once you have taken the above points into consideration put finger to key board and
    start writing, it doesn’t have to be long, If it’s your local paper you are hoping to get your article in then consider writing a series of short articles that can be included as a weekly series, maybe write a weekly FIT TIPs column covering a whole host of fitness issues.

    If you can’t get in the local rag then do a weekly Fit Tips Column on your Facebook page…why not
    Let the world see your knowledge and expertise. Remember there are over 1 billion people on FB now so create some great content to cut through the noise.

    My top 10 FIT TIP Topics:

    1.New Trends – Especially with 2013 fast approaching?
    2. Healthy Eating/Fat Loss (Always a winner!)
    3. Fitness books or DVDs that you can recommend (For Xmas present ideas)?
    4. Review Home equipment (many people will want equipment for christmas so review)?
    5. Pilates information and exercises (Pilates session are constantly busy all year round)?
    6. Personal Training / SGT?
    7. Weight Training for Woman – Still so many myths and misconceptions?
    8. Increasing muscle mass for men
    9. Kids Fitness
    10. Pre and Post Natal fitness

    r whatever is your niche.

    Make each article snappy, informative and always conclude each article with your contact information, list of classes and a little picture.

    Post your articles on your blog, social media and send to all local media outlets and do it CONSISTENTLY. Regular blogging will help you build fans and followers.

    Tweet me@RachelHolmes

    Private schools and your fitness business by Sally Ghafoor.

    I am feeling very under whelmed with my middle son’s school at present and have decided to take him out of the local comprehensive school and so have embarked on finding him a new school. I decided to take into consideration independent schools, so today I went on over to view an independent senior school.

    Obviously the class sizes are smaller, so the education they receive is that much more significant. However, what really struck me was the community feel that is missing from the not so aptly named comprehensive community schools. As the headteacher showed me around the school, he knew every single name of every pupil he bumped into. He knew their interests and asked them how they had got on at certain events the weekend before. This school made me feel warm and fuzzy, I knew my son would feel special and part of something. I wanted him to go there, I wanted him to be part of this community. Can me and my husband afford the school fees? Well no, but I will find a way, I will work harder and longer.

    So, what’s that got to do with fitness? Well a lot actually. Community classes, why are some full, why are some not? It is easy to put your finger on why. Community classes are all about creating a community, knowing everyone’s names, knowing what they are up to, creating a loyal following. Creating the same warm fuzzy feeling of doing something that matters, being in a group that’s fun, with someone teaching you that really truly cares, feeling part of something. Where even if they can’t really afford that £5 a week, they find a way because they enjoy not only exercising but the chat you have at the end, they feel special.

    I looked at my own classes and what stood out significantly for me was that the classes where I teach and then go straight off to the next class are not as busy as the classes I do not have to rush away from. The classes where I stand and have a natter and a laugh and where I know everyone’s names. The weekend just gone I held an event, we danced for 3 hours and raised over £3k. All the people that came (there were over 80 of them) were from classes where I had created a community feel, the people who’s name I knew and conversed and joked with. People come to my classes not because I am some great instructor, but because we have a community.

    Today’s society is lacking in community feel. Get some community spirit in your classes, make people feel they are part of something and remember to reward the most loyal of people, otherwise you will be watching them walk away.

    Jayne Nicholls

    There seems to be a mass of worrying and procrastinating at present re decisions that are in reality out of our control. We have PPL, REPs, FIA and Skills Active all making decisions that affect us and can impact our income. My comments here in no way reflect my opinions on any of these organisations but as an industry leader may affect the way that you move your business into 2013. My message here is as a business woman who has learned step by step how to build a long-term stable and sustainable business and how this journey has impacted how I run my day to day classes.

    It has undoubtedly been a struggle for many instructors to keep up numbers in 2012 and as we are in a numbers game this can impact us negatively. When and if this happens the fees that we are obliged to pay can begin to niggle and our perspective can change. Of course there is a link from ground floor to all affiliations BUT where and when we part with our earned income comes down to us.

    We only have a say on what REPs do if we are a member. No one makes us join REPs unless we work in a club that advocates membership. At this point we need to add up how much the yearly REPs membership totals and offset it against our yearly income from class remuneration. It is a small price to pay to have the stability of regular classes and regular pay. If we join REPs because we ”have to”, this is the time to question the validity of this decision.
    Things change, information changes and qualifications update. Our responsibility is to update as the industry evolves not as our peers do. Unfortunately we have ”peers”, ”role-models”, ”leaders” calling the shots and deciding where, how and when we conduct instruction. If we are wise we will conform to industry standards first and then invest in ”other information” second. If we invest in training and information that is not recognised, we cannot then expect people to accept or recognise our skills.
    Finally we need to internally audit all of our classes to see if they are profitable. It is without doubt that we can perform on a personal basis but if this is the case we can lose sight of the economics of what we do. if the amount of people who attend your classes does not cover the basics of room rent, PPL, travel, equipment, insurance, then it is not worth keeping it.
    These things often hit us hard but if we take a fresh approach to how we conduct our weekly schedule, we can survive change and funnily enough it can work in our favour.

    Think about it in the run up to Christmas and remember this, there are other ways to boost the inflation of base level costs. if you didn’t need to do it before, you may now so take a look at what the industry has to offer rather than perceiving it to be taking away.

    Over and Out – Jayne Nicholls www.groupxtraining.com

    Are you a driver or a passenger? by Cori Withell

    Times are tough! Classes numbers seem to be falling, it seems to be harder to get new business ideas off the ground and this can have a massive knock on effect on you and your emotions and on your relationships.

    What do you do?

    Unfortunately I don’t have all the answers but I do have this…….

    YOU are in charge of YOUR life.
    You are the driver.
    It is your hands on the steering wheel.
    Your foot chooses to push the accelerator or the brake.
    Your hand hovers over the indicators.

    So, what are you going to do?

    Sit in the drivers seat and pretend to be a passenger and ‘hope’ everything will work out okay?


    Are you going to place your hands firmly on the steering wheel, choose whether to go straight ahead or take a left or wing a right, and accelerate away?

    The choice is yours 🙂

    Health and happiness x
    Cori x

    Katie Bulmer-Cook

    Last weekend I was at Ribby Hall, presenting at the FitCamp’s convention. I had a great time, and especially loved my Little Black Dress Workout class, it was packed out with lovely people.

    I’ve had quite a few people ask me how I got into presenting, so in this week’s article I thought I’d share how I did it and what I believe makes a good presenter.

    After practicing and polishing my teaching skills through watching myself back on video and asking for feedback from others, I put together my presenter profile pack which included:

    A short biography
    My qualifications
    My presenting/industry experience
    5-10 session titles and descriptions
    Contact details
    Head shot photograph

    I also created a short show reel of me teaching my classes and teaching to large groups, such as warming up the crowd at the Race for Life. Volunteering to teach the warm up at events like this is a great way to start off your presenting CV.

    Some events booked me straight away but some have taken me years to get into; re-inventing my session descriptions and sending in my pack year after year.

    For me a good presenter has fantastic teaching skills, from cueing and coaching to right-footing and visuals. They should have well rehearsed content, breakdowns and be professional. There are so many presenters I admire, but at FitCamps last week Michael King was by far my favourite He was all of the above and more. Totally flawless! Michael has been around for a long time and is a very experienced and polished presenter.

    So if this is an avenue you would like to explore, find your niche, and try and fill a gap in the market. There are lots of Aerobics and Dance presenters out there, and although this seems to be what a lot of people would like to present, having something different to offer will help you get onto convention timetables so much quicker. Martial arts, conditioning, aqua, themed pilates, particular client groups…whatever you chose make it stand out and give it a snappy title that will attract both convention organisers and attendees.

    If you get knocked back at first, don’t be disheartened, keep evolving and trying.

    If you want to sharpen your skills and learn more about getting into presenting, check out Jayne Nicholls’ Presenter Module.

    I’d love to hear your feedback,

    KBC x

    Step is Back with Vikki Scovell

    All over the country there are cupboards, attics and garages full of un-used and simply rubbish items of fitness equipment, shamefully hidden by the guilty January exerciser; the sort of person for whom a vibrating cushion seemed momentarily like a great way to bin a stone of unwanted bottom-flab.
    Ab-cradles are languishing at uncomfortable angles behind flimsy weight-benches which are busy gathering fly pooh and paint-splashes. Under-the-stair spiders are building their homes amongst the tangle of wires and wet-suit material which was supposed to jiggle the tummies of the chubby into a fat-burning frenzy whilst they sat munching digestive biscuits in front of day time TV. Bizarre machines with bicycle pedals, resistance bands and sliding seats are consigned to landfill alongside little trees of .5-1.5k dumbbells.
    Plastic bags, bursting with exercise videos and DVDs are dumped outside charity shops under the cover of darkness, the faces of forgotten soap stars beaming insincerely from the covers. Power-plates can be found, hidden at the back of double-garages, away from the guilt-ridden women who never attained the abs of Madonna, and who basically wanted to stand still whilst getting thinner. Consider the millions of pounds and dollars wasted on this pile of twisted metal and plastic tat, imagine the weight of guilt and disappointment of the poor souls who so wanted ‘the body’ but made the wrong choices.

    But wait!

    It could be that some of this stuff is actually useful, that some of it can be recycled for the good of mankind and the future HAPPINESS of the UNIVERSE. NO! Cast aside your ab-cradles, they were never any good to anyone, but rummage at the back of cupboards, move away the kids old doll-houses and bicycles, and search as hard as you can for your old AEROBICS STEPS because ladies and gentlemen, if we need to resuscitate any of the old fitness gubbins, IT HAS GOT TO BE STEP!

    Last Thursday I taught my first step class in 6 years. I have watched my beautiful people getting down to some great dance music in class: some of them clearly itching to move and to dance, and not just to do burpees and spiderman press-ups.

    The problem was the steps: no way of storing, and transporting them (as well as my kids to school). I put a shout out to see who would be interested in finding, borrowing or buying a step and starting a new class. I found a CD folder full of old Step-Classics, and rooted around in the extremities of my memory for a simple routine to teach. I launched the class with all of my usual first-class anxieties: will my short-term memory deal with choreography routines, can I actually teach step, what if everyone is horribly un-coordinated, what if I am horribly uncoordinated, what if they hate me and want their money back? Well, I am pleased to report that the class rocked, we flew the routines, boogied on down, and mambo-chassed and 3-knee-repeatered it to the MAX. It was awesome, nobody wanted to stop, and I was floating on air for the whole day, all I wanted to do was get straight back into class and do it all again. I taught the same class to my bewildered teen-ages rowers, and despite obviously thinking I was deranged for the first 20 minutes, they gained that huge sense of achievement you get when the routine comes together, when you move (almost) as one, when the music takes you, and you are shimmying over that step with your heart free, and a smile on your face.
    Come on guys, can you remember how great it feels? Let’s get Step rocking again: many of your clients will remember how much they loved it the first time (one of my ladies said she felt 30 again: 20 years younger), young-uns may be attracted to the retro-idea, and you may just change the minds of the undecided by putting on some great music, easy-to-follow routines, and making it a complete laugh. Let’s do it for the sake of our bodies, and our hearts and souls. Keep a spring in your step, a smile on your chops, and see you next time,
    Vikki Scovell @fitbite (don’t forget, my cook-book for sale at www.fitbite.co.uk )

    Don’t take your finger off the pulse
    By Claire Mockridge, Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    Firstly, thank you so much to everyone who emailed/tweeted/messaged me about my article in last week’s Newsletter on “Terms and Conditions”. It seemed to strike a chord with many of you out there who have been struggling to know what sorts of things to put in place, and not having the confidence to write firm but fair Ts and Cs. I know several of you who’ve contacted me, have already made some dramatic changes, so well done for taking the plunge. You won’t regret it, I’m sure.

    I’m not sure if you’d agree, but at this time of year, it’s very easy to take your eye off things and your business. Christmas is just around the corner. It’s a time when things can be a bit hit and miss when it comes to class numbers, and at times, you may feel like giving up and throwing in the towel.

    If you’re 100% self-employed like me, I always find during November and December some classes are busier than others, and often there’s no rhyme or reason for it. This happens constantly for me throughout the year in fact because I deal with a very transient client base eg pre/postnatal. A pregnant client is with me for roughly 20 weeks (if I’m lucky!), and I train some postnatal clients for just one 6-week course, and never see them again. I have to work very hard to: a) get clients in the door to start with, and b) ensure I retain them and feed them into an appropriate alternative class/income stream.

    For those of you who work with a niche population like me, you’ll see some classes get so full that you’ll have to run a waiting list, and at the same time, you’ll find other sessions kind of plod along, making just a small profit. And, to be honest, no matter what you do, you can’t understand why 3 months ago your Monday class was heaving with a waiting list in operation, and now, it’s dead.

    I think sometimes, we over-analyse things. We create excuses which we think our clients are using for not signing up to our classes eg it’s Christmas, maybe it’s the wrong time of year to launch this class, there’s too much other competition around me nowadays etc. Who’s making these excuses? You or your potential clients?

    I sincerely believe that if you want to fill your classes and make your business a success, you’ve got to ensure you’re marketing and advertising constantly, and giving your brand awareness at every opportunity possible. Without exposure to your services using the “little and often” approach, people: a) won’t find out about you, and b) won’t be reminded of your services.

    Let’s face it – if your class is empty, it’s too late to start marketing – the damage has already been done. Stay ahead of the game, predict future lulls by looking at previous figures and do something about it, before things crash and crumble.

    Look into your crystal ball and let me know what you see.

    Bye for now.

    Twitter – @ClaireMockridge
    Facebook – /ClaireMockridge1
    Closed Facebook Group for Pre/Postnatal Instructors: www.facebook.com/groups/ClaireMockridge

    Outsourcing and Delegating by Philippa Burnett

    Listening to Rachel’s Vlog last week re: outsourcing and delegating really hit home. We Fit Pro’s are a strange breed, we obviously get in to this industry because of our passion for fitness, health and not forgetting the big one – helping people.

    We get qualified and insured and out we go into the big wide world usually without much of a clue where we are actually going and how on earth to start! Now we might all be exceptionally talented in our own little sphere be it Pilates, in my case, or Personal Training, Nutrition, Zumba and so on, but, that’s such a small bit of what we actually do! The first thing we usually do is to become a designer and we design our own business cards, flyers, brochures, letterheads etc etc. Then as we set up classes, we have to work out our own book keeping system and learn to keep our accounts in order – not an easy task if you’ve never had any experience in this field. We become our own PA, answering phone-calls, emails, filing, sending out letters, paying bills, organising classes, finding places to teach, buying any necessary equipment, obtaining licenses and so I can go on. As technology has stormed ahead, we have had to become web designers, Facebook and twitter users, we have to do videos and recordings, some of us write books and run courses…….wow, need I go on!

    We start off a talented and inspiring teacher and end up with wearing so many numerous different hats, no wonder we get drained, tired and burnt out trying to juggle too may jobs…..and what happens to the teaching, its hard to be inspiring when you are constantly so overloaded.

    We’ve all been there, most of us are still there, doing everything for ourselves…there are so many benefits to being self employed that we simply are not taking advantage of. Last week I was lucky I took half term off……but off what??!! Certainly not off from working, I spent the week catching up on loads of tasks that I don’t get time to do normally, mainly paperwork! I simply took the time off from teaching, not the other stuff!

    So, to get back to the point, I am not going to be in this situation this time next year, I’m slowly, and it is a slow process for me, starting to delegate and outsource, months of struggling with my website has been passed over to someone else – phew the relief! I shall be outsourcing and delegating more and more, I’m going to free up my time for my passions and regain my energy and enthusiasm to pass on to my clients – lets not forget why we went into this industry in the first place!

    Happy teaching!

    Philippa x

    Yo Yo Yo…There Ain’t No Santa……But There’s Louis Walsh
    By Andrew Crawford

    Rarely do I watch and get drawn into any of the Slow Systematic Subliminal Brainwashing Media Manipulation ‘Programmes’………Highly Censored ‘In The Public Interest’ on a Need To Know Basis….aka as the media.

    However, I couldn’t help but notice that Christian values (if you are religious in any way) around this period are slowly being stripped away and replaced by a fictional dude in a red and white suit, long white beard, black boots, bag full of swagger, an outdated mode of transport and flies through the air delivering prezzies to the excitable nippers, down chimney pots without getting black from soot and making an awful mess on the cream shag pile carpet with those big ole heavy rubber boots supporting a full sized male figure which could do with a 14 day KSFL detox programme known as Santa or Father Christmas if you will…!!

    Every programme to be scheduled around this festive period had this fake character as the central focus and the good he does for children….let me lay this down gently for ya…

    It’s a lie…!!! There ain’t no Santa…!!!

    Another lie perpetrated to the avid watcher is the completely fixed tele-vision-‘Programme’ known as X-Factor.

    Correct me if I’m wrong….but is that contest about talent? ‘Nough said… each week when the ‘lack of talent’ gets through, I know it’s curtains for a good act to be ceremoniously thrown out. Don’t get me wrong but that exaggerated person is an entertainer but no singer…!!

    I take my hat off to Louis Walsh …I KNEW they were going to go to him FIRST. It was the way the Presenter hesitated ‘until he received full instructions in his earpiece’ …you could see it…!!

    So he didn’t choose…which was the right choice for him (Cheryl Cole pulled that manoeuvre before. ) He had 2 of his group fighting each other to stay in…what a position to be put in.

    Talking about fighting…….does THIS make sense to you?

    Our soldiers are forced to go abroad to go and KILL the people who KILL their people to educate them that it’s not right to KILL.

    So Andrew…..
    What has Santa Claus who needs a serious KSFL makeover, the resignation of the BBC Chief who obtained a fat payoff and Louis Walsh got to do with Accountancy and Tax.?

    Well…Santa season means purchasing gifts mostly online (if Louis Walsh’s group wins) purchasing musical CD’s from the internet.
    Remember that if you buy anything in this way it is still regulated. It is as though you entered into a contract with the buyer and/or the seller.

    The rules that apply offline still apply online. (Not sure if that includes online porn….a HUGE industry…have you ever watched any?…in my youth days, I did have a little peak now and again and again …..lol)

    The following legislation will apply to you and your website and the site you are buying from; the year after the law is very important so make sure you know which one is correct. You will get some stuck up mofo quizzing you as to which one you are referring to….so ‘Learn & Churn’ it.

    The Sales of Goods Act 1979
    The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000
    The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations
    The Data Protection Act 1998
    The Electronic Commerce Regulations 2002

    The Sales of Goods Act1979 is a great one for you to learn. Where goods are sold in the course of a business, this section will apply. Goods sold must comply with their description, be of satisfactory quality and fit for their purpose.

    So remember, if goods are faulty, ‘The Customer’ is King…you can either reject the goods and get yourself a refund, ask for a replacement or sue the bar stewards for compensation.

    In order to comply with The Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 ensure you or the other side supplies you with the name and address, a description of the goods, delivery with 30 days and a cooling-off period of seven days and a full refund within 30 days.

    Under The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contract Regulations your terms and conditions must be written in plain English and be fair…know wot I mean guv??

    Under The Data Protection Act 1998 simply ensure that you or the site you are purchasing from has a privacy policy and that you comply with the eight data principles. Most importantly ensure all personal data is safe.

    Under The Electronic Commerce Regulations 2002 make sure your site shows your company’s full name (if limited) and registered address, the registration number, the place of registration, the VAT number (should not apply if you structured your business in a tax efficient way) and membership of any trade or professional body.

    All I’m saying is be careful with online shopping, the quality of goods bought and sold and contracts which are made everyday when buying and selling. I’m not going into contracts today…..!!

    My good friend and colleague has a deep passion for the Fitness Industry and wants to share with a few people her tricks, tools and shortcuts for you to copy her successful Fitness Business.
    At the moment she has successfully completed the first phase of her new revolutionary KSFL Diet and Fitness Clubs.
    If you are struggling at this moment and are overwhelmed with your situation, I highly recommend you read all about it here…

    Have a fantastic Thursday….yo yo yo…!!

    www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com www.facebook.com/fitnessindustryaccountants www.facebook.com/andrewjamescrawford

    Yvonnne Radley Fitness Media

    One of the things my coaching students struggle with is knowing what to write about. Half the time they don’t realise how interesting their lives are and that when they are talking to me they are giving me GREAT stories. I thought I would share a few of their stories with you so you can take inspiration from them and use similar stories to try and promote your own business.

    1: John is organising a Christmas Day Bootcamp, he’s getting loads of local publicity and even has a national paper involved.

    2: Kerry moved back to the UK from Cyprus and has just opened her own Burlesque Dance Studio – not a news story on the face of it but the Euro has been MASSIVE in the news all summer and it turns out the cost of living reached such a high Kerry had to come home. It made a great story and she was featured in her local paper, a 15 min slot on radio and now a national magazine is featuring her in the New Year.

    3: Cori Withell’s yoga class was cancelled by her local Catholic Church – surely that’s not a story? Yes it is! She was featured in The Sun and in the papers, magazine and TV all over the world because it caused such a religious row after the church criticised yoga.

    4: Jill Gardner was keen to film some cookery DVD’s so we came up with a Twitter campaign to find her a hot chef to do the cooking. The local paper loved it and did a massive feature on her. Her local radio station also asked her to do her own show.

    5: Another client told me she’d handed out an award recently to students for her local paper and she’d agreed to mentor one of them. Now we’ve developed her own Annual Award which is going to raise her profile massively and the local paper are doing a feature story on her later this week.

    You could take any one of these ideas and run with it, just write a press release and send it off to your local media. Let me know how you get on.
    Yvonne Radley
    E: Radley@yvonneradley.com

    Have a wonderful Thursday

    Love Rachel x

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